Spy Mage System

Chapter 273 - 273 Furniture Adventure

273 Furniture Adventure

The conversation we were having before was dispersed right after she got that pancake. She seemed to have lost her train of thought, or something along those lines.

“So, we know the plan tomorrow right?” I asked her, in which she nodded. “When’s the plane flight?”

“Three pm, so we should have some time before we have to get onto the flight,” she said.

“Okay, good,” I muttered. “Should we try and get different clothes so that the TSA won’t notice us as much?”

She paused for a moment, then nodded. “Probably a good idea to be honest,” she said, scraping up her food. “I wanna look like a tourist.”

Fantasies were already beginning to form inside her head.

“Well, at least it’s anything different,” I said, shrugging. “I’m just going to try and wear something that isn’t like me, you know what I mean?” I said, but she shook her head.

I sighed. “Tourist, yeah, good idea.”



We exited iHop, looking around for our car before we found it, and we entered in it. “Alright, we maybe we can find a place to rest,” she muttered.

“Did you not learn from the first time?” I asked, which she shrugged.

“I never exactly mentioned a hotel or motel or any of the ‘tel’s,” she argued. “We can just sneak into a furniture store and sleep in one of the beds.”

To be honest, that was not a bad idea. That could perhaps work. “I mean, I guess so,” I said. “Let’s just hope we don’t get caught by any security guards.”

She nodded, as she pulled the car into reverse.

She exited out the entering driveway and onto the main road, searching up the nearest furniture store on her phone.

“We’re gonna need a charger soon,” she said. “My phone is at twenty.”

“Shoot,” I muttered. I didn’t even have my phone, they took it. I just managed to fetch my gun before I escaped from that van.

“Alright, well let’s hope there’s a charger there,” I said. She continued driving through the road, passing by a few cars here and there. Even a truck, which was an 18-wheeler for some grocery store I suppose.

Eventually, we saw a store that was ahead of us, with big red letters posted on the side of the building, although one of the lights weren’t illuminating the B of the store.

“Alright, here we go,” she grunted, as she began to pull in this time to the furniture store. Every parking spot was vacant, and the only lights in the area were the flashlights of the security guards.

“Okay, turn off the car,” I said to Brie. She nodded and turned it off. Silence followed shortly, as a few seconds passed, just to check if it was safe.

“Alright, go,” I said, as we rushed out the vehicle. Brie carefully closed the door of the car, before we made our way towards the store.

She looked around, searching for any sign of what could be TSA agents, or maybe police in general.

“Shh,” she said, as she gestured for me to follow her behind some bushes. We were behind this post that was reaching above us.

A security guard passed us, and steered over the corner, as we quickly shot past the first corner. Now we were at the second corner, as if this was the second level.

There were now two guards occupying the perimeter. “My wife is probably worried sick!” one of them said, laughing as he did so.

“Why?” the other guy, which he has this big burly brown beard.

“I don’t usually come home this late. My wife has this sort of curfew, you would call it,” he said, which now both men were chuckling.

I was sort of interested on what was happening, but I was suddenly grabbed by Brie over the next corner. This time, there was this door that was blue with rust on it.

“Should we go in?” I asked.

“Well, let’s hope its open first,” she said, walking over to the door. She held the doorknob hostage, and then wiggled it, in which it submitted and opened the door.

“Perfect,” she said, as she walked through, with the door welcoming us in. Darkness occupied the room for a moment, until I felt a light switch, which then the boxes and tools blinked with life.

The place was now radiated with light from the big lamp that was hanging on the ceiling.

“Okay,” Brie said. “Follow me, and stay quiet, otherwise, we are for sure dead.”

“You don’t say…” I muttered, which she unfortunately heard. She shot a look that scarred my soul, in which I gulped in submission. She carefully opened the other door that led out from this lobby of a room.

Darkness escaped to this area, except we couldn’t evict it out with the light otherwise the guards would notice.

I sighed, looking around before a little light caught my attention. A lamp was turned on, with Brie being the culprit.

“We can use these, and maybe we can find a bed somehow,” she said, her voice sounding like the little whispers in the air.

I shrugged, trying to see with the support of that little light. “I’ll try and look for some, you just keep turning on more lights,” I said, in which a thumbs up jumped from the darkness.

I walked through, barely able to see any furniture as I continued searching like a hunter in the nightly forest.

I felt the texture and structure of certain objects, in which the answer clicked in my mind, but it wasn’t the answer that I needed.

I continued to wander through the halls and sections of the store, as the plates and bowls shined through the black surroundings.

They twirled like those little crafts that hang on a rope, twisting both ways from the faint air. The sinks looked more like big mouths, ready to devour anything.

“Okay…I’m in the dishes section, where are you at?” I asked.

“I’m not even sure to be honest,” I heard her say, although her voice sounded more like the result of an echo.

I nodded, as if she was going to see that. She’s far away first of all and even if she was right beside me, the darkness would cover her eyes anyways.

But all of a sudden, my legs stumbled and tripped me, as my hands felt this texture of a soft, plumpy type of object.

“Wait…” I muttered, as my eyes veered to the corner of my vision.

I quickly went over to the lamp, turning it on, in which the object revealed itself to be a king sized bed, with comforters and sheets.

“Whoa!” I shouted, my heart leaping for joy. “I found one.”

As if she spawned into the server, she suddenly appeared by my side, looking at the beautiful bed that was laid in front of her.

“Oh, finally, I can sleep,” she said. “It’s been too much of a long day.”

But the day was about to get even longer. Suddenly, someone shouted in the distance, “Who’s there?” Fear instantly retook the throne from joy, as I rushed over and turned off the light.

“Turn off the others!” Brie said, her voice filled with panic. I nodded, and I ran over to the other ones, turning them off and letting the darkness take over the room once again.

Slowly, the lights were shutting off, before I ran back and slid under the bed, my eyes darting around to see if any feet were going to arrive to the scene anytime soon.

This was bad. And I knew it.

Suddenly, one foot showed up right behind one of the dressers, in which the other joined. He walked slowly, and our breaths were stopped immediately as he continued to search around our area.

The flashlight was like a dog, sniffing around with its blinding rays.

The man, or woman, or some other thing was silent like air, not saying a word, but only his feet echoing through the room.

I didn’t want to say anything, I couldn’t say anything.

“Okay, okay, we need to get ready,” I muttered. “Once this person has his back against us, we take him down, alright? It’s two against one.”

Brie looked at me, but then shrugged, as if she didn’t care anymore. “Sure, let’s do it,” she said. I nodded, as we slowly crawled out from under the bed, and the person—a woman—had her back turned against us.

But once we got even within two feet of her, she turned around, and a baton was coming my way.

“Whoa!” I shouted, rolling under and returning to my knee, looking at her with shock rolling through my eyes.

I looked at her, and she was dressed as a security guard. The one thing that threw me off was that black utility belt that was resting on her waist.

She was a TSA agent.

Brie noticed as well, being the fact she took out her wand as if that was some normal weapon to have in store.

She swung her wand, and that’s when the clanging of the wands began its tune.


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