Spy Mage System

Chapter 249 - 249 A Heated Discussion

249 A Heated Discussion

It was purple and shaped like a lightning bolt. He pointed it at me, and I looked at the wand. I could feel my heart racing, and my mind began to panic. I could do this, I thought, but suddenly he shot a bolt of lightning at me. I quickly jumped to my feet, and dodged it, but then he shot another one. I used my speed to jump over it, and I was at the top of the elevator.

He ran up after me, but then he shot a bolt of electricity and sent me back down. I hit the floor, and I got up to my feet. He ran towards me, and I knew that he was going to shoot at me again.

“I’ll stop you!” I shouted, raising my wand.

“I don’t think you will,” he said, his voice was dark. I needed to change my way of fighting. I needed to change my techinque, but how? As far as I’m concerned, this guy is going to continue to shoot bolts at me until I drop dead, or this elevator shuts off and we end up going down. One or the other. Maybe his legs. If I drop him to the ground, I’ll be on higher ground. Or at least the only one standing. He won’t shoot so easily.

“Come here, and let me show you what I’m capable of,” I said.

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” he said.

“I know more than you think,” I replied.

He paused for a moment, and I could see the fear in his eyes. But then he smirked, and began to laugh. “You’re too weak, and you’ll never defeat me,” he said, but then he stopped.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, and I smiled at him.


“I’m not laughing because you’re too weak,” he said. “I’m laughing because I’m going to kill you, and then I’m going to kill your father.” He grinned, and I wanted to punch his teeth out. Quickly, I swung for his thighs, hoping to kill any of his stability.

I missed, and I could see his leg swing forward. I quickly jumped to the side, and then I heard him grunt in pain. I jumped up, and then I hit him in the stomach with my wand. He dropped the two briefcases, and opportunity shone in my eyes. This was the time. I had to get it!

I quickly snatched the briefcases and I ran for the elevator. But being that Lock wasn’t far from me, he caught up to me instantly. I went into the elevator and pressed the button, but in the end, as the door closed, Lock entered. Now it was me and Lock, fighting for two briefcases. I pressed the top floor, not sure of what to do from there, but it was going to take a minute or two until we reached the top of the skyscraper.

One or two minutes to neutralize Lock, and obtain the briefcases.

“Well, this is weird,” Lock said with a chuckle.

I nodded, and silence took the room completely. After a few seconds, suddenly, Matthew Lock swung his wand towards my neck, which I managed to stop at the slightest moment.

“You’re really strong, aren’t you?” I asked, my voice was shaky.

“You’re not so tough,” he said. “I’ve been fighting longer than you.”

I smirked, and then I threw my wand at him. But he immediately caught it, and now I was left with no wands but my hands, while he was using two wands like dual weapons. This was bad.

“It doesn’t matter who you are,” I said, “or how much experience you have. You can’t beat me.”

“Maybe you’re right,” he said. “But I’m not going to tell you that.”

I laughed, and I started to run towards him, ready to destroy him. I would get the briefcases, and I would leave him on the ground. But when I got closer, he suddenly kicked me, sending me flying across the elevator. The elevator shook, and the lights flickered before it returned back to normal. I landed on my back, and I looked up. I could see him grinning at me, and I knew that he wasn’t going to give up.

I stood up, and I grabbed my wand. I raised it, and he shot another bolt of lightning at me. I threw up my wand, holding it close to block the bolt. The bolt dispersed once it hit the wand, and I sped forward, with renewed confidence.

I swung for his head, but missed, mostly because he dodged under it. He then tried to swing for my back, but by the side of my eye, I caught him and blocked the attack. I then got him in a choke hold, and I squeezed. I could feel his throat struggling to breathe, and I could hear his heartbeat. I held it as long as I could, but he managed to push my arms off of him.

He then kicked my chest, raising me from the ground and into the wall, causing me to wheeze. He then turned, and shot a bolt of lightning at me. I ran to the wall, and I felt the electricity shoot past me. I jumped, and I landed on the other side.

He ran after me, but I jumped to the left and then right. Then I swung for his head, hoping to knock him out, and maybe end this charade. But he blocked it and threw it to the side, kicking me in the leg before swinging for the finisher. He swung for my ribs, and I jumped out of the way.

I rolled to my feet, and I turned around. He was coming for me, and I knew that he was going to shoot at me. I dodged out of the way, and I saw a chance. I ran towards him, and I jumped up and kicked him in the face. He fell, but he was still conscious. He got up, and he spat blood out of his mouth.

“I’m going to make you regret this day,” he said.

“I’m counting on it,” I muttered. He scrambled to his feet, and wasted no time in effecting a strike. But that strike knocked both wands out of my hands, and shock was the only thing written on my face. It landed coincidentally by the two briefcases. We were now down to fists.

“Trust me, I’m way better at hand combat than you,” Lock said. “Try me.”

I looked at the numbers that depicted which floor we were at, and we were almost to the top. Thirty seconds at best.

I punched him in the jaw, knocking him down. He fell to the ground, and I could see that he was getting back up. I needed to do something quick. I jumped at him, and I put my knee on his chest, and I grabbed his hair, and I pulled his head back. Matthew Lock grunted in pain, and eventually it worsened to a cry of pain. I pinned his face against the door.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I said. “But I will if I have to.”

He looked at me, and I could see the fear in his eyes. He was a man that had lived his life without fear, and he didn’t know how to deal with it.

“You should be scared,” he said. “I’m going to kill you.”

I smirked. “I know,” I said, “but I don’t think you’re going to.”

I pulled my wand out, and I pointed it at his face. I then touched his forehead, and he shut his eyes. I held it there for a second, and then I moved my wand to his neck. I needed a good place to whack him and knock him out, and then take the briefcases. But all of a sudden, the door of the elevator opened to the top floor. We were in this hallway that led to the highest balcony of the skyscraper.

But that wasn’t the problem.

The problem was Luthor Bane and some of his TSA guys that were pointing their guns at me, which was quite embarrassing because of the position I was stationed in. I wasn’t going to get the briefcases, and I wasn’t going to get out of this alive.

“I wouldn’t,” said Luthor Bane, but I knew that I had to do something. But what? Then all of a sudden, the door to the left that was for the stairs shot open, and September and the rest of my team came to the rescue. “Don’t shoot, Bane,” September ordered, pointing her gun directly at the side of his head.

“It’s over,” she said.

“You don’t understand,” said Luthor. “We need this virus, and you’re not going to get it.”

“I don’t care about that,” she said. “You’re not going to kill Connor.”

“I don’t have to,” he said. “I have other ways of getting the virus.”

September was taken aback, and then she smirked. “You know, I really don’t like your tone.”

“I don’t like you,” he replied. “I don’t like your boyfriend. And I definitely don’t like you.”

September’s expression darkened, and I could see the rage building inside of her. “First of all, he ain’t my boyfriend so you can stop that nonsense right now.”

“Ay, let’s chill…” I muttered. “How about we get the briefcase, you can guys get Lock. Terrible deal I know, but it’s more better for me.”

“Who does this fool think he is?” one of Luthor’s men asked, and Luthor chuckled.

“You’re going to regret saying that,” I said, but I was only making an empty threat. I had nothing to do with it.

“Connor, he’s going to kill you,” Lock said. “I don’t think you want that—”

“I didn’t ask,” I grunted towards Lock, trying to keep my mouth immobile. “Listen, give me the briefcases right now,” Luthor Bane ordered. “Or I’ll blow his brains out.”

I could feel the anger burning in my stomach, and I wanted to punch him in the face, but I managed to restrain myself. “He doesn’t deserve to die…yet,” I said. “Let’s figure out something. Because you guys are very, very, very smart people. You’re the best of the best. I mean, you guys are the best of the best. You have to have some sort of plan for this, right? Let me join in—no us—join in.”

I pointed at September and the rest of the team, indicating their recent join. “I can help you out. I’m great with computers, and I’m a great fighter. I could help you out. What’s the harm in that?”

Luthor Bane seemed to be taking that into good context, but then he cocked the gun, and clearly it showed that it backfired.

“I don’t know,” I said. “But I’m sure that we can come to an agreement. That’s all I’m trying to say. Listen, I can do it, I promise. I know what I’m doing.”

September and the rest of my teammates looked at me with suspicion. “Why would I work with the man who is about to kill the guy that holds our agency’s future,” Luthor Bane said. “It’s taking a lot in me to not pop you in your skull right now.”

“Look, I’m just saying,” I said, “I can help you out. I’m good with computers, and I’m not afraid to fight. You guys are the best of the best, and you have to have a plan for this, right? So let me join in. I’m not trying to betray you or anything. I just want to be on the winning side, and I want to help. I want to be on the side of the good guys. I want to be on the side of justice.”

“Justice? There’s no justice here. There’s only power.”

I smiled, and I shook my head. “That’s the spirit. Let me do it. Let me be part of the team. I can assure you, I won’t mess up.”

“You know, I really don’t think you should trust him,” Lock said. “I don’t know who he is, but he is definitely an enemy. “Keep your mouth shut!” Malachi said, pointing his gun right at Lock’s forehead. “We don’t need any more trouble. Just hand over the briefcase and then we will leave,” Luthor Bane said.

“No, you fools,” I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. “I’m not going to hand over the case, but I’ll help you out. I promise. I’m good at this stuff. I’ve done this a few times, so don’t worry.”

“I’m not doing a deal with you, nor will I let you ramble your mouth and waste my time. Hand it over, now.”

I sighed, and I put my hand in the briefcase. “You’re just going to have to trust me.”

I opened the briefcase, and I took out the virus. But all of a sudden, I felt Matthew’s elbow knock me in my nose, as he sped out the elevator and towards the door. “He’s running!” Nikki shouted, and both TSA and YMPA agents chased after him. He barged through the door, and approached the edge of the roof.

I looked at the virus, and I tried to grab it from the briefcase, but Matthew Lock was too fast. He held onto his briefcase, and he threw himself off of the roof. Surprise was drawn on each of our faces, unsure of what to even do next. He must have a plan in mind, but what?

“Did he just throw himself off the roof?” I asked.

“He did,” said September. “What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know.”


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