Spy Mage System

Chapter 248 - 248 Chasing After Lock

248 Chasing After Lock

Things were going completely backwards, and when I say backwards, I mean backwards.

“See,” Malachi said, walking a bit closer. “They are just warmongers, unlike the real Mr. Lebanon. We were quick and effective, and we can still end this out successfully. Give me the virus and antidote, and take the money on that table.”

Matthew Lock looked directly at Malachi, who returned back with a hopeful gaze.

Then Lock turned to Luthor and Mr. Bane, which Luthor Bane still had his gun pointed at him. It was like staring at death in the face.

“You know,” Matthew Lock said, adding a chuckle. “My father always said, in certain situations, you need to back out to try again. You weren’t ready the first time, but now with experience, you’re bound to succeed the second time. If not, the third time’s the charm.”

Where was he getting here?

“But in this case, you guys came unprepared with this entire volley of drama sneaking behind you, and now blowing up in your face. I can tell you this much, you had one chance and now you messed it up,” he said.

He chuckled as he took a seat. “You see, these guys behind me now ensure my protection. It would’ve been nice to have the TSA and the ISM watching over me. But one is fine I guess. The ISM is now under my payroll.”

“What?” Mr. Bane muttered.


“That’s right, with this money, I made a deal with the ISM to side with me at all costs. I would continue to provide them money, and in return they will be under my wing. So as I said before, you had one chance, and now it’s gone.”

All of a sudden, he pulled out a gun and fired the first shot.

Now, bullets shot through the entire room, puncturing the walls and boxes and spraying wood through the air.

“Get down!” September shouted, tackling me down to safety. My entire team dropped down to avoid any of the gunfire.

“What in the world just happened?!” Tisiah shouted, covering his head, and his voice decreased in volume from all the shots. “I don’t even know!” I shouted, feeling the spraying wood fall on me.

I covered my face, and I could feel my heart racing, and my mind was panicking. “Someone needs to grab that virus!” Nikki shouted. But the gunfire was too much, and anyone could end up shot and killed from any bullet. I looked around, not sure if I should do it or not. I needed to, but this was a bad time to do so.

“September!” I screamed. “Take the virus!”

September jumped to her feet, and I held my breath. She rushed over to where the briefcase was, and I closed my eyes and prayed that she didn’t get shot. But suddenly, one of the ISM agents belted towards her, and crashed her to the ground. Fear shot rapidly through my veins. But then that fear melted to anger.

Quickly, I shot up to my feet and scrambled towards her. The ISM agent noticed my presence, and immediately got up with his hands balled into fists. He was a huge man, and his muscles were bulging, and I knew that he was going to attack me.

“You’re not going to kill her,” I growled. But the man didn’t respond, and instead, threw a quick right towards my jaw. I ducked, and the punch missed me by inches. I then shot up to my feet and charged at him. He quickly blocked my attack, but I ducked under his arm and elbowed him in the stomach. I heard his ribs crack, and I hit him with a kick to his knee.

“I’ll break you,” I growled.

“I’m not afraid of you, little girl,” the man said as he pushed me back.

“Girl?!” I shouted, knowing that I was a man. “I’m a man, and I’m not afraid of you.”

I grabbed his shoulders and tried to slam him to the ground, but he was too strong for me. But all of a sudden, he dropped to the floor after getting molly-whopped by September’s gun. “Well…thank you,” I chuckled, nodding slowly.

“Are you alright?” September asked.

“I’m okay, I think.”

“Thank you, September.” I smiled at her. “You saved me, and I couldn’t have done it without you.” She chuckled. “Let’s deal with these guys first, then we’ll start thanking people.” Two guys rushed towards us at full speed, but September quickly shot two bullets, neutralizing them.

“Get down at the corner,” September said, pointing to the corner while flailing her gun around.

“Try to use the other hand when pointing,” I suggested.

“Okay, I’ll try that,” she said.

“And don’t get yourself shot,” I reminded.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so excited to be using this gun!” she said.

“I know, but I’m not worried about you,” I said. “You’re more careful than me.”

She grinned. “Get to the corner, I’ll protect you.”

We crouched and made our way towards the corner. September shot a few bursts of bullets, which one of them hit a guy towards the left, while the three traveled into the wall.

“I can’t believe how easy it is to kill someone,” I said, looking at the blood that covered the wall.

“You’re lucky, you have a good teacher,” she said.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “But I’m pretty sure I can learn a lot from you.”

“You’re really confident,” she said.

“Trust me, I’m not usually like this,” I said. I looked to the side, seeing Malachi and Tisiah join in the fight. Nikki was still shooting at the ISM. I could see the light go off in the hallway.

“What’s going on?” September asked.

“I think it’s a bomb,” I replied.

“Are you kidding me?”

“I’m serious,” I said. “It looks like a flash grenade.”

“Okay, well, don’t move,” she said, her voice was low and deep. “And keep your hands away from your face.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because,” she said, her eyes turned to me, and she gave me a slight grin, “if the grenade goes off, the force will knock you back.” I spoke, but no voice came out, and I just kept quiet in the end. She began to move closer to the attacking ISM spies.

The grenade exploded, and I was blown back. I landed in a pile of bodies, and I rolled around, trying to find something to hold onto. I felt the wood slap against my face, and the dust covered my entire body. I sat up, my eyes burning from the smoke, and I realized that I wasn’t hurt. I saw Malachi and Tisiah running towards me, but I couldn’t see the others.

“You good?” Malachi asked.

“Yeah…” I muttered, taking hold of his hand. I rose to my feet, and took a few deep breaths. “Where’s Matthew?”

Right then, I saw a man with two briefcases walk out of the room, and my eyes widened in shock. “He’s getting away!” I shouted. “I’m going after him!”

“No wait!” Malachi said, but the door was already shut, meaning his message didn’t go through. I looked around, not seeing Lock in the hall, but as I turned to the right—I saw a little glimpse of him over the corner.

The opportunity was now in my hands. I quickly ran after him, but tried to stay a bit quiet so he didn’t hear. I approached the corner, feeling my heart rate climb quickly, and my hands tremble in fear. Then I shot out and revealed myself, but then a bullet shot towards me. I dodged out of the way, seeing the bullet puncture the wall instead.

I turned to see Lock now running full speed.

I ran after him, keeping close quarters of his location. I ran as fast as I could, my heart pounding so hard that I could feel my pulse in my ears. I turned the corner, and he shot another bullet at me. This time, it hit one of the pictures that were behind me. He ran towards the elevator, in which I knew I had to get in there with him.

It was basically a death wish, but I would lose him if he entered that elevator, and left in time. I sprinted, getting close to his position. He was about to push the button, but then I was right behind him, and he pushed it. Because of my speed, I rammed into him, pushing him against the wall. He threw me off, making me hit the wall to my right.

I stumbled, but kept my ground. He had a look of shock on his face, and I knew that he was surprised to see me. I was panting, but my heart was beating very fast, and I knew that I was going to win this fight.

Right then and there, he pulled out a new weapon: his wand.

“You are going to die today,” he said, pointing the wand at me.


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