Spy Mage System

Chapter 225

225 Final Fight

“Hello Connor!” Dr. Mord shouted with his crazed voice, instantly striking fear inside of me, because I could tell that he was already trying to get inside my head to do his evil deeds. “You look quite tired now, don’t you?”

He was definitely mad now.

“Why don’t you use your wand to fight against me?” Dr. Mord taunted me with his cruel tone of voice that seemed to make me shiver and quiver inside my skin. “You too scared to now?”

“I have something better!” I shouted at him, still shooting out my lasers that kept undeniably missing, only to crash into the water again and again until the water began to form a thick cloudy mist as it fell down upon me, making it difficult to see anything ahead or around me. “That’s better?!” Dr. Mord shrieked at me like some sort of bird, before he fell into some sort of laugh or cackle I couldn’t bear to hear, but I continued to shoot out my laser shots while avoiding all the other obstacles that he was throwing at us right now.

Doing this whole laser shot game ain’t gonna work anytime soon, but there was nothing else to do.

Lasers was all I could do, because I can’t do a shockwave on water, that’s like trying to make tsunami on land! There was something else that I needed to do, but what exactly? There was only one solution that would be super–duper risky, but at this point, it had to be done.

I put my foot on the back brim of the boat, feeling the wind and the air smack against my face brutally, but I didn’t mind that. It actually felt in that matter, as I looked ahead and saw Dr. Mord’s boat sprinting towards us at full speed, not holding a single thing back.

I needed to do it, but I was scared, petrified to be exact, but I knew that this was what needed to happen for me to survive this whole situation, and maybe even save our lives as well.

So I stood up on my feet, grabbing the edge of the boat was in while the wind pounded against my face and eyes, as I charged up my Perk and when it was done, I shot from the boat–leaping through the air before I came crashing down onto Dr. Mord’s boat.


Well, somewhat.

He suddenly moved out of the way, making my target the water instead–but somehow and someway, I clutched hold the brim of the boat–now swinging in the air.

“What, get off!!!” Dr. Mord hissed, as he began to waver and steer left and right. I felt myself sway like the grass in the field, except I was more of swinging by the cold water that was spraying itself at me, as I was in midair right now.

I gritted my teeth as I clenched my hands into fists so that they wouldn’t slip and fall off of the edge. “You must like the roller coaster, don’t ya?!” Dr. Mord chuckled and wheezed, before he fell into a laugh that made me feel dizzy and sick inside of my stomach.

He was crazy after all.

“Well, we can do this all day! I don’t need the others, you’re as good of revenge as is!” he cackled, before speeding up and now steering more excessively to the sides, while I hung onto the boat like a baby kangaroo clinging onto its mother in the tree branches of Australia.

I looked by the side, seeing an opening that could end this swinging cycle, as I began to reach for it slowly–very slowly before I laid my feet onto the door handle of the boat. Gravity continued to pull me, but I kept my strength even amid all the constant movement.

Slowly, slowly, I pushed down and I could feel the release of the door, as it creaked open, giving me an opening to enter, while I lifted my head up to see the edge of the boat just inches in front of me. I could fall if I wanted to and right now it was very tempting to let go, but then I could be thrown out into the sea instead.

I needed to get momentum and so I did, swinging back and forth before I made it closer to the door, just enough to reach, as my fingers opened up and stretched out as far as possible as I reached out for it–and then I released.

I released and flew into the door, entering with a loud crash before I looked up, seeing three guys accompanying Dr. Mord. He suddenly looked back and shouted to them, “Take him down!”

This was bad.

I needed to get to Dr. Mord before he reached to my team, but these guys were blocking the way, and as long as they were here–things were only going to get worse from here. I need to back up, stay calm, and just get through this as quick as I can. Quickly, one of them barreled towards me at full speed before he came in with a good swing. Immediately, I rolled under-appearing behind him.

Clearly, this is gonna work.

But suddenly, the guard blocked the hit, and slid it to the side before kicking me in the chest.

I stumbled back, trying to keep my ground, before I looked up at him. His confident and sly smirk was plastered on his face.

But clearly, he hasn’t seen me at my best.

Straight away, we blasted towards one another. He first started with a swing that shot over my head, giving me time to affect my technique.

I shot forward with a hit, but he suddenly blocked and prevented it from its goal, and now I was back to square one. This time I came from the left, but he blocked that. Then a right, which he blocked, and at every single angle known to mankind, he blocked.

Suddenly, his cockiness really began to simmer as he sprinted forward with a powerful swing that crossed my jaw.

I flew from the ground, crashing into the wall before dropping to the floor. I felt my legs flutter as I began to slowly rise to my feet, seeing the two guards ahead snickering and laughing, like I was some sort of amateur.

Slowly, I got up, feeling the pain seethe through my body. But I still prevailed as I began to belt towards them, coming in with a good swing before the other decided to jump in.

I obstructed his attempt, before swinging it out of the way in time to follow up with a kick to the other guard’s chest.

He stumbled back and blood spurted from his mouth-though I don’t know why-while the other was dashing towards me at full speed.

Not gonna lie, I didn’t notice it-so it was quite the surprise when I managed to prevent the attack from becoming reality, as his wand collided and clashed with my own before I swung it to the side.

I pushed him back a bit, to make some space between us. I looked at him dead in the eye, before he went again, barreling at full throttle towards me.

That’s not good, I’m gonna need to push him back-and hard. He came in with two swings, which I blocked both-giving me enough time for my real attack. I charged up my Perk, letting the energy simmer through me before I finally swung hard.

It struck the part under his jaw and he flew back, crashing into the cockpit of the boat.

Now there was only one guard, and I knew that he would have been prepared for my last attack because he instantly sprang back and jumped at me from behind. I turned around quickly as he came in with an elbow to my head which I managed to deflect and dodge, before he rushed forward with another swing of his wand to the side of my face.

But I ducked, feeling the wand pass over me and the wind whip against my neck, before I took a few steps back. The guard did the same as well. We stared at each other, and I heard my heart beating quickly inside of my chest, but I had to slow it and get a peace of mind, at least for now.

I needed to breathe and calm down before I came in another attack, and maybe–maybe I could end this, but then he began to rush towards me again at full speed.

This was it.

This was it or else he would be able to attack me any moment now. He swung hard, his wand coming for my hand at full speed. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the blow. It came crashing through the air and struck against my wrist, but it was only an attempt as I turned around and he smacked himself in the face with my arm before falling to his knees in agony.

I spun around and raised my arm back for a swing that was meant for him but he moved out of the way before I hit nothing but air and crashed into the side of a seat.

I looked at him, seeing his face drool with sweat, but I got up to my feet slowly. Pain seethed through my body, but I kept my strength secured as much as I could, even if it felt like it was getting hard to breathe through my nose due to all the blood that was starting to seep through my mouth. But suddenly, the boat stopped, and I looked around to see what was going on?

What happened?

Then suddenly, multiple flashlights shined towards the boat, as I covered my eyes from the blinding light. I couldn’t even look around without blinding my eyes completely, and I even began to stumble as I inched forward.

It was almost like a nightmare–it felt so surreal that it couldn’t be real. As if I was trapped in an illusion and this wasn’t even happening in reality, but rather–just in a dream. But then, the light began to reveal the figure behind the shining brightness. YMPA boats.

“Oh my...” I muttered. I looked around, and it was just boats. Boats galore.


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