Spy Mage System

Chapter 224

224 Running at Sea

“Nikki, shoot at em!” Mr. Drails shouted, and Nikki immediately took his word to action. She got out her wand, and soon enough, bolts shot out of her wand and sped towards the pursuers.

Crash-splash-the boats went as the bolts collided with them, and they capsized from the sheer force and recoil of the bolts. Drivers flew from their seats before they splashed into the water.

“Yes! Let’s go!” Malachi rejoiced, but suddenly, more of them came on by.

“Well dang,” September muttered, as she started shooting with Nikki. Soon enough, the whole water was just a complete light show. Quickly, I got out my pistol and shot a few bullets.

Some of them hit, but not particularly the places I wanted to strike. They mostly just struck the edges or the body of the boats, but never particularly the ones driving them.

I wish I could use my Perk in this case, but if I were to, I’d kill us all. And I’m pretty sure no one wants that at all.

Quickly, I shot at them as they continued to shoot back, but knowing what was soon to happen, I ducked and weaved as they continued coming.

I shot back, but they only missed-probably hitting the already-exploded ship that was in the distance. But then, I shot a bullet, which one of them actually hit the man, as he fell down into the river, which then I moved to the next guy. I shot a few more bullets-which almost hit him, but he weaved instead and countered back with bullets that almost laid me to waste-and fear burst brightly in my heart, now knowing the strength of his accuracy.

“Shoot!” I shouted, unsure if I wanted to return to fight again-almost preferring to stay where it was safe, before returning with a few bullets myself but being the human I am, I got up and shot a few more rounds-a few more-before it hit the guy who rocked back and dived into the water after the devastating hit.


But then, the two boats that were watching by seized authority in this situation, and they sped up quickly-making their way towards the side of our boat. “Oh, no, another one’s coming,” September said, getting her wand and shooting back promptly,though each of them didn’t hit the target much at all.

They splashed into the water and soon enough they countered back, making September duck for her life, before she returned with a few more bolts. They went at lightning speed; the wind passing by them to reveal themselves true from the speed, before one of them collided with one boat.

It decided to take leave with an enormous ball of fire, but the driver jumped in time, before he wandered in the sea.

“Let me help you!” Malachi said, before he took out his wand, then he fired bolts at the one boat, who was dodging and weaving each shot, before he began to advance, breaking the space between us before he shot a bolt. Although the bolt missed, it smashed into the water, creating a wave that almost sent us tipping over.

“Whoa, oh shoot!!!!” Tisiah shrieked, before the boat returned back to its stable form, but the changed nonetheless that boats were still on our tail. There needed to be a plan, because, in this case-more boats are going to join the party, and we’ll be surrounded by a bunch of BMO agents.

And who knows what would happen next?

I looked down at the water, seeing my reflection wiggle and an idea finally decided to pop up. I charged up my Perk, seeing it glow through my arms, before I then immersed my hands in the water. I felt the cold water suddenly warm up, then the waves began to form, and soon enough we began to gain speed, and we began to pull ahead of the boats.

But they did something with their engines or something, because they were speeding ahead like crazy!

“Whoa!” I shouted, and fear already began to grow its encompass. “They’re speeding up!” Mr. Drails sighed before he shot up his hands, creating a portal that instantly sucked them in, making them disappear, but more began to come.

“Oh, shoot,” Mr. Drails worried, which now there were a whole school of boats coming after us, but we kept our speed up through all of them as September kept firing her bolts back at them. She couldn’t help me as she got out her wand and continued firing off bolts at them as they came at us faster and faster than us-and soon enough she was at her wits end-she even started throwing some fire balls at them which got rid of several of them-but it was not enough because we still couldn’t stop ourselves from losing speed in this wavering boat.

But all of a sudden, one of them began to close in very quickly, speedily, hurriedly in fact, as fear literally popped, and burst on my face and inside my heart. “We got some-!” I shouted, before the boat collided and crashed into us, making me stumble and scatter down onto the floor, before I barely even got and returned to my knees, knees that were already wiggling and stumbling from the constant wavering and uncertainty of the boat.

I looked up, seeing the man with his wand ready to fire and shoot at our heads, or our boat, and capsize us right into their hands.

Not today.

I shot two bullets, which they both missed, but it did force him to push away and escape and gain some space before he came in close and attacked again, this time with more force behind him as he came in like a beast that wanted blood or some kind of life taken from us all-his wand aimed right for us-and then I ducked my head and made sure it never hit me or us in this case.

We ducked as it shot through our window, and Malachi looked ahead in fear and his eyes trembled and shook in worry, before he began to fire his bolts out like a machine gun-shooting at the boat in front of him with so much force that I could hear every bullet as they collided with it-but yet-they still came for us.

Then the two behind us suddenly rose and lifted enough courage to confront us by the sides, making us now surrounded by two boats, ready to demolish us any second. “We’re held up on two sides!” Malachi shouted, as Mr. Drails looked back, his teeth gritted and clenched. “Alright, September and Malachi, you guys are on the left side. Tisiah and Nikki, right side. Connor, keep them back there alright!?” Mr. Drails ordered. All of us nodded eagerly before we rushed to our stations.

I charged up my Perk, feeling the energy rush through my veins before I looked ahead, seeing two more boats right behind me. But my courage turned and switched into shock, seeing one man that I didn’t think would rise back from the dead.

Dr. Mord.

“Uh, guys,” I muttered, looking at Mr. Drails. “Dr. Mord is still alive.”

“He’s what??!” Malachi shouted in shock, looking over me and ahead, seeing two boats-one of them being driven by the mad scientist himself. “Oh, no-no-no!” Immediately, I transferred to my laser eyes, shooting and darting directly at him. But his boat maneuvered and dodged the laser shot, moving to the side before returning to its position.

I shook my head, and then continued to shoot more, only creating crashes and splashes of water as he continued to evade each shot, but I was determined not to stop shooting until he fell into the water or something like that because I wasn’t letting him get away with it this time around-not when he was already up here trying to kill us all over again.

He shot more bolts at me at full speed as the water shot up and sprayed at my face. My clothes were dripping with water and possibly blood, but that would not stop me even close. I continued to shoot and fire lasers at shattering speed, creating more crashes with the waves of water that accompanied by the side of Dr. Mord’s hurrying boat, which was already speeding up.

Then he ducked suddenly, making me look over my shoulder to see the other boat was gaining too much distance between us and we were slowly losing speed.

“Uh, can we speed this up possibly?!” I shouted, as I looked at September, who was literally launching on the pedal, only for her to respond with a sigh. She glanced at me with a worried expression on her face.

“I’m trying my best!” she said, continuing to operate the boat that was dashing at rapid speeds. But the lasers were faster and I knew that I had to take him down, before things got considerably worse. So I continued to fire more shots at him while we sped forward into the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

But then he finally turned his boat so that it was facing me directly-making me lose some steam because of the shock that ran through me. I panicked for a moment until he suddenly turned back around towards another direction where he began to dodge and maneuver away from me.

I needed to use a different strategy, but what?


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