Spy Mage System

Chapter 202

202 Interrogation

We got back to the FBI base, finally happy to have someone to find where the Cobra Virus is. Agents rushed out of the building to see the scientist. “Did you get him?” an agent asked, and Tisiah nodded, “Yes, we did.”

“Is he okay?” another asked.

“He will be,” Nikki replied. “I’m sure he will tell us everything we need.”

“Let’s hope so,” the agent said as we exited from the SUV, with Dr. Jameson in handcuffs. “You’re making a grave mistake,” Dr. Jameson said to Malachi, who was by him. “I know that you’re all part of a plan to overthrow the government.”

“What are you talking about?” Malachi asked. “Why do you think we’re part of a plan?”

“We’re trying to save the world!” he shouted, but rubbish was the only language I heard from his mouth. “You want to destroy it and enslave us?”

“What?” Malachi asked again, and the doctor just kept shouting.

“We’ve already helped you, so don’t worry,” Nikki said to him. “We’re going to have you confess your information. Now come with us.”

“No,” he said, “You can’t take me away like this.”


“Hush!” the agent ordered, and Dr. Jameson’s mouth was kept closed. “We have a lot more questions for you.”

“We’re going to make sure that you tell us what we want to know,” I said. “Everything.”

He was brought inside to the base, as Agent Nelson looked up-her eyes lighting up. “Alright, put him inside the interrogation room. I’ll speak with him,” Agent Nelson said, pointing in a certain direction, and the rest of us went there.

The stairs saw us go down its steps before turning to the right, with a door leading to the interrogation room. We opened it, and Dr. Jameson sat down at the table with a pen and paper. Agent Nelson came out with a chair and sat down beside him. She looked at us, and we received the message to get out of the room.

“In here,” I said, going inside of a room that seemed to have one large window, allowing us to look through it.

Agent Nelson got out a file that looked prepared by her, and she didn’t seem fazed by his flat look. “Dr. Vance Jameson, a scientist that used to work in the Department of Defense, but was fired for experimenting on people.”

“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” he replied. “I worked with them before I was fired.”

“Exactly...” Agent Nelson muttered, confused by his feeble words, “You were fired for experimenting on people. You used to experiment with people.”

“What are you talking about?” Dr. Jameson asked, his voice sounding weak and pathetic. She sighed, “Anyway, you then found yourself hired by a man named Jacob Mord, which I’m sure he gave you a good amount.”

“What does this have to do with anything?” he hissed. “And what’s this about an experiment? I never would have done anything like that.”

“You’re lying,” she replied. “I can tell that you’re lying. But that’s not what I’m here for. Dr. Mord was working on a virus-which I’m first wondering what it’s for.” Dr. Jameson was quiet, and Agent Nelson stared directly at him-not taking a single side-eye anywhere off, but just staring at him with cold eyes.

“What do I gain from this?” he asked, slowly shaking his head. “I don’t know who you are or what you are talking about.”

“We know about everything,” Agent Nelson said, and he shut his eyes tightly. “You attacked one of our agents, plus you accompanied someone on terrorism. You’ll be going to jail for quite a long time, but we can work out something.”

Dr. Jameson leaned back in his chair-although it was rock hard, his lips were curled up in the corners. “You do not know who you are messing with,” he said. “The people you are after will soon find themselves dead.”

“But you can stop that,” she said. “We can lower your sentence to maybe twenty years if you cooperate, or maybe get you parole.” She paused. “Plus, it’ll be easier for us if we know about any other terrorists that have been set up by Dr. Mord.”

He sighed and looked at her, his eyes directly at Agent Nelson, as though she were a pile of excrement on the floor. He smirked at her, and then looked up to the window. “He wants to use it to attack certain agencies, to weaken them. The FBI was never his problem, it was other organizations that even you don’t know of,” he said with clenched teeth, “You cannot stop this...”

“Can you tell us anything?” Agent Nelson asked, still not taking any side-eyes off of him. She seemed to be in the middle of her own personal conversation with herself. “What are those agencies?”

My throat felt wiggly from uneasiness from the situation, but I saw the scientist not say anything, only continue to stare up at the window, not speaking.

I turned around in my seat and faced the window, seeing the darkening clouds from the city below me.

“If you won’t cooperate, then I have no choice but to send you to prison,” Agent Nelson said. “But you have one more chance, one more. Here’s my second question. Where is the virus.”

He froze as if Agent Nelson’s words were eating up his soul, his lips sealed shut.

She spoke again, “You need to answer my second question.”

I turned around to see the look of annoyance on his face.

He pointed his finger at Agent Nelson, as she slowly sat down in her chair-looking back at him with a confused expression on her face. She paused for a moment, as though she had forgotten something important.

Dr. Jameson leaned back in his chair-the hard plastic creaking under his weight-and smiled with his teeth showing. “You wanna know, I want my sentence down to ten years, now you know why. I have a wife, a daughter, a sister, a niece, two nephews and a daughter-in-law that I love very much. If I am sent to prison, then I will never see their faces again.”

“And what makes you think your virus will not kill them? What if it gets out of control?” Agent Nelson challenged, as the scientist took a deep breath and continued to speak.

“What makes you think it won’t get out of control?” he replied. “It has already been out of control, for quite some time. They’ve already killed people in the past.”

“What do you mean?”

He took a deep breath. “What do you think happened when the virus first went into effect?” He stared at Agent Nelson, “It was set to go off at a certain time and a certain place, but it didn’t go off, instead it was set off at a different time and location.”

Agent Nelson stood back up, and walked over to the window, looking down at the city lights as I stood up too and watched her. “It’s only a matter of time before it becomes a pandemic,” he said with a smile, “and when it does, you won’t be able to stop it, not if you’re fighting with the lives of others. You can’t win against it.”

I could see Agent Nelson shaking her head, watching Dr. Jameson stare her down. “Where is the virus, Jameson?” she said one last time, with a voice of rage and impatience, which I did not like at all.

He turned around, sitting back on the bench in front of us, folding his arms, leaning his elbows against his knees. “It’s in a warehouse in Washington D.C. The address is this: 2512 6th Street, N.W. That’s all I know.”

“And why did you set it off then?” she asked.

He remained silent, staring out at the city. “Dr. Mord’s orders, I don’t know them. Just have to do them. I’m pretty sure you understand that don’t you?” he said, chuckling like some cartoon villain, as she continued to glare at him. “What? Are you going to try and kill me?” he said in an innocent tone of voice.

But she didn’t respond to his cunning statement, instead just exited the room-walked out the door and slammed it shut. He was left in there in the smell of wood and oil, thinking about his own life and what he had done to those who were closest to him. She went inside our room, where we looked at the interrogation room.

“We’re going to Washington D.C soon,” she said as she looked at the five of us. We were all looking back at her with fear and nervousness.

“We?” I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was freaking out.

“We are,” Agent Nelson said. “We’re going to stop him, but for now, let’s get prepared before we get there. Alright?” I nodded, with the fear of what was just happening beating-pumping hard in my chest.

“And what if we don’t stop him?” Nikki said as she shook her head.

“Then you will die.”

Nikki’s eyes opened wide in shock, “Like you’re going to kill us.” Agent Nelson shook her head exceptionally, “No, like the virus is going to kill all of us pretty much.” I sighed, but it wasn’t any more comforting than what she said. It was a terrifying thought. We walked out of the room, as my thoughts popped up everywhere I looked. How can we stop the virus from killing everybody? I felt so helpless. I didn’t want to be this way. I wanted to be the hero, but I felt helpless and useless.

There must be a way to stop Dr. Mord, somehow, I thought to myself as I looked around the room, trying to see if I could find anything that might help me. I didn’t know what to think of it all. We were on a mission to stop Dr. Mord’s plan, but then we would also need to find a cure for the virus. But how could we do both at once? I sighed as I sat down on the bed. I just wanted to be able to go home and forget about all of this, but that was wasn’t going to happen soon. It was a big problem that needed solving and there was only one person that could do it: Dr. Mord.

Except he was our enemy.


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