Spy Mage System

Chapter 201

201 Speeding Through Hoovers

“Make us some binoculars real quick,” I said to Nikki, who secretly got out her wand-quickly manifesting two large binoculars. I took the binoculars out of her hands and put them on my head so that I could see everything that was going on around us. I clicked on my earpiece, making my way towards talking to Agent Max.

“How does Jameson look like?” I asked him, as typing echoed inside of my earpiece, I continued to walk through the hall of games and towards the entrance. I was feeling a bit dizzy as we walked, and it took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust. “Okay,” Agent Max muttered. “He is quite the man: a little taller than you are, maybe about two times your age, with a thick beard and a dark-skinned complexion.”

“Alright,” I said with a low voice, as I looked around-searching for someone with that type of build.

“See anything?” Nikki asked, but I shook my head quickly, as I was still trying to search for anyone who looked like Jameson.

“How about you?”

“No, nothing.”

I sighed as we continued down the hall, searching each and every row of gambling machines and slots to see that complexion, which looked a little darker than Nikki’s mocha skin, and that beard. It was difficult to find anyone who was tall, but then again, they didn’t all have to be tall.

“You’re right,” Nikki said, as she made her way around to the side of me. “Maybe they aren’t here at all.”

I stopped walking and took off the binoculars from my head. But as I did, I saw a little sight-someone that looked super similar to him. Quickly, I threw those back onto my head, and there he was. Or at least I think there he was, because I had to make sure it was Jameson.


“There he is,” I said. “I found him guys.”

Nikki and me made our way over towards the scientist, that seemed to having a very brief drink, as well as taking a quick glance at the slots and gambling machines.

“Excuse me,” Nikki said, as she walked up next to Jameson, who was now facing away from her, and then turned around. “I know its a bit weird seeing us kids around here. Trust me I’m sixteen, so maybe not too much of a kid-but we need to take you in for questioning.”

The man chuckled and shook his head, “What kind of play-along is this?”

“It’s not, trust me,” I added to him, as he began to look a bit more concerned, though still not really surprised. He glanced over at me, and then looked back down at the table of slots.

“What are you doing here?” he asked us.

“We’re here to question you,” Nikki replied. “Where’s the Cobra Virus?” Dr. Jameson’s face molded into fear, as he looked at two of us. “What virus?” he asked, and I felt like laughing. “Don’t act dumb with us please,” Nikki returned, and I nodded in agreement. “We know it’s somewhere.”

Jameson didn’t say another word, and he slowly stood up and backed away from the table of gambling machines.

“I don’t know what you’re-”

“We saw the list of scientists, so nothing you can do can really try and fool us, sir,” I said with a very wide smile, seeing Jameson’s horrified face, while I continued to speak. “Now come on. We know what you’ve done. Where is it?”

“You don’t know anything,” Jameson said, but he still seemed to be acting fearful. But all of a sudden, he darted away from us and now we knew we had a runner. “Get after him!” I shouted, as Nikki and me chased after him at full speed, as we went after Jameson. He seemed to go at the speed of light, but he had a little of trouble getting to the stairway, because it was a dead-end stairway.

Quickly I shifted over the corner, as he suddenly climbed to the second floor on a rail, as I did. He hurried away from us, almost bumping and crashing to other people that were seeming to go the opposite direction. We did the same, as we maneuvered through the people-trying to get to him.

“Stop!” I shouted at him, but he didn’t listen one single bit, and he kept running away from us. I think his foot had fallen out from under him, and he almost tripped and fell to the ground. He quickly got up again though and ran faster than before. “Stop!” I shouted as we ran after him, but he didn’t even acknowledge me.

“This is our only chance,” Nikki shouted, “Let’s jump over this rail.” She looked at me, as if she thought I was going to say something dumb or wrong. I shook my head at her, and she nodded, before she jumped up and over the railing. I looked back at the crowd of people around us, and I jumped up and over the railing.

So now we were on the same story as him, and we were catching right behind him, as he was now trying to get away. We had to get close enough to him that we could tackle him down, but not close enough that we would get hurt in the process. But all of a sudden, he dodged towards the bathroom-then cut another corner, and he was heading straight for the emergency exit.

I jumped up, as I wanted to catch him, but Nikki stopped me and shouted, “Wait!” We both saw the emergency exit open and Jameson dart towards it. I needed to stop him quick! I charged up my Perk, and I transferred the energy over to my feet. I stomped hard, very hard, creating a shockwave that sent him down to the ground, and then I tackled him down to the floor.

“Don’t move!” I shouted at him. He seemed in shock, and his eyes were rolling back in his head. But then he looked at me, staring directly at me and suddenly knocked me off of him. I fell back, seeing him get his wand and suddenly swing it. It hit Nikki in the stomach, sending her flying into the wall, while I quickly rolled away from Jameson.

“You’re done,” I shouted, as I got up to my feet, “And you’re going to jail.” I was so angry right now.

I got out my wand, as he swung his towards me. Now I dodged, but he advanced towards me with a flurry of quick attacks, and he was so fast-that I barely had time to react. The air was full of sparks and fire, as his wand blazed, and it felt like my wand was burning hot. But his body was open, and I kicked him the chest.

He stumbled back a bit, but he definitely wasn’t done.

Our wands danced with one another, clashing and clanging with such power that seemed to sound the entire bathroom. I jabbed him away from me to give at least a few feet. But then he charged-rushing in with a powerful kick that knocked me in the jaw, sending me crashing into the wall, and then falling on the ground.

I couldn’t believe he knocked me out like that. He didn’t even give me a chance to fight back. “Connor!” she shouted with worry as she ran over to me, “Are you okay?”

I took a deep breath as I saw Nikki staring down at me. “Yeah,” I told her, “I’m fine.” I slowly got up, but then she pushed me back down-looking directly at my face. “I’ll deal with him for you.” Then she turned around slowly, rage boiling on her face and I could tell Dr. Jameson was already contemplating his life choices.

Nikki first came in with a powerful swing, but it sort of backfired because he dodged it quickly. She turned around, just to see a wand coming at her but she rolled backwards.

Close call.

They both charged at each other, their wands clashing with one another before Dr. Jameson shoved her away-creating space between them. He then came in, ready to swing with a powerful force.

But Nikki had other plans, and she rolled out of the way. Now to finish him, she swung immediately after she rose from the ground and sent him into the wall. He tumbled down, landing directly on his back.

Nikki stood over him with her wand at his throat before she spoke up.

“Now, you’re going to tell me where the virus is before I kill you right now,” she hissed, as I made my way towards her. “Then kill me,” he muttered with gritted teeth, “Kill me now.”

I put my hand over my mouth. What was he talking about? Did he really think that she was going to kill him? “Trust me, I will,” she said, her eyes wide and crazy, completely off the deep end, “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She let go of his throat and got ready to finish him off.

“No!” I shouted, trying to stop her. But then I heard footsteps rushing towards us, and soon enough it was September and the rest of them-who looked in confusion at what happened, especially when they saw Nikki ready to kill Dr. Jameson.

“Nikki,” September said, “What’s wrong?”

“He knows where the virus is,” she said with a shaky voice, “I know it.”

“Nikki, calm down,” I said, touching her arm and pulling it away. “It’s fine. Let’s take him in for questioning.” She sighed and calmed down, but her eyes were still trembling. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“We need to question him,” I told her, “But if we hurt him, we’ll be in a world of trouble. Let’s go everyone.”


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