Spy Mage System

Chapter 199

199 Coming Back

I swung his wand, but I did the same-and soon enough, our wands continued to dance with one another like swords, neither of us landing a hit on each other. But then, we both broke through each other’s defenses at the same time with powerful blows that knocked one another to the ground, each of us rolling onto the floor for a moment before getting back up again with our hands raised in anger and frustration.

“Try me!” he shouted, coming in with a powerful swing before I rolled out the way, getting back up on my feet. I rested on the wall of the highway, looking at him as he approached me once again, but this time he was slower and weaker.

We were evenly matched now-both of us trying to overpower one another with our magical attacks, but nothing seemed to work. He came at me with a swing that went over my head. I dodged and rolled, returning behind him fast enough to kick him, but that only sent me back towards where I had just been standing. I tried jumping over his swing next, but then he did the same thing-his sword-wand passed right over my head again.

“You fear me,” the agent remarked once again, as he got up off the ground from where he had just been kicked in the gut and swung around at me as I stood in place on the side of the road.

“I would never fear you,” I returned to him, getting my Perk charged up and ready inside of my arms, but all of a sudden he threw a hard swing with his wand-knocking me in the face, knocking me down to the ground.

“I should have expected this from you,” he continued to taunt as I got back up on my feet, rubbing my eyes from the force of being hit in the face with the hard swing from his wand. “I really should’ve.”

He rose his wand up and pointed it at me, as if he was going to execute me for my crimes or something. “Well now you’re going to die, and there is no person around to help you,” he said. But all of a sudden-sirens bellowed from far away meaning only one thing: The FBI were coming.

The BMO agent looked in horror, as he turned back to his teammates. “Hey we gotta get out of here,” he remarked, running away with his comrades to one of the vans that were parked, as I tried to follow them as well, but it was too late-the FBI had arrived. I turned around as they approached me, each of them dressed in black military uniforms with big black sunglasses covering their eyes.

I saw Agent Max making his way towards me, looking in worry.


“You okay?” he asked once he reached me, bending down and examining my face.

I nodded my head up and down in agreement as I looked at the rest of my team members surrounding me.

“I’m good,” I replied as Agent Max took me by the hand and helped me up from the ground. I was still rubbing my eyes from where I was struck in the face by the BMO agent with his wand. Nikki ran over to me and took a look, her eyes widened with fear but also relief, as she came into contact with my skin again and immediately saw that I was okay.

“Are you okay?” I asked her once I noticed her eyes were locked onto mine in concern and concern for me, not for herself or anything like that.

I nodded and soon enough September and Tisiah joined into the scene, as I got up onto my feet, still rubbing my eyes from where they got hit in the face with the swing from the BMO agent’s wand.

“We’re all good,” I remarked as Agent Max led us towards one of their SUVs. I sighed, feeling a bit dazed but alright in the end, as Nikki turned around towards me with her mouth agape. “But I think Dr. Mord has Dr. Whitehead,” I said, as Agent Max looked at me with worry, which only added up more worry on my own face.

“Come on,” he told me as I followed behind him into one of their SUVs after Tisiah and September also climbed inside. The driver wasted no time and drove down the road, making his way towards the FBI base. “We need to tell Agent Nelson now,” Tisiah said, looking at Agent Max worriedly, as I looked out the window of the car, watching the scenery pass by.

“We need to find him as soon as we can, but who knows where Dr. Mord already is taking him,” Agent Max said with gritted teeth, as I looked over at him worriedly, trying to hide my worry from him since I wasn’t sure if I could handle it right now if he knew what was going through my mind.

But then, an idea clicked inside my head.

“Why don’t we use this to our advantage,” I said, turning to Agent Max. He looked at me with a perplexed expression as he asked, “How?” I smiled as I looked at him, seeing his face that was screaming confusion, before I took a deep breath and replied, “We can find the next scientist on the list while he’s busy doing whatever with Dr. Whitehead.”

Agent Max looked at me for a moment, but then his smile slowly began to widen, nodding in agreement, before he looked back over at the rest of our team members who were now in awe of what I just told them as well as they all started smiling too.

“You’re right,” September said with a smile on her face. “We could do that.”

“Alright, someone tell Agent Nelson we’re coming back to the base,” Agent Max said to one agent inside the vehicle, as I looked back out the window again and felt the car start to move as it turned down the road and onto the highway.

I didn’t know how long it’d take us to get back there and if we’d make it on time or not considering that we still had to think about Dr. Mord. Soon enough, we arrived to the FBI base as our car parked. We entered into base quickly, being met with Agent Nelson’s concerned face, as she came over to us immediately.

“I was informed about your whereabouts,” she said, looking at us all as we got close to her and looked at her face filled with worry and concern. “You think Dr. Whitehead was kidnapped by Dr. Mord.” I nodded in agreement as she sighed in worry. “What’s your plan?”

“We find another scientist on the list while he’s busy with him,” Nikki presented. Agent Nelson nodded in approval, as she turned over to Agent Max.

“Find the next scientist on the list quickly,” she said with a snappy voice. Agent Max quickly pulled out his laptop, opening up the list that was on the folder.

“Let’s see here,” he said as he began to look over the names. “We have Dr. Vance Jameson,” he said with a slight laugh as he looked at us and pointed to a man in his early thirties with brown hair and blue eyes. Agent Nelson looked at it closely, as she slowly nodded in understanding. “Find where his location is before Dr. Mord does,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am!” everyone said, agreeing with her decision.

“I’ll stay here and try to get more information on this,” she said as she turned around and went back into her office with her head down, looking like she didn’t want to deal with this anymore, especially considering what happened with Dr. Whitehead. I looked at her close the door, before I turned over to Nikki.

I felt something in me check on Malachi, being that he loves these types of stuff. He was missing out on a lot, and it was just sad to see him chained to a hospital bed. But for his own safety-for his own safety-it was necessary that he was there until he healed from his injuries.

“I’m gonna go check on Malachi, alright?” I said to my team. September nodded slowly as I walked off, heading down the stairs and to the left hall where the hospital room was. I entered, looking at each door that was mostly empty before I saw one door. Malachi. I walked towards the door, opening it slowly to see Malachi’s still body.

“Hey, Malachi?” I muttered with a little smile. “How are you doing?”

“Terrible, you?” he said with a groan, which I shook my head no to as I sat down beside him.

“No,” I replied with a sigh of relief as I smiled softly at him. “We’ve had many fails during these missions, and I’m afraid this next one is gonna be another one.”

“Well tell me everything that has happened,” Malachi said, shifting up a bit to his liking, before he turned and faced me completely. His face was still bruised, but it didn’t look that bad as it looked before with all the black splotches all over his face and even on his neck where it appeared like it was slashed open with an old blade.

“Well, we haven’t had much time to sit down and talk about everything that has been going on,” I began as I gave him my best smile, “but I’m sure once we get back we’ll have time to sit down and chat about everything.”

“Alright,” Malachi said slowly as he took in a deep breath, before he looked over at me and nodded slowly with a soft smile. “I’ll wait patiently.”

“Hope so, because I know how you are-you are not patient at all,” I laughed as he shortly followed, before sighing to a stop. “I’m sorry about this.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Malachi replied with a frown as he took in a deep breath, “I’ll be fine.” He was probably trying to sound brave, but I knew that was just how he was-he never showed fear at all. He might be a hothead at some times, but he was still a brave agent. I had to respect that.

“I know you will be fine,” I assured him as I took in a deep breath, “I just wish we could’ve gotten more information about Dr. Whitehead.”

“Dr-who?” Malachi asked, making me realize he didn’t know about that yet. “Nothing,” I quickly responded, as Malachi nodded. “Nothing at all.” I shrugged and sat back in the chair before Malachi turned back around with a smile on his face before laying back down again and closing his eyes as I stared at him for a while.

I smiled-looking at him. I’m glad he’s joining us tomorrow-I missed him, even if he was kind of annoying at times. But now... he’s back on track with this mission and that’s all I care about right now.

“I should head back to the lobby,” I whispered as I stood up to leave.

“Yeah,” Malachi murmured softly as he looked at me with a smile, “I know.”

“Good night,” I told him before I walked out and closed the door behind me.


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