Spy Mage System

Chapter 198

198 The Sudden Ambush

She pressed the gas pedal hard and firm, hurrying away from the zooming fireballs behind us. Our car shook and trembled with every misplaced hit, before Tisiah let out an ‘Oof!’ and fell backwards on the back seat as we sped off and got away from danger.

“What happened?” Nikki asked with a curious expression as he sat up from the back seat where Tisiah fell back on it.

“We’re safe for now,” September said, but then as he stared ahead, we saw one of the white vans ram into the G-Wagon.

My eyes expanded as I looked at the collision, while September pressed on the gas again and sped off even harder, but she had to slam on the brakes quickly because we came across another curve. She jolted us hard as she sped off again and turned the steering wheel in order to avoid the other white van that was coming down on our side.

She then pressed on the brakes and slid to the side where we abruptly halted.

“Quick, we need to get to Dr. Whitehead,” September said as she got out of the vehicle. “Yeah,” Tisiah agreed, running towards the crumbled G-Wagon. But as I looked behind, the BMO agents that were settling inside that white van quickly exited the vehicle-now chasing us.

“We got very bad company right now!” I said as Nikki looked back, too.

“Let’s hurry!” Tisiah shouted as he ran faster towards Dr. Whitehead’s car. Nikki and I jolted as we stepped out of the car and quickly ran behind Tisiah, as we saw two white vans approach us. “Oh no,” I muttered in worry, and soon enough agents poured out of those two vans.

But one of them was quite calm about the situation, with he had a ring with a red skull on his finger.


“Well, clearly the FBI knew my intentions,” Dr. Mord said with a chuckle, and he approached us with his wand held tightly in his hand. “And they also knew that my intentions were good.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked back with a quizzical look.

“Listen, you get out of here. We’re not letting you get away with this virus,” September said. “No matter what you do, we’ll find it.”

Dr. Mord sighed as if he wanted us to understand his evil actions.

“Something tells me you’re not, though,” he said with a little smirk. “Agents, deal with them,” he said, as he slowly made his back to his van. The van Dr. Mord was drove away as the agents advanced towards us. “This is bad,” Tisiah said, leaning into a fight posture. “Very bad.”

“Welcome to being a spy mage,” September said with a chuckle. “Get ready.”

“Trust me, I am,” I said with a smile, staring directly at Dr. Mord’s agents. Suddenly, they began to storm towards us at a fast acceleration. I charged in, meeting with an agent by the far left. He came in first with a powerful swing of his wand, while I pushed my arm forward in order to block his blow with mine.

I felt myself jolting backwards in pain as I gritted my teeth together as I focused on my legs so that I would be able to land safely after blocking the agent’s attack. “Seem a little shaken don’t ya think?!” the agent shrieked manically, reforming his grip on his wand. “You’re dead!” He continued with a voice full of rage as he raised his wand in high in order to strike me again with an even more powerful blow this time.

He swung-very hard-but I was able to evade the swing, but it was a dangerous and close one. I quickly returned with a counter that was strong enough to break his defense, but I didn’t give him time to dodge my counter and hit him straight into the air as I pressed on the ground as hard as I could until he was forced out of the air and downwards towards the ground. He crashed with an enormous sound into a pile of broken white stones on the ground.

The agent’s wand hit the ground and cracked into two pieces before it rolled to a corner of the stone floor as I heard a moan of agony from him.

One down.

The other one came-and I could tell he was more experienced. He constantly moved back with each swing I tried to effect, always giving him enough room for me to move in-or try to move in-before he would counter my attacks with some kind of attack of his own. He was quite fast at that and it was hard for me to keep track of him as I tried to match his speed and keep up with him as I kept firing off spells one after another at him, but none of them ever seemed to do anything against him.

I was growing exhausted as my arm felt heavy while I kept moving around him like a snake chasing its tail with every swing or attack that I sent. But then, he came in with a staggering chain of attacks that sent me flying into the ground, my body unable to keep up with my reflexes. My breath escaped me as I landed hard against the ground with my arms spread out in front of me in order to protect my face. I was out for a few seconds as I couldn’t move from the impact-but when I did get up, I saw him slowly walking towards me.

“So this is the great Connor that Dr. Mord warned us about?” the agent chuckled, slowly making his way towards me. I staggered back, laying back on a white van. “I’m quite disappointed.”

I chuckled, but a grand ball of fear rolled inside my stomach, causing it to grow cold as I realized that the agent was just getting closer to me. I managed to look up at him and notice that he had an extremely annoyed expression on his face as he stopped right in front of me.

“Well, maybe it’s because I’m going easy on you,” I said, well knowing that was only ten percent true. “Or maybe it’s because you’re just too weak and pathetic.”

“Weak?” the agent hissed, and he moved back a bit. “You think you’re so much better than me? You think you’re so much stronger than me?”

“I think I’m better than you, yes,” I said back, charging my Perk up more, as I saw him charge his wand.

“Then why aren’t you dead yet?” he asked, as he swung his wand. I dodged the attack with ease, but I could feel the fatigue in my body as I did so.

“Because you’re slow,” I said back, as I ducked under his next attack. “That’s why.”

“I’m not slow!” he screamed back, and he launched another attack. I blocked it with ease, but I felt my energy draining out of me with every movement.

“I’m not slowing down, either,” I said back, and I continued to dodge his attacks. He advanced quickly towards me with his swinging wand, making me evade all around each area of attacks, until finally I found myself backed up against a wall. There wasn’t anywhere else I could go without taking hits from him.

I added in quickly a kick to give me space of escape, which worked, but it also gave him a chance to come in and attack me.

His wand smashed through the wall I was standing on, sending rubble everywhere as I stumbled backward, falling onto the ground. But I quickly returned to my feet, storming him with punches that mostly missed him but kept him busy, allowing me to escape again and again as I began to feel even more drained and tired with each punch I threw at him.

But then suddenly he was right in front of me again as he raised his wand high into the air-and began to yell. He shot a flurry of bolts that came speeding my direction, but I was able to dodge them all with ease and put up some defenses as I did so.

“How did you get so good at this?” he asked, panting as sweat poured from his head, making it look like he was out of breath from yelling so hard.

“Because you’re bad at this,” I responded sneakily, and I felt proud of that one. “Because you’re not a good enough mage to have even made it past basic training.”

I rushed towards him, closing the distance between us very quickly. “I’ve seen much better mages than you!”

“No you haven’t, because you would’ve already defeated me!” he returned, rushing towards me promptly as well, as we came in a blur towards each other with our fists raised high into the air as we charged with all we had at one another.

“You can’t hit me!” I yelled as he ran towards me with his wand in hand-but at the last moment he changed the direction of his run towards me, coming in fast from the side while he swung his wand out towards me with an attack aimed directly for my head. But before his attack reached me, I jumped and quickly flipped in the air before I came crashing down on the ground behind him and kicked him in the back of his head with all my strength.

The agent fell forward onto his face and rolled over on the ground as I stood over him, ready to strike again when suddenly he raised his head up and spat at my feet as he got back up slowly.

I shook my head as I looked at him, almost feeling pity for him as I saw he got up again. He looked really tired and out of breath as if he had been running all day long and then running some more, which made me laugh a little bit inside.

“You seem a bit tired!” I mocked loudly, as he slowly walked towards me, his breathing still heavy from all the running he did earlier. “And not to mention, you look like you just lost your fight!”

“Shush up!” he snapped, and then he quickly closed the distance between us.


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