Spy Mage System

Chapter 183

183 Final Stand

“Ow!” I shouted as I fell onto the floor.

“You’re not gonna get me!” she shouted again as she began to run away from us. Quickly, I got up on my feet and immediately we continued to hunt after her, but we weren’t able to catch up to her this time.

“Come on!” Nikki said as she began to run after her. “We have to keep up!”

“I’m trying!” Tisiah said. “I don’t know how she’s running in heels!”

She began to shoot bolts at us, but although she missed-she was pretty accurate, and we had to dodge out of the way or be hit by one of the bolts. She moved through the hall at quick speed, but we began to gain ground on her until finally we caught up to her at the end of the hall.

Maddie Cone turned around to look at us and laughed in our faces before she continued down the hallway.

“She’s fast!” I said as she turned another corner, making us follow closely behind her again. “She’s even faster than me!” I shouted as I began to jog to keep up with her pace.

“Just keep following her,” Nikki shouted as she tried to keep up with Tisiah who was wearing himself out just trying to chase after her. He isn’t exactly the most fit for these things, but he’s doing his best to keep up.

Maddie Cone suddenly turned around, shooting another bolt at us, but we ducked out of the way. But as she ran, she came across a dead end-leaving her facing us. “So, this is where we are,” she muttered with a chuckle. “Little children have now boxed me in.”


“Don’t even try to be smart,” I said, slowly walking towards her, my eyes narrowing as I began to look at her in a different light.

“Or what?” she asked me with a sneer on her face. “You’ll attack me?”

I didn’t say anything-mainly because I wasn’t sure what to say so I just continued to look at her with a slight scowl.

“You can’t,” she added. “Because if you try to attack me now, I’ll blast you with my magic.” I chuckled, “You’ve been trying to do that since this chase.” She chuckled as she looked at all of us, “But I have more tricks up my sleeve.”

All of a sudden, she shot out something from her wand, and a dome of fire appeared above her head. “What are you doing?” I asked as she laughed loudly at me.

“I’ve been trying to do that all along!” she said as she ran away from us again. “But I wasn’t able to make it work before because you were too close.” Then she looked back at us once more. “But now...we can have some fun.” All of a sudden, she began to shoot fireballs at us at an expeditious speed, causing us to run around the hallway while avoiding the fireballs that were hitting us like darts.

“How do you know how to do this?” I asked her with a chuckle.

“Trust me, it’s beyond your understanding,” she sneered as she laughed and continued to shoot fireballs at us. “But trust me when I tell you that these things are no joke.”

“Oh, I know they’re not,” I said with a chuckle. “That’s why we’re gonna stop right now.” Quickly, I got out my wand and went in for the swing, but she quickly raised her wand and pointed it at me and fired off another fireball, which I narrowly dodged in time and watched as it disappeared into a door we had passed before.

She quickly swung the wand towards me, but I brought up my wand in time to make a clash. Our wands danced around with one another in a series of crashes, but eventually our hands began to hurt from the force of our strenuous fight, and I noticed that my wand began to crack from the force of her shots.

“Not bad!” she said as she suddenly shot forward towards me. “But you don’t stand a chance.”

“You sure about that?” I asked, as I kicked her in the chest, making her fall back against the wall before she quickly jumped up and aimed her wand at me.

But just as she began to shoot a fireball, I grabbed her hand with my hand and twisted it behind her back. But she somehow-and I’m still surprised to this day-returned with a move that got me over her back and down on the ground, but it was a move that got me knocked back into a wall with a loud bang.

She was holding my wand in her hand now and looking at it with an expression of hatred in her eyes. “You seem a bit tired-don’t you think?!” she shouted like a crazed animal as she raised my wand high into the air. She pointed it at me with a fierce glare in her eyes.

Suddenly, I saw her face start to change as she began to lose control of herself. It looked scary, super scary as if she was some sort of demon or something. Her face began to contort, and her eyes started to glow red as they opened wide with a look of pure evil on her face.

But I couldn’t let that happen. I got up onto my feet once again, looking at her crazed eyes. “Oh yes, you’re done now,” she said, her neck tingling of some sort, and suddenly she began to laugh loudly. But it wasn’t her normal laughter that I had grown accustomed to seeing. This was an evil laugh that was chilling. “The fight is over,” she added while laughing maniacally.

“Or is it,” I heard, as I looked beside me.

I saw September and Malachi with their guns facing towards Maddie Cone, who right now looked like a hyena, grinning and laughing maniacally as she laughed loudly while waving my wand around. “She’s crazy,” I thought as I began to approach her slowly. She turned around and looked at me, and I saw that there was something strange about her eyes.

“Don’t move at all,” September said, her gun trained on her face. “You can’t move.”

She turned to face them, but suddenly she started to growl as a fireball was shot towards them, but Malachi quickly turned and shot at the fireball with his gun, blasting it into nothingness. I was not even sure what in the world was going on right now as September grabbed her arm and forced her to the floor, while Malachi began to tie her up.

“What happened?” I asked September, as I got up from the floor.

September sighed, “I have no clue at all.”

I nodded as I looked at Maddie Cone who was lying on the floor with a look of utter defeat on her face. She was completely out of it now, but I was happy to see that September had finally managed to subdue her. “You think I’m gonna stay here, and allow myself to be apprehended by you fools?” Maddie Cone hissed.

Suddenly, she pointed her wand facing the floor and she shot it. But when she did-Boom!-an explosion sent us flying backwards and then the roof caved in on us.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was falling through the air with a loud scream on my lips. And all I could do was close my eyes and pray for God to save me from falling to my death. Once I hit the crumbled floor, I knocked out cold for a short while until I began to wake up again.

I tried to sit up, but found that my legs were stuck. It was dark, and all I could hear were my heartbeat and my breathing as I slowly became awake and began to think. “Nikki!” I shouted, but there was no sort of sign or voice from Nikki or Tisiah. So I panicked and started to yell for them, but it felt like I was screaming through a long tunnel.

I tried to shake off my dazedness and began to run around in the darkness to find anyone, but then I tripped and fell backwards. “Help!” I screamed for the first time in my life. But I realized that no one was going to hear me no matter how hard I screamed. “Help!” I screamed once again.

But then I fell, as my eyes slowly closed for the last time.


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