Spy Mage System

Chapter 182

182 A Not-So Working Deal

“This is Connor that you’re talking about, right?!” she shouted. “Let me make a deal with you.”

She took out a gun and pointed it right at my head. “I’ll kill him and his friends if you guys don’t leave right now,” she said, her face folding from her smile to the most grievous face I’ve seen yet.

“What are you doing?” Masaru shouted in confusion.

“You’re not gonna like the answer,” she said as she smiled even more. “You want to know what this place is for?” I turned and shook my head at him, hoping to shut him up so he didn’t reveal anything to her. “We use this place for holding people like you.”

“Like me?” Masaru repeated, confused at her words.

“Nothing,” I responded to Masaru, shaking my head at him again. “She’s just crazy.”

“Crazy?” she chuckled. “Determined is a better word, Connor.”

She turned back towards the YMPA spies that were camping outside of the warehouse. “Now, as I said, I will kill him and his friends if you don’t get off of this compound,” she said.

“I don’t think so,” someone-September through the speaker inside of the building-said, and suddenly everything got silent. “Who are you?” he asked her. “What are you doing?”


“What am I doing?” she asked him in a mocking voice. “What am I doing? I’m trying to save my friends, and I’m trying to save humanity.” Maddie Cone sighed. “You guys are just pathetic. This whole friendship thing almost makes me wanna kill him right now,” she said, as I gulped, wondering if she was serious or joking.

“You’re not gonna kill me, though,” she said to me. “No matter how much you’d want me to.” She then sighed again. “Not without me killing him though, so as I see it-I’m the one who has authority here,” she explained back towards the agents outside, who looked confused at her words.

“And how are we supposed to trust you?” September asked her with a scoffing voice. “What are you going to do? Give us some sort of deal that’s going to make you look good?”

“Well, somewhat I guess,” Maddie Cone responded.

“You’ll have to give us a better answer than that,” someone else said.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” Maddie said as she looked at us and smiled. “I don’t need your deal.”

“Oh? Did you forget you’re literally surrounded?” Malachi now asked hastily, getting into the conversation. “Did you also forget you’re not on the run anymore? If you want to get out of this alive, then you better give us a reason to trust you.”

Maddie sighed once more than she looked at us with her scoffing expression still plastered on her face. “When have never been a woman of my word?” she said. “Anyway, let’s make a deal alright? Here is my offer. I give you your friends if you leave, and leave our weapon to ourselves.”

“Nonsense,” someone else said, shaking his head, but the rest of the YMPA spies began to huddle together to discuss things.

“That’s not gonna work,” Nikki said to me with a sad face as I looked at her with a frown.

I looked over at her as the YMPA agents started to talk amongst themselves, and Nikki looked over at me with fear. “Time is ticking!” Maddie Cone shouted, and her British accent really began to show itself, which only made her sound more insane.

“Are we seriously going for this?” Masaru asked me with a confused expression as everyone began to talk amongst themselves again, with Maddie Cone looking back and forth at everyone’s faces, still keeping her smile on her face. “The gun is ready to shoot!!” she added, laughing evilly, and it seemed like she was getting her way because everyone else in the room looked at her and agreed with her, even September and Malachi.

“Okay,” someone finally said with a sigh. “We accept your deal.”

Maddie Cone nodded with a grin as I gulped hard in fear at the turn of events. “Ah yes, you guys are very-very smart people, and trust me, this weapon is not even close to your concern,” Maddie Cone said, chuckling before she peered back at me, “and don’t worry, I’m not going to kill him.”

But here’s the thing-her hand was behind her back and the only thing behind her back was her...

She suddenly pulled out a gun, and my eyes widened. “No!” September shouted, but I needed to do something. I sped towards her at a rapid pace, pushing Nikki and Tisiah to get to Maddie before she could fire the gun and kill us all.

“I don’t think so!” she shouted as she raised the gun. And before I could stop her, I could hear the gunfire-and I knew it was my time to die. But then, I rammed into her and suddenly my hands felt free, and I had no idea what had happened to cause this, but I looked back to see that I was actually free and not chained anymore.

I looked ahead, seeing Maddie Cone’s gun about a few feet away from her, and I snatched it right out of her hand before I pulled it down in front of me and pointed it towards her face. Then I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart as I stared right into her eyes.

But she quickly punched me off her body, making me lose grip of my gun. I fell down onto the ground with a thud, seeing the gun fall on the floor before it slid away from us.

I turned my head to look up as Maddie stood above me with a scoff on her face before she took a step back from me. She reached for the gun though, but I quickly slammed into her-trying to get her back onto the ground. “Get off of me!” she shouted hastily, but she soon began to grunt in pain and hit me back as we fought with each other. “This is nothing compared to what I can do to you,” she added as she pushed me off of her once more.

“Guards!” she shouted once she got up. “Kill those kids!”

The BMO agents began to storm towards me, but I looked at Maddie Cone. “You’re not gonna kill us!” I shouted, but then my words turned into a cry of terror as the BMO agents began to close in on me-the agents that were standing around the room began to walk towards us as well.

“Well, look around,” she said. “I think I am.”

But all of a sudden, a loud-Crash!!-rung, as the door smacked down onto the ground. YMPA agents filled the room, and now bolts were speeding through the room like darts. “Get down!” someone shouted, and suddenly a grenade went off, making the YMPA agents cover their ears while some fell onto the floor from the loud noise.

Maddie Cone was knocked back as well, but I was able to push myself up and look over at her to see that she was standing up and looking towards the door with an evil scoff. Quickly, I rushed towards her as she began to run, but someone else caught up to me first-Nikki and Tisiah ran up behind me as we all dashed for the door.

The BMO agents that were trying to capture us were still trying to reach for us as we made our way through the hallways and past the doors until we began to catch up to Maddie Cone. But then she took another door to the left, as we chased after her, and we found ourselves in a hallway with a lot of doors on either side of us.

“Which way?” Nikki asked as she looked at the doors.

“I don’t know,” I said as I looked at the doors too. “I don’t know where she went.”

“We have to find her!” Nikki said with a worried expression. “She’s gonna kill us!”

“I know,” I said as I looked at the doors again. But ahead, I saw her body speeding down the hall. “She’s over there!” I shouted, pointing my finger at her location, and Nikki and Tisiah nodded in agreement.

“We have to get her!” Nikki said with a determined expression. “We have to stop her!”

“We will,” I said with a determined expression as we began to run after her. She was moving, no doubt about it, but we were catching up to her fast. We were almost there when suddenly she stopped in front of a door and turned around to look at us.

“You’re not gonna get me!” she shouted.

“Well, based on the situation so far,” I said, “I don’t think we have much of a choice.”

“You’re not gonna get me!” she shouted again.

“I’m not?” I asked as I stopped in front of her. “Don’t be so naive.” But then, she got out her wand and instantly swung it, hitting me in the chest and knocking me back into the wall.


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