Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 157 [Venom]

Ch: 157 [Venom]

[Meanwhile] [A few minutes earlier]

Felicia Hardy sat at the beach bar, enjoying the gentle sea breeze and the warm, setting sun. The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore created a serene ambiance, a perfect backdrop for her thoughts. Her fingers traced the rim of her cocktail glass as she pondered over Spiderman's offer to join his team. It was an intriguing proposition. The thrill of the heist and the rush of adrenaline were things she craved, but the responsibility and danger that came with being a hero? That was another matter entirely.

She sighed, taking a sip of her drink. Her eyes scanned the beach, watching the children build sandcastles and couples walking hand in hand. It was the usual beach scene. It was a peaceful scene, so different from her usual life of chaos and excitement. Felicia couldn't help but wonder if she could ever find a balance between the two worlds.

The thought of Spiderman made her heart skip a beat. There was something about him, something that drew her in despite her better judgment. His offer was tempting, not just because of the excitement but also because of him. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

"Get a grip, Felicia," she muttered to herself, finishing her drink.

Deciding she needed a break from her own thoughts, Felicia stood up and headed towards the bar's restroom. She splashed some water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath, composing herself. After living the life of a thief, she was used to being on edge, but this time, it was different. Spiderman had offered her a chance to turn her life around and make amends for her past mistakes.

"Maybe a change is what I need," she mumbled to herself, but before she could ponder further, something caught her eye. On the top of the mirror, she saw a strange, gooey black substance. It pulsed and moved, almost as if it was alive. She'd encountered strange things before, but this was new. The substance seemed to react to her presence, moving slightly in her direction.

She took out a poison needle that she usually carries all the time and stirred the gooey substance. "What are you?" She asked with a frown. It instantly jumped on her hand. "Shit!" She tried to pull it off, but it stuck to her like glue. Suddenly, the substance began to move up her arm. It felt cold and slimy, sending chills down her spine.

Felicia panicked, frantically trying to remove the alien creature. But it was no use. The substance was spreading too quickly. She could feel the substance covering her arm, then her torso, and soon it was enveloping her entire body. Panic set in, but she forced herself to stay calm. She had to figure out what this thing was and how to get rid of it. As the substance covered her face, her vision went dark, and she could feel a strange presence in her mind. It was like something was trying to communicate with her.

"Who are you?" she thought, trying to reach out to the presence.

A deep, guttural voice responded, "I am Venom."

"Venom?! An alien, I guess? So, would you be so kind to get out of my body?" Felicia tried to bargain with the alien creature. She hasn't heard or seen anything like this before. If it were some alien, she would have definitely heard of it.

"We are Venom... You are our host now..." The voice replied.

"Host?!" Felicia exclaimed in shock. This wasn't good. She had to do something before it was too late. But before she could even react, the substance covered her mouth, silencing her.

"We'll give you power beyond your imagination, in return, feed us human brain..." Venom hissed, sending shivers down Felicia's spine.

"Human brain? What the hell do you mean?" She thought in confusion.

"A threat is coming to Earth. Home has found us. We need to get stronger to protect ourselves..." Venom explained.

"Home? Threat? What are you talking about?" Felicia questioned in bewilderment. This whole situation was getting more confusing by the second. "Would you be kind enough to speak everything without me asking for every single detail?"

"Fine..." Venom relented. It showed her a glimpse of the Symbiote world and Knull, the God of symbiote.

"Arrgggg!" Felicia felt a sharp headache as if her head might explode at any moment.

"Sorry..." Venom apologized, easing the pain. "Human brains aren't strong enough to endure the truth and information that we possess. And considering you are still conscious and haven't died, our compatibility is quite high. Host bonding with us won't take long, that is, if you survive it."

Felicia groaned in agony as she struggled to comprehend everything she had just witnessed. It was overwhelming, to say the least. She knew nothing about symbiotes, let alone the God of symbiotes. How could such a thing exist?

"Fuck! So, basically, you are the runaway child, and Knull is the God you are speaking of, right? And this Symbiote world is going to invade Earth or something? Wait, what do you mean by if I survive?" Felicia's head started throbbing again as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"Yes..." Venom confirmed. "Our previous host has disappeared from this reality due to reality shift, so, we need a new host to survive. Together we'll hunt the rest of the remaining symbiote on Earth and eat them, grow stronger. Oh, not to forget brains too... Then, we'll keep eating everyone from home and become the strongest one. So, what do you say, Black Cat? I can read your thoughts and emotions. You want to do some good, right? Save the world, redeem yourself from your past crimes?"

Felicia sighed inwardly. This alien symbiote was offering her a chance to make up for all the wrongs she'd done in the past. It was tempting, but she had no idea if this thing was telling the truth or not, but the burst of power she could feel within her body told her otherwise. It felt invigorating, like nothing she'd ever experienced before. Maybe this was what she needed to change her life, to do some good in the world.

"Okay... But we roll my way. No random killings, no nothing without my consent," Felicia agreed reluctantly. Venom wasn't giving her much choice anyway.

"Deal..." Venom said, then suddenly it transformed Felicia's entire body into a pitch-black suit with a white spider symbol on the chest.

Felicia stood in front of the mirror, her breath catching as she examined her transformed appearance. The black suit was unlike anything she'd ever worn before, sleek and alien, with a distinctive white spider emblem sprawled across her chest. Big white eyes, somewhat similar to Spiderman's mask, and... She opened her mouth and saw the long tongue dripping with saliva and spiny teeth like a shark's.

Felicia shuddered at the sight of herself. It was terrifying. The alien creature inside her was giving her immense power, but at the same time, it was scary. She needs a solution, but since it can read her thoughts and emotions, Felicia who is an expert in deception must think something that the symbiote won't notice.

She could feel the symbiote's presence in her mind, a constant murmur at the edge of her thoughts. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, knowing she was sharing her body with this powerful, otherworldly being.

"A quick question, why do you have a spider symbol?" She asked Venom.

"Simply because Spiderman looked cool when we saw him on TV," Venom answered honestly. "You want another form?"

"No, this will do."

"So, where do we start? I'm starving for some feast," Venom said impatiently.

"Calm down, big boy. First, we need to find allies who can help us. We can't simply go around killing people no matter who they are. We need to approach this matter strategically. And most importantly, we need to keep our identity hidden," Felicia explained her plan.

"Good idea. Eddie should have done that, but our reality didn't have any heroes or anything like this world, so we were on the top of the wanted list. Hahahaha... It was fun. Running, eating, and fighting," Venom laughed at the memories of the past.

Felicia ignored Venom's ramblings and focused on finding someone who could help them. Her thoughts drifted to Spiderman. He was the only person she knew who could help her out of this situation.

"Let's become one of these heroes. That way, we won't have to worry about your hunger and we can get stronger. With your knowledge and our mind, we can do this. Time to find Spiderman," Felicia thought with determination.

"Yeah! Let's find Spidey. We wanted to meet him ever since we saw him on TV. His suit looked cool. Maybe we should also get our own suit instead of copying. You should ask him to make one for you too," Venom suggested.

"Maybe later... First, we need to find him, then we can ask him about that."

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Next, Ch: 158: Venom's food

Ch: 159: Sue's BDSM rope

Ch: 160: Fisk's new target


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