Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 156 [Symbiote hunt begins]

Ch: 156 [Symbiote hunt begins]

I could have used the portal to go directly to the Stark Tower, but the feeling of swinging in the air gives me an adrenaline rush and makes me feel free. Like, literally, flying. I enjoyed the wind hitting my face and the view of New York City. After a few minutes of swinging, my spider senses tingled, and thanks to my chi enhancement, I could see and hear the sound of glass shattering and guns reloading, muffled screams...

I flipped up high in the air, throwing a webline between two buildings as I stood on it.

"Ah! It's been a while since I caught some small timers. Guess, these bastards grew some big balls in my absence," I said with a smirk while watching two guys trying to rob a flower shop in the broad daylight. Those two thugs looked well-built and big. Their guns were just some low-class, cheap revolvers. They wore normal civilian clothes but with masks. Wait! Another guy just came in with another gun.

"You better empty the cash register or I'll shoot your fucking brains out," The bald guy said as he pointed his gun at the flower shop's owner.

"Please... Don't hurt me... Please..." The young lady behind the counter begged. She looked pretty scared.

"Shut up bitch and put the money in the bag!" The bald guy shouted. The lady trembled as she obeyed and placed the money in the bag.

"Hehehe, boss is going to like this haul," The second guy laughed while looking at the cash register's content.

"You stupid, we gotta loot more than this, otherwise the boss won't pay us anything," The bald guy scolded him.

"Goddamn it, man! This is a flower shop! What do you expect?" The third guy cursed.

Well, time to crash the party. I jumped on the webline, sending myself up in the air, before diving down to the ground.

"Hey, fellas! Why are you bothering a pretty lady like this?" I dropped down in front of the shop's entrance, startling the three robbers.

"Spiderman!" Baldy shouted in shock.

"Fuck! It's Spidey, take the girl host..."

Before they could even speak or react I webbed them to the wall. They were slow as fuck. Anyway, with that taken care of, I took the bag of money and returned it to the owner.

"Miss, this belongs to you," I smiled under my mask as I handed over the bag of money. The lady grabbed the bag, trembling a bit. She looked at me, then at the three webbed guys. "Thank you, Spiderman," She smiled and bowed.

"No problem. These guys aren't the smartest ones, so, you should call the cops and hand them over to the authorities," I advised her as I made my way toward the webbed trio. "And you don't have to worry about them getting out of the web, anytime soon." I punched them unconscious. "Well, have a great day."

I webbed up to the top of the nearest building and continued my journey toward Stark Tower. On the way, Sue called. I webbed onto a radio tower. "Hey, Sue," I picked up the call. Her face appeared on the visor.

"Hey. You busy?" She asked.

"A little, nothing major though. What's up?" I replied.

"Well, I broke up with Reed." She answered with a sigh as if a huge burden was lifted off her shoulders.

"Congrats!" I exclaimed happily.

"Haha... I finally feel free, you know. Anyway, I don't even want to think about that useless man..." Sue leaned back on her chair, resting her feet on her desk, "So, why don't you swing by my house? I'm missing your cock in me." Sue smirked seductively as she moved the camera, showing me her wet pussy. She spread the labia with her fingers, revealing her pink, glistening vagina.

Fuck! I almost lost concentration and fell. I webbed over to a water tank and stopped. Sue giggled seeing my reaction. "And I miss your tongue as well, the way you lick my clit makes me squirt all over your face. Just thinking about it makes me horny." Sue started playing with herself. Goddamn it, this woman is a succubus in disguise.

I really wanted to go there and fuck Sue until she loses consciousness.

She closed her legs and shifted the camera to her face, "But then again, I guess, you are too busy with your girls, huh? They must have drained you last night. You must be running low on stamina. So, I can understand if you can't come here..." Sue faked a sad expression as if she was disappointed.

That cute face... Plus, her glasses made her look super sexy. She knows how to tease. This nympho milf, I swear.

"I'll swing by in a few hours and show you my stamina," I said while giving a thumbs up.

Sue laughed, "Looking forward to it. Love you, honey."

"Love you too, babe." With that, I cut the call and continued swinging toward the Stark Tower. Honey?! Babe?! Ah fuck! Did I just become domestic?

Anyway, after a few minutes of swinging, I landed on Stark Tower's balcony. Tony was standing inside, with a glass of wine.

"Wine at this hour?" I asked as I entered through the balcony door.

"What can I say, I enjoy a glass of fine wine every now and then, and it's non-alcoholic," Tony replied as he walked to the mini bar and poured me a glass too. "I took care of Frank's background, erased all his past records, and cleaned his records."

The nanites shifted, creating the civilian suit. Tony handed me the glass of wine, which I gladly accepted.

"Thanks. So, Kraven got Carnage," I said as I sat down on one of the couches.

"Yup," Tony sat on the other side of the bar, "Kraven was bad, but with a red symbiote, he is on another level. I'm trying to track him, but it seems he's hiding somewhere underground or maybe in one of those abandoned mines. Finding him is going to be a challenge." He took a sip of his wine.

"Or we just bait him out," I suggested while swirling the wine in my hand.

Tony looked at me curiously, "How?"

"We got Misery, don't we? Since their minds are connected, we just need to ask Misery nicely for help," I took out the container in which I put the symbiote back then and placed it on the table.

"You trust that thing?" Tony frowned as he stared at the symbiote inside the container.

"It's not about trust, but more like a deal," I opened the container, allowing Misery to take its head form. It seems this one recovered some of its strength, at least enough to form a head, "So, where is Carnage hiding?" I asked Misery.

Misery looked around cautiously and then focused on me. "I'll tell you want you need to know, but in return, help me find my old host. I need Liz Allan... Or I'll die..." Misery pleaded desperately.

"Why do you need her?" I asked.

"Bonding with you was a mistake. That unknown power in your body almost destroyed me. Look at my miserable state. I can barely form a head without being exhausted. My core is unstable, and I'm dying. I need Liz Allan or someone compatible to bond with." Misery explained.

"You really think after throwing Liz out of that helicopter to bond with me, I'll trust you again. Besides, I'm pretty sure you left a part of you in her body, didn't you? And just like every symbiote, that part of you is going to grow and become even stronger than you ever were, right? No wonder you want her back," I scoffed at the symbiote.

"I promise I'll never leave her," Misery pleaded with its slurry voice.

"As if I'll believe you. You are symbiotes, the only thing you guys care about is survival."

Misery shut up and looked down in defeat.

"So," I grabbed its organic webby throat, and pulled it closer to my face, "Speak..."

"SCCCRRRECCHHH!" Misery screeched loudly.

Tony covered his ears due to the ear-splitting sound, "Ah! Damn it!"

I grabbed Misery by the head and slammed it hard on the table, breaking it into pieces. "The longer you delay, the longer the suffering... Speak. Where is Carnage and Venom?" Nice, it can't endure my touch too, huh?! It's like Harry touching Voldemort before his revival.

"AAAHHH... OKAY, OKAY, STOP!" Misery begged, "Carnage is hiding in an abandoned mine outside the city. Go north, there's only one coal mine there. It's hiding there. As for Venom, Eddie's life signature disappeared from this reality. But he left a trail behind near Coney Island. It's there, alright, so, just leave me."

I kept my grasp on its throat and turned toward Tony, "Well, that was easy. By the way, since this is a man-made Symbiote, it won't disintegrate even if it dies, right?"

"Yup, but why?" Tony raised his brow in curiosity.

"So, can you make a suit with a dead symbiote body? Its mind will be gone, but its power and physical body will remain," I asked him while still holding Misery by the neck.

Tony thought for a moment, "Maybe, but it might take me a while. Symbiote is a complex substance, you know. An intelligent symbiote suit similar to Model 50... Humm..." He looked deep in thought. "If I can somehow fuse Symbiote with nanites and... Well... Hummm..." After making multiple faces and biting his lips, Tony stood up with a serious face, "Challenge accepted."

"Good. But first, you need to take care of Carnage before he recovers its strength. As for Venom, I'll take care of it. I should be able to find it with my enhanced senses in that crowded place," I said as Misery's body went limp into a gooey mass of red matter. Truth be told, it looked gross as a puddle of vomit. "And here you go, a dead Symbiote body." I handed it over to Tony after putting it back into the container.

"Jarvis, put it in the containment cell. Make sure to keep an eye on it." Tony stood up and activated his nano suit.

A small part of the floor shifted and a robotic arm came out. It took the container and retracted back underground.

"Alright, kiddo. You find Venom's traces and I'll deal with Carnage," Tony said as he walked into the balcony and flew away.

I changed into my Spiderman suit again and opened a portal to the beach. The faster I take care of this mess, the faster I'll be at Sue's house. Time to hunt Venom.

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Next, Ch: 157: Venom

Ch: 158: Venom's food

Ch: 159: Sue's BDSM rope

Ch: 160: Fisk's new target


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