Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 154 [Storm and Rogue]

Ch: 154 [Storm and Rogue]

I bought Frank some food and then wanted to go to talk to Professor alone, but seeing how he had calmed down and hadn't summoned any more bones by mistake, I decided to take him with me. After he finished eating, I opened a portal to the gate of the mutant academy.

"Let's go," I gestured for Frank to walk through the portal.

"Are you sure this is safe?" He asked, hesitating.

"Of course, it's safe. Besides, the faster you master your power, the faster you are gonna go out there kicking criminal asses," I patted his shoulder.

"Alright," He walked through the portal and I followed right after.

When we emerged on the other side of the portal, the vast expanse of the Mutant Academy greeted us. The grounds were alive with activity—students practicing their abilities, flying through the air, manipulating elements, or engaging in combat training. It looks so different from what I saw in movies and comics. This place is way too big. Some curious eyes glanced toward us, considering how we just come out of a portal. And I'm Spiderman. I wonder if I have any fans in here.

"You've been here before?" Frank asked as he looked around curiously while following me inside.

"Nah! First time," I replied. "We gotta meet Prof Xavier first. Come, let's go to the main building. Considering his power, he should be already aware of our presence and... Here comes our guide..."

Before we could enter the building, a black beauty with white hair and blue irises, wearing a black tight suit, approached us. She's Storm, no doubt about that, but the fact that she looks like Halle Berry, from my Earth made me somewhat dumbstruck. I didn't expect her to look like that. Damn! She's sexy as hell. One of my dream girls. Weirdly enough, I doubt that I've ever seen her posters or her fights in the news. Well, I doubt that I watch much news. But dang! That tight suit... Ahem! Let's not think too much and make a mess during our conversation.

"Welcome to the Mutant Academy. My name is Ororo. You can call me Storm. Follow me, the Professor is waiting for both of you," She gave us a warm smile and gestured for us to follow her. Frank gave me a nudge on the back, bringing me back to the reality. I shook my head and followed her, Frank right behind me.

"To think I'll meet Spiderman in person," Storm said as she glanced back. "Professor says you are a special case."

"Special case?" I raised my brows under my mask. "I mean, Frank is a special case, considering his op mutation."

"Oh, he actually has the potential to reach the Omega Level. Just need some training. But you, well, the Professor want to talk to you in person. And I've never seen Professor this excited before," Storm replied with a giggle.

Soon, we stood in front of a big door. Storm pushed it open.

"He's waiting," She gestured for us to enter.

"Thank you," I thanked her with a smile as I entered the room, Frank following right behind me. Storm closed the door leaving us alone with Prof X and Beast. Both Prof X and Beast glanced toward us as we entered. To my surprise, Professor wasn't sitting in a wheelchair, but standing. He looks kinda young. I was expecting a bald old guy.

"Peter Parker, the one who defied destiny. And Frank Castle..." Professor paused for a brief moment. He must be peeking into Frank's mind. "So much sadness and pain you carry, Frank Castle. Such a tragic life, yet you have such a powerful will to keep going and protect those you care for. A life dedicated to curing society of corruption, yet an impossible goal in itself. But that's the path you choose, and I respect that, Frank Castle. Welcome to the Mutant Academy," He greeted us with a warm smile.

"Is it fun to read other's minds?" Frank asked coldly, glaring at Prof X.

"My apologies. It's a necessary precautionary measure to make sure you aren't a spy. Things have been busy lately with rising tension among our kind and human. Magneto's been causing trouble, too. His people keep trying to invade us, so, I hope you can understand. As for reading your mind, please, forgive me. I know what it feels like to be invaded in such a way, but trust me, Frank Castle, I meant no harm," Prof X apologized sincerely.

"So, can you help him master his power?" I asked.

"Yes. That's the aim of this academy. To help mutants control their powers. Frank Castle can stay here as long as he wants to learn how to use his powers and use them for good. But..." Professor leaned forward, "There's more than just bone manipulation. May I look into that memory when you awakened your mutation?"

Frank nodded and Professor extended his hands. A moment later, he frowned, "Kraven the hunter was supposed to be dead, yet..." He glanced toward Beast, who opened his laptop and turned it toward us, "He lives. It would seem, our hunter has found something dangerous that kept him alive."

I glanced at the little footage they captured from what looked like a medicine store. Kraven was seen looking for some drugs and he has a red coating over his skin. It was just a 10-second footage, but what surprised me were those two headless dead bodies lying on the floor of that store. Their heads were nowhere to be seen.

Wait a second! Headless bodies... Rogue Symbiotes! It's too good to be a coincidence. Frank told me he shot him dead, and only a Symbiote is strong enough to bring someone back to life or heal injuries just a split second before death.

"Those two were mutants. Now, Magneto is trying to use this situation to convert more mutants to his side, pushing the blame on humans. But, let's not stray from our conversation." Professor looked at Frank, "Kraven will come for you to finish what he failed to do. You must be ready to face him next time. His power has grown too much. Even I can't keep track of him. But considering his nature, he won't abandon his prey."

"When do we start?" Frank asked.

"Today. Hank will take you to the training ground right now. Jean should be waiting for you there. She'll be in charge of your training until I sort out this messy situation." Professor gestured for Beast to leave with Frank. "And Peter..." He looked at me, "Follow me. There's someone I want you to meet."

"C'mon, don't expose my real name," I complained as Frank and Beast left the room. Professor smiled as he gestured for me to follow him. "Anyway, can you read my mind?" I walked beside him as we walked through the hallways.

"No. I've been trying to read your thoughts from the moment you entered through the gate. But it's like hitting a wall. Your mind is incredibly tough and powerful. Yet, I can sense some... irregularities in your mind. But you already know about that, right?" Professor glanced at me. "The Ancient One must have told you about that."

"Yeah! She also failed to get in here," I touched my head with a finger, "Well, it's good to know that I'm telepathy-proof. So, Storm said you wanted to talk about something, but I guess you wanted me to meet this certain someone... Who?" I asked as we stopped in front of another big door. Professor pushed it open, gesturing for me to enter first. When I entered the room, a girl with auburn hair with white streaks, and green eyes looked up from her book. She was sitting on the bed and wearing a patient gown. I recognized her immediately. Rogue! She looks a bit different, but still, that white streak in her hair makes it easy to recognize her.

It's a medic room.

"Professor," She smiled as she saw Professor enter the room. But then her gaze shifted toward me as I entered the room. Her eyes widened as she saw my Spiderman suit. She dropped her book as she stood up abruptly. "Spiderman!"

"Yo!" I waved my hand.

"She's Rogue," Professor introduced her.

"I know. She was kinda popular with the media," I nodded. So, this is why Prof X wanted me to meet her.

"Wait! You want me to..." I glanced toward the professor. That Ancient One must have babbled about my Immunity power. Considering Rogue's power, I guess Prof X wants me to... Is this guy trying to help her or hook me up with Rogue? What the fuck, man?! You acting like a pimp! Professor just smiled.

My eyes fell on Rogue who quickly put on her gloves and extended her hand toward me, "Can I shake your hand?"

I could see the excitement in her eyes as she approached me. She's like what 18 or 19, probably. No more than 20, that's for sure. Another twist in this world, huh?! Well, since he wants me to test it out, who am I to refuse such an offer?

"Take off your gloves," I said as I retracted the nanites from my right hand.

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Next, Ch: 155: Professor X's request

Ch: 156: Symbiote hunt begins

Ch: 157: Venom


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