Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 153 [Frank needs help]

Ch: 153 [Frank needs help]

[Peter's first person POV] [Morning]

AH! Such a pleasant feeling...

I woke up between soft mounds of flesh, with two sexy, mature women. Last night, we had so much fun. May and Maddie fell asleep right after our last round, and I must admit I did too. It's already morning. I slowly got down off the bed and stretched my body as a large yawn escaped my mouth. My dick was still semi-erect.

Hmm, I'm still horny.

Both May and Maddie were still sleeping. I wanted to wake them up but decided not to, they looked really tired last night. Instead, I decided to take a shower. I went to the bathroom and turned the water on.

Ahh~ that feels good.

The warm water felt so good on my skin. I stayed under the stream for a while, just relaxing and enjoying the warmth of the water. I washed myself thoroughly before getting out of the shower. I dried myself with a towel and then hung it back on the hook. I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment, admiring my own physique. After awakening both magic and chi, my muscles were filling out nicely.

Now, gotta spend some time with MJ, Gwen, and Michelle. Oh boy, they are gonna suck me dry today.

With that thought, I left the bathroom and dressed up, then sneaked out of the window, and back to my room.



Ned left after breakfast since he had to prepare for that study night date with his special friend. He wanted to read as much as possible starting now so that he wouldn't embarrass himself before her. MJ also left early since she was working on a new movie and the shooting starts today. I decided to give her a lift and Gwen decided to tag along. As for May, Maddie, and Michelle, they got a job to open the spa. With the business blooming, closing a day would be bad, since they got prior appointments.

Well, everyone kinda seems like too busy. But, can't complain.

"So, May and Maddie kinda looked too tired in the morning," Gwen teased from the back seat as she leaned in between the seats and glanced toward me. "Did you three do it all night?"

"Yep. All. Night. Long," I boasted, proud of my sexual prowess.

"No way!" MJ said in disbelief.

"Wanna test it out, maybe tonight? But gotta warn you, you are gonna have a hard time working next day," I winked.

"That sounds good. You better not disappoint me, tiger," MJ purred as she leaned back into her seat. "What about you? You in?" She glanced back at Gwen.

"Omg~" Gwen blushed as she imagined me doing the same thing to her. "Threesome! Hell yeah! Count me it."

"Great. Then, it's settled," I gave both of them a grin as I drove to drop MJ at the studio.

Before MJ left she glanced at Gwen and said, "No threesome for you if you suck Peter's cock or fuck before night. Same for you mister. Forget threesome or anything else till night. Save your energy for us," Then she kissed me on the lips and got out of the car, leaving Gwen and me somewhat baffled. I've never seen her so possessive before.

"She's serious," Gwen commented as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Yeah, guess so," I shrugged, "So, should I drop you at home? Or, maybe we could... Huh?!" My phone began to ring. It's from Frank. What does he want this early in the morning? "Just give me a moment." I got out of the car and took the call.

"Hey, Frank. What's up?" I asked.

"Hey. Can we talk? In person? It's really important and you are the only one I can call right now," He sounded nervous. Frank Castle is nervous?! Something doesn't sound right.

"Sure. I'll see you at the base in an hour," I replied.

"Thanks. See ya there," With that, he cut the call.

I wonder what happened?

I entered the car and glanced back at Gwen, "So, where are we going?" She asked with a smile.

"Well, gotta postpone our date for now. You know Punisher?" I asked her as I started the engine.

"Yeah. Kinda heard about him. Ain't he a vigilante?! Yet, he's on the wanted list," She replied, a bit confused.

"Well, something urgent came up. We gotta go to meet him. How about we go on a nice date tomorrow? Wait! Tonight's threesome. So..." I narrowed my eyes thinking of a nice time.

"So what? MJ's got a shooting date tomorrow, too. So, tomorrow, you are mine. Only mine, no excuses," Gwen said as she grabbed my collar and pulled me closer to her face. Her blue eyes stared straight into mine.

I grabbed her lower jaws and kissed her deeply before pulling away with a grin, "Got it, babe. Tomorrow, it's gonna be you and me only." I then put on the nanosuit and got out of the car after making sure no one saw me getting out of the car. "You keep the car for now. Later."

I webbed away toward our secret base.



When I entered the base the first thing my eyes fell on was the bone scattered all over the floor. Fuck! What the freaking hell is going on here? Why are there human bones lying around? Wait! My scanner says they are artificially made bones, yet they have human DNA.

This is messed up! Whoever did this must be crazy.

Then, my eyes fell upon Frank, who was sitting on the couch, looking lost. He noticed me and immediately extended his arm, telling me to stop there, "Please. Don't! Just... Just stay there."

His eyes had a weird green sparkle. Did he eat something funny like those MGH pills or something similar?

"Frank, what's wrong?" I asked cautiously.

"Heh! Everything!" He chuckled dryly, "Last night, Kraven ambushed me. I lost. Bastard ripped my ribcage right out of my chest along with my organs. I died... Yet... It's hard to explain. One moment everything turned dark, and then suddenly I was standing there alive and filled with energy, all healed up, back from the dead. Took down his goons and killed him."

"What power did you awaken?" I asked. I don't know how much he knows about his abilities or how much he can control them, and considering all these bones lying around, it gotta be bone-related.

"Bones. I can see bones in living bodies and I can control them. Then, I can do this," Frank clenched his right fist. Instantly, white liquid busted out of his skin pores, covering his fist in a bony armor. He then punched on the floor, creating a big dent on the spot.

"Now, that's nice. Look here," I did the same. I used my exoskeleton around my right fist and threw a little flick on the floor, creating a well, a freaking crater. I tried to control my strength, but dang! I almost brought down this base. "Oops. Sorry about that. I don't know how strong I am right now. Anyway, coming to the topic, that's exo skeleton armor, somewhat similar to mine. You can also cover your entire body with it, right? But you can't move or probably move, but slow as a snail, right?"

"How do you know that?" He looked at me, surprised.

"Well, it's my ability too. Remember, I told you how I survived that warehouse explosion and all that?" I replied.

"Oh! Yeah. That. But this isn't all," As we were speaking, he vanished before my eyes and appeared behind me which made me react instinctively as I fired a web grenade, only to see him appearing again in the same place.

"Teleportation?!" My eyes fell on the floor. There were footprints on the dusty broken ground, "Super speed?!"

"Everything seems slow when I focus, but I can't use my armor in this state and it only lasts for like ten seconds," Frank replied, clenching his fist.

"Well, that's freaking OP. But there's more, right?"

Frank placed his palm on the floor.

Rumble! Rumble! The ground began to shake as multiple sharp bones popped out from the ground piercing through everything.

"Holy crap! What the actual f*ck is that?!" I cursed as I jumped backward dodging all the bones.

"Sorry, I can't control them. Bones kept popping out left and right, last night. It just feels weird. You are a superhuman, a mutant, right? So, you must know more about powers. Help me master my power, Spiderman," Frank requested, his eyes full of desperation.

"Ok. I'm not a mutant. But you are. And you are way too OP, maybe if you master your power, you might just become the next Omega Level Mutant alive. And the best place to master your power isn't here but at the Mutant Academy," I said with a sigh as I dragged a chair from the corner which was somehow untouched by his bones, and sat on it.

"You know I can't go out in the open when cops are looking for me. You think they will help someone like me? Besides that place is filled with kids. What if I hurt someone by mistake? You saw what I can do, right?" He argued as he began pacing around the room nervously.

"Well, I erased your entire background, including your cases and all that legal shits. No cops or no one will be bothering you anymore. As for the matter of teaching, I'll talk with Professor X. And for your worries about hurting others, well, don't worry about that. There are even more unstable and dangerous mutants there than you. One can end Earth if she gets out of control. So, how about you stay here, away from all troubles for now and I'll talk with them. Then, we can go from there?" I suggested.

"Alright. Guess I don't have a choice, do I?" He sighed as he sat on the floor, "Thanks, man. I don't know how you take my name of cops records, but thanks."

"It's alright. We are buddies, right?" I smiled as I got up from the chair, "Oh! I'll bring you some food. You haven't eaten since last night, right? So, sit tight. I got more good news for you. I'll tell you later."

"Haha... I'll be just sitting here. Don't want to break any more things," Frank chuckled dryly.

I waved at him before webbing out of the base.

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Next, Ch: 154: Storm & Rogue

Ch: 155: Professor X's request

Ch: 156: Symbiote hunt begins

Ch: 157: Venom


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