Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 150 [I AM CARNAGE]

Ch: 150 [I AM CARNAGE]


Frank stood where Kraven just killed him. Blood-covered wounds all over his body, but most of the wounds were starting to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. It wasn't something natural but unnatural! Something was wrong!

Kraven quickly pressed his pressure points to stop the bleeding. The fight just took a U-Turn, the predator has now become the prey. His eyes fell on his severed arm, twitching on the ground. He wondered how the hell did Frank severed his arm. He couldn't even see or

understand what just happened.

Kraven's men waiting at the end of the alley rushed in with their guns.

"Mutation?!" Kraven yelled with a large grin. Despite the pain, he was smiling in excitement, "You bastard! Don't tell me your mutation awakened on the brink of death!"

He could see black liquid had begun to erupt from Frank's chest, slowly spreading over his body. Kraven's eyes fell on the ribcage he was carrying just before his arm got severed, to his surprise, the ribcage had morphed into a white blade and was lying near his feet. 'He can control bones! Ah! So that's how it is, huh? Damn that cockroach bastard! I can barely move my body.'

Frank clenched his fist as the wounds he suffered earlier had mostly healed. New muscles covered with black carapace started forming, further healing the remaining open wounds on his body. After a few seconds, it turned into his new armor. He glanced at Kraven and his men... 'What is going on with me?' Frank wondered as he could see their skeleton structures. He then glanced at his arms, and just like the others, he could see his bones, with green lines across his skeletal structure.

Whatever it was, Frank right now has the upper hand.

"Boss. We should fall back for now," One of Kraven's men whispered.

Kraven knew that falling back was the right choice. The first bout was over and he got new information about his prey. Right now, a strategic retreat was the wisest decision. However, the beast in him couldn't give up. His prey was still alive even after he killed him once. That can't do! That will be a blot on his career as a hunter. But, there was no other choice. The poison in his body is about to kick him down at any moment.

'Withdrawal is dishonorable, but saving my life comes first. As long as he's alive, there'll always be time to hunt him again.'

"Hold him here," Kraven ordered his men as he dragged his feet toward the car waiting for him at the end of the alley.

Kraven's men open-fired, but Frank wasn't affected by any bullets. They just bounced off his skin as he slowly approached.

Frank could see green strings floating in the air, that were connected to their skeleton. He felt a weird connection to those floating strings. It was as if they were a part or extensions of his own body. He extended his palm forward. To his surprise, those strings wrapped around his palm almost instantly.

"What the hell is that fucker?! Use grenades!"

Kraven's men took out grenades and threw them toward Frank.

Booom! Massive explosions occurred in that enclosed space. As the dust and smoke settled, they were surprised to see Frank standing there unharmed. "Impossible!" Kraven's men yelled in disbelief.

"I wonder what would happen if I pull these strings," Frank pulled on the green strings, the moment he did that, those ten men before his eyes... Well, their skeleton and flesh were separated instantly. Their flesh fell to the ground with loud plops while their bones clattered over their flesh. Ten men died, just like that without any scream. They died before their brain could understand what was going on or that they had died.

Even Frank himself was surprised to see that.

"Mutation!" He mumbled to himself as his eyes fell on Kraven who just entered the car and was about to get away. Frank couldn't allow him to escape his grasp or else he might come back for revenge. Although Frank knew that the poison should be enough to kill Kraven, he still had doubts

'Better to kill him off now than to create future problems.'

As the car started, Frank wasn't interested in racing or chasing after the vehicle. Instead, he was trying to remember how he transformed his bones into that blade, "Was it like this?" He wrapped those green strings around the skeletons and squeezed them together. Immediately, the bones began to crumble and stick together, forming a big lance. He picked it up and tried to run, but his speed was way too slow. The bone armor around his body was too heavy for him to run, although he could move his arms, and walk, but running was a different matter.

He tried to concentrate as the organic bones around his body shattered, allowing his body to get out of the shell. Just like his weapon, Frank, too, could control his organic bone armor. He wasn't sure about how it worked, but to him, it was like a part of his body. As soon as the armor shattered, he dashed toward the car, grabbing that lance on the way.

Frank charged using his full speed. He could see the car moving... He was desperate. He can't allow Kraven to run away. His heart was hammering like a drum inside his ribcage. Sweat poured down from his skin... Then something happened...

For a brief moment, everything before his eyes seemed to stand still and to his surprise, he was right standing behind the car as it was very slowly moving forward.

'What the?!' He glanced toward the original spot where his broken shell was lying. That was approx 200 meters or maybe a bit less. Too many thoughts assaulted his mind, but Frank decided to focus on the enemy before his eyes. But before he could even move, everything returned to normal. The car before his eyes moved fast as the tires screeched against the road surface. The driver quickly changed the gears as the car started to gain its speed back.

"Humff!" He threw the lance at the car, aiming at Kraven's skeleton. He wanted to pull out Kraven's skeleton, but there were no green strings this time and he could only see the two skeletons in that car. One belongs to Kraven and the other one belongs to the driver.

The lance pierced through Kraven's left shoulder blade and then pierced through the driver's chest, killing him on the spot.

"Fuck!" Kraven tried to get out of the car, but it flipped around the corner, smashing right into the wall, and crushing him. He could feel the poison slowing him down as his body burned in excruciating pain. He didn't dare to breathe anymore. Breathing will worsen his situation and maybe push him over the limit, 'Not yet, not fucking yet..."

Frank walked up to the smashed car.

Smoke was rising from the smashed-up car.

Kraven was pinned to the seat and his bloody head was sticking out from the windshield. The bone lance shattered and pierced through his body along with the metal parts of the car. He could tell his internal organs were damaged and a bone shard had pierced through his right lung. The rest, he couldn't feel... That meant all the rest were also destroyed...

Frank bent down on his knees and looked into Kraven's eyes. His right eye is gone. A bone shard was sticking out. Half of his right cheek was missing, revealing his teeth. Blood was dripping from all the holes in his face, falling through those empty gaps into a puddle beneath his face.

"Why waste your life over something like this? You had the power to make a difference, yet, you chose to become the so-called alpha male. The world's greatest hunter or whatever you wanted to be known. Was it really worth it?" Frank's eyes showed no mercy as he watched Kraven struggle to say something.

"At....the ..end," blood poured from the cracks and openings between his teeth, "It was a great fight. I had the upper hand... Cough! Cough! Haaa... thanks to my potions and the info I gathered over the months..." He coughed hard.

"You killed me once..." Frank said with a sigh. He took out a pack of cigs that he always carries around, but he never smoked. It was a memento from a benefactor who helped him once. He took out a cigarette and used the flame from the hood to light it up. He held it out and asked, "You smoke?"

Kraven could barely breathe or say a single word, but seeing the cig, his mouth involuntary started twitching, saliva gathered up... He did want one. Frank put the cig between Kraven's lips, and he tried to breathe it in. His lungs and respiratory system were gone, so smoking the cig was no different from drinking water. Blood still leaked from his mouth and his facial muscles twisted painfully, tears pouring from his single eye.

After a few puffs, Frank pulled the cig out from Kraven's mouth.

"It was the best battle of my life. Thank you. Frank Castle," He spoke weakly as he closed his eyes with resignation. His consciousness faded away...

The siren could be heard from far away... Someone must've heard the gunshot and explosion earlier and must've informed the police. This was the perfect opportunity to make a clean break and disappear without a trace.

Frank took out his gun and aimed at Kraven's head. But realized that the guy before him wasn't breathing anymore. He put the gun back and walked away. His legs felt sluggish and his entire body was aching. His eyes were burning. He somehow went back to his minivan and drove to his base, before losing consciousness inside the car.



[Back at the crash site]

A red blob crept out of the drainage system, crawling all the way towards the wrecked car. It checked Kraven's status, shook its blobby body, and let out a blood curdling sound. It then entered Kraven's body.

The entire wreckage trembled a bit.

Kraven slowly opened his single eye, the empty eye socket was still bleeding, his teeth had gone into a creepy grin and a red organic matter began to cover his entire body, healing his wounds as multiple red tentacles erupted from his body, ripping through the burning car. Then he walked out of the burning wreckage.

The cops were getting closer.

Kraven's body was now covered in red organic armor-like skin as his body became bulkier. The organic matter covered his face and replaced the eyeballs and teeth that were previously missing, turning him into a walking beast.

"What a nice body you got there, Kraven. Sadly, you have reached the limits of a human. Let me in and I'll show you what real power is... The epitome of human evolution. The path we were always meant to take... The true path to glory, I shall unlock that secret for you. It's time, boy...Time to experience a power only a few have ever felt..." A weird voice echoed into Kraven's head as he was trying to grasp what was going on with him.

"Who the hell are you?" He wanted to ask as multiple voices were echoing inside his head as if a crowd was chatting nonstop. His vision was now enhanced beyond what he thought was possible. He felt a surge of immense power coming from his body. Suddenly the noise around him stopped, a new voice replaced all of the other voices and was heard inside his head.


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Next, Ch: 151: Threesome- Maddie & May

Ch: 152: Sue's decision 

Ch: 153: Frank needs help

Ch: 154: Storm & Rogue



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