Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 149 [Punisher vs Kraven pt2]

Ch: 149 [Punisher vs Kraven pt2]

Kraven managed to get on top, his hands closing around Frank's throat. Frank's vision darkened as Kraven's grip tightened. He felt the darkness calling to him, a silent voice urging him to give in, to let go...but he couldn't. Not now. Not after all this time, the battles won, and the bloodshed. There are more criminals to kill, and more lives to save. Frank fought back, his fists flying at Kraven's face, but the man was like a monster. Impossible to take down.

"AAAARRGGH!" Frank growled, and pushed up, knocking Kraven off of him, his body burning with fury.

With his last remaining strength, Frank reached his jacket and pulled out his handgun. He should be able to at least deal some damage at this close range. With a grunt, he emptied the entire clip into Kraven's chest. Kraven staggered back, a look of surprise on his face. But his injuries seemed minor, nothing fatal like all the bullets Frank fired meant nothing to him. His vest stopped the bullets. Although Kraven can stop cars or trucks with his body, he was surprised to see that despite his vest, he was forced to stumble back.

"Interesting!" Kraven touched his chest. Blood trickled down from the single hole in his vest, "Even in that situation, you managed to shoot all twelve bullets in a single line," He removed the vest, showing that only one bullet pierced through, while all others grazed, creating the same bloody wounds. But that didn't seem to affect his mood as he smiled, "Yes, you are worthy of a hunter, but far more inferior than me."

"Cough! Cough!" Frank coughed as he sat up, leaning back on the wall, "Inferior. That's big coming out from a man with doping." He threw the empty gun and took out his two Swiss knives from his shocks. He somehow pushed through the pain and stood up once again. "Hufff! Hufff!" He was breathing hard. His body was screaming in pain. He was already at his limits, yet he pushed through all that.

Kraven had never experienced such determination from any man or beast, and for the first time in his life, he wanted to respect his prey. "Maybe, I've underestimated you," He wiped the blood flowing from his mouth. "Poison bullets?!" He touched his nose. "What the?!" He staggered as his vision blurred for a moment. He shook his head. 'Impossible. Something is affecting my body!'

Kraven was shocked because his body was already poison-proof. Calypso's potions that he took years ago gave him immunity to any kind of poisons known to mankind. It is an important thing if you are a hunter since poison is used as a weapon against many species. And Kraven should not be poisoned easily, not even with a different chemical formula. It didn't affect him, but now he is poisoned! He couldn't believe it. But this heightened his excitement even more for the hunt.

A worthy prey is putting up a better fight than he imagined! But who wouldn't like a good hunt?

"I'll pull out that ribcage of yours as my trophy. But before that, you will tell me what kind of poison you used on me."

"Hahaha! I have heard rumors of a hunter who took down an entire herd of lions with nothing but his fists, but I had my doubts. I was a kid back then and thought it was just some rumors. I remember now, you are that Kraven. Look at you, a man over 70 years old looking like a 30-year-old man. They said you died in a war bombing. But then again, rumors are rumors," Frank stood up with his wobbly feet.

"I was weak. Had to go for isolation for training. But if you know who I am, then you should know that there's no way you are going to escape my grasp," Kraven said as he clenched his fists. He could feel a burning sensation spreading through his chest. He quickly pressed his pressure points, trying to eject the poison out of the bullet wound.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll die. But I'll at least take an arm of yours with me. Oh, and don't worry, you'll also join me on the other side soon enough. The guy who gave me that poison was pretty confident in its potent effect," Frank made a grin with his bleeding face. "According to him, there isn't a cure to his poison. Let's see how long that doping of yours holds."

Frank dashed toward Kraven once again.

Kraven bent down on the ground like a cheetah. His fingers dug into the concrete pavement, leaving long groves behind him. With a ferocious roar, he shot forward.

While Kraven closed their distance with a speed impossible to avoid, Frank calmly pointed the two knives at the point of impact. He knew that there was no way for Kraven to change directions with that fast momentum. But to his surprise, Kraven flipped just before the impact, kicking Frank's hands, causing the knife in his right hand to go flying across the alley. He couldn't hold the knife with his bruised hand.

Kraven didn't wait for Frank to recover. He swooped in for a tackle.

"Slippery bastard!" Frank kicked the brick near his feet, toward Kraven. Kraven immediately dropped to a crouch and tilted his head, dodging the brick, and springing right up to close the distance between them. He threw a punch at Frank's chest, but to his surprise, Frank caught his fist with ease with his injured hand and followed it up with multiple quick stabs on his right arm, severing his blood vessels.

Blood spewed out like a sprinkler from Kraven's arm.

Kraven stumbled back, "What the-?!" The body he honed for years, and the potions he drank for years to evolve and reach the pinnacle of human evolution was slowly falling apart. 'A mere metal knife inflected such wounds.' He tried to put pressure on the wound, but the severed blood vessels would require proper medical aid. Then his eyes widened as he saw the blood around his arm, bubbling with a green tint. It was that poison again. That knife was poisoned.

Kraven who is used to fighting without a care of being poisoned slipped up a little because the poison usually seemed so insignificant to his body. So insignificant that even his self-healing could handle it. But this... Changing one's habits and battle style are two different things. Kraven as a veteran can change his battle style as required during battle, but his habit of not ignoring small wounds and poisons was what cost him this battle. The unknowing smile on Frank's face caused an unknown fury in him, "Castle!"

He was unable to restrain himself and charged toward Castle. "I will tear you in halves before the poison gets to me!"

"Angry are we? After doping, you are angry with me for using poison? Now that's hypocritical," Frank lowered his stance, holding the knife tightly. "Let's go."

Kraven lowered his center of gravity. With his legs coiled, ready to lunge forth with full force, "You are about to meet your doom!"

But Frank already took too much damage. "Kuggg!" His right leg gave out as he stumbled.

With a roar, Kraven lunged at Frank. Frank barely had time to react. He raised his arms to block, but Kraven's fist slammed into his forearm with bone-crunching force. Frank cried out as he felt his arm snap, pain radiating through his body.

Kraven didn't stop. He grabbed Frank by the broken arm and twisted, eliciting another scream of agony from his prey. Frank slashed his arms again with the knife, but Kraven didn't care. With a savage grin, he kicked Frank's legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Kuggg! Cough!" Frank tried to get up, but Kraven was on him again, stomping on his ribs with brutal force. Frank felt his ribs crack under the onslaught, each breath becoming a struggle. He tried to roll away, but Kraven's boot pinned him to the ground.

"You see, Castle," Kraven said, leaning down to whisper in Frank's ear. "I don't fear death. Death is inevitable, and every predator is prepared for its eventual end. It's how we live that matters."

With that, Kraven grabbed Frank's leg and twisted it violently. He screamed as his knee popped out of place, the pain blinding him. Kraven lifted him and slammed him into the wall, leaving him crumpled on the ground.

Frank's head lolled, barely conscious.

Kraven's eyes gleamed with a sadistic light. "Time to end this," he said.

With a savage grin, Kraven raised his hand, his claws glinting in the dim light. He brought them down on Frank's chest, tearing through his flesh. But Frank didn't even have the energy to scream. Kraven didn't stop. He continued to rake his claws across Frank's body, blood splattering the alley walls. Frank's screams grew weaker, his vision darkening. He could feel his life slipping away.

Kraven's claws dug deeper, reaching Frank's ribcage. With a sickening crunch, he began to pry Frank's ribs apart. Frank's vision went black as the pain became too much. His last thought was of his family.

He failed.

With a roar, Kraven wrenched the ribs free and raised them high, triumphantly. "Fear is the essence of survival!"

It was an uncanny night.

Rain began to pour down, thunder rumbling in the clouds. A lightning flashed, followed by another, and then one more. Soon the entire area was lit by a few flashes, and the rain became violent like hail. The blood around Kraven had started to sizzle and mix with the green liquid.

In seconds, he felt the acid-like poison coursing through his veins. He felt an extreme burning sensation across his skin. He took out a syringe from his pocket and injected the fluid contained within it, hoping it would act against the poison, and end his suffering. All it did was slow it down as his vision was beginning to blur.

Grabbing the ribcage of Frank in his hands. He turned around and began to walk away. His men were already waiting at the other end of the alley.

Kraven stopped in his tracks, sensing massive bloodlust coming from his back. He has never felt a bloodlust this extreme in his life. The smell of blood became stronger as the winds were changing.

He looked back.

"KUGGG!!" Kraven staggered back. His right arm flew up high in the sky as blood squirted out like a fountain. He couldn't understand what had happened.


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Next, Ch: 150: I AM CARNAGE

Ch: 151: Threesome- Maddie & May

Ch: 152: Sue's decision 

Ch: 153: Frank needs help

Ch: 154: Storm & Rogue


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