Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 27: Instantaneously Chaos

Chapter 27: Instantaneously Chaos

At the silent place a tall and handsome figure could be seen moving his large slender hand while the shuffling sound of moving clothes resound throughout the empty place, though a few distance away was another person with a delicate figure of a much smaller young man with a beautiful and charming small face.

There are only two person currently staying in the Pavilion while surrounded with numerous beautiful blooming lotus flower all around, while the entire servants and hidden guards that has been watching over them has long been send away when Li Chen has arrived.

It was the reason why the Young Emperor has appeared without any of the servants announcing his presence.

Snow who has been sitting on a large luxurious couch couldn't help but shift his amber eyes side way but seemingly cannot stop himself as amber eyes return back and gaze at the person right before him, unable to decide if Snow should give his lover the privacy he needed, despite the fact that it was meaningless to think about it in the end.

Before a small and slender hand raise to touch his pretty forehead while carrying an expression of disbelief on that beautiful and charming face of his.

Snow couldn't help but glance back at the figure before him again before glancing side way quickly while the small beautiful face turning crimson while inwardly thinking at the gall of his lover courage or shamelessness that was currently changing his clothes out in the open area and right before his amber eyes.

Then the image of what he has just done a few minutes ago flash his mind, it seemed that he was the one that has given his lover enough reason to be unreasonable and shameless before him.

Before only one thought grace Snow mind, are you trying to seduce me?

Snow couldn't help but silently asked before swearing that this might be karma getting back at him.

It sure came fast though...but I like it!

Snow doesn't know what came over and possess him to do that shameless thing with Li Chen before, now that it was done and over, he suddenly felt a bit more embarrassed as his beautiful face turning more redder than ever while the feeling of excitement linger around deep within him.

There is always something that he can learn about himself, so this was how he become when he has a lover huh?

Snow inwardly nodding his head, he should take note to restraint himself more in the future, Snow doesn't want to scared Li Chen away if he goes overboard.

Or Li Chen will probably love it and turn more shameless and unrestrained in the future?

Nope that wouldn't do, Snow need to be the more shameless one between the two of them or else wouldn't he be the one that will be often pushed down more?

Amber eyes suddenly flash of calculation and with a bit of sadistic flavor on it.

"Baby, are you feeling alright now? How about we take our lunch, I prepared something more delicious this time."

Li Chen suddenly spoke causing Snow attention to return in the present while feeling a bit hot and shy when he heard Li Chen voice with a bit low and husky sound on it before nodding his head.

Snow was a bit hungry from the punishment game that they played.

After having a lunch together, Snow finally left his rather downhearted lover that look like a kick puppy and finally went to meet with little Nie to deal with some important stuff, specially when the Young Emperor seemed to have unfortunate luck every time he come to discuss important matter toward him.

Most of the time that Snow was acting intimately with his lover, Little Nie always arrived in awkward manner and leaving feeling uncomfortable in the end.

Maybe he should lessen the intimate time he does with Li Chen during the day?

After thinking in 3 seconds, Snow discard that thought since Little Nie will get use to it soon anyway, besides it was a great learning experience for the Young Emperor when he grow older.

Oh such a very regretful thought that will make Snow either laugh or cry about the situation that he find himself later on in the future.

Arriving at the Royal Study Room of the Young Emperor, Snow stayed for an hour discussing important matter with little Nie before leaving to handle another matter again.

A bit later, a calm and steady sounds of footstep can be heard at the currently bit dim hallway while a youthful delicate figure could be seen walking calmly while another person wearing a uniform was currently in front and respectfully guiding the person behind him.

Amber eyes calm and indifferent gracefully step by step walk by while wearing another delicate and beautiful purple royal robe as Snow walked at a place that was not meant for someone of his standing to be appearing.

After a few more minutes of walking, Snow finally stop walking as amber eyes coldly glancing at the figure that was currently inside a cell, waving his small hand, the prison guard that has been leading the way the entire time move and open cell door, allowing Snow to enter while bowing his head down with respect.

"Your Royal Highness, please be careful and watch over your step."

Indifference amber eyes glance at the prison guard before entering the cell without hesitation while giving his order.

"Leave, this King can handle the rest. No matter what happen, there is no need to come and check."

"Yes Your Royal Highness!" , the Prison guard bow his head once more time in respect before finally closing the door, though not locking the door after he left.

After the Prison Guard around was gone, Snow finally coldly glance at the injured Wang Lou that has finally raise his head up with great difficulty as he eerily remain silent the whole time that Snow has suddenly appeared, but it doesn't stop Snow from noticing about how his green eyes was currently filled with hatred along with a bit of deranged expression on that usually handsome face of his that is currently cover in bruises.

Well, his lover sure can be vindictive as all the damage seemed to be focused on Wang Lou face more.

Snow pink lip curve up slightly as amber eyes nonchalantly glance at Wang Lou sorry figure without showing any emotion whatsoever, aside from a bit of pain of emotion that he got from the original Xen reaction toward the current situation of Wang Lou.

Though Rong Xen hated this person, it doesn't change the fact that he has grown up with this man for years while carrying a growing affection.

One could say it was the feeling of love and hate at the same time.

Snow will never really disapprove and criticize a person opinions and about what they has chosen to do in their life, everyone has their own sole responsibilities, whatever they has chosen to do, no matter if it was stupid, downright insane and pathetic it might seemed to others, but that was the path that they have chosen to walk.

Oh they might feel regretful in the end and wish that they shouldn't have done whatever they did but everyone will have a mistake and regret in their life.

And if a person exist that doesn't have any mistake and regret in their life then that is simply a miracle itself because even Snow has his own mistake and regret in life.

Everyone has different choice in life, just like how someone else might have chosen a different path from what Snow did in his past life, like choosing to let go of revenge, but as long as Snow know and decided what he wanted to do in the end, Snow will continue to do so even if it might be a mistake in someone else eyes.

Everyone has different decision to make and no matter what happen in the end, anyone opinion will not matter because Snow every decision was something that he will be walking that path.

"... what do you want?" an emotionless voice suddenly bought Snow out of his thought, returning his attention back at the currently severely injured Wang Lou that appeared to be calm outside despite the fact that hatred is brimming in his green eyes along with that instability mentally that Snow can perceive at the current moment causing Snow to smile even more widely as he bend down a bit, amber eyes staring down at the pathetically figure before him.

"I'm in a very good mood today, so I came to show you something very interesting."



"Uncle! Something bad happened! Cousin Tan is missing!"

"What?" a middle age man with a scar on his face suddenly shout in alarm as he angrily stare at the currently worked up figure of a young man that has arrive before him.

"Didn't I always told you to keep watch over Hong Tan? What happened? How could she be missing? Isn't she supposed to be with you!? Answer me Hong Ling!"

The man that has been called Hong Ling, couldn't help but flinch as his brown eyes warily look at his angry Uncle before suddenly seemingly remembering something important as his brown eyes light up a few second later, "Uncle! Cousin has been trying to learn about the news of our friend Jun Chen after the celebration in the Jun Family! This morning, she was finally able to hear some news regarding our friend. Uncle you know that I also have important matter to handle and cannot be with my Cousin all the entire time. I just learned that Cousin Tan has been missing after I just finish what I was doing. I am sure that Cousin has secretly went out again and definitely went to meet our friend when I was not with her!"

After hearing the young man detailed account what might have happened, Hong Tai couldn't help but close his mouth in a thin line, frowning as he fully know well that Hong Ling cannot be lying and be entirely blame about what has happened since Hong Tan has just that personality of her like that, specially that stubbornness that has given them problem and trouble sometimes.

"What about those hidden guards that has always been following and protecting Hong Tan?"

"That was the problem Uncle! It was the reason why I came running to inform you about it as soon as I learn when I came back that Cousin is missing! I couldn't find the hidden guards along with Tan! Something bad has definitely happen!"

Hong Ling brown eyes showing a bit panic and fear about the situation of his cousin situation, while Hong Tai face turned grim as he thought about the person that Ling has told him before.

Jun Chen? The missing person in the Jun Family?

That was the person that his precious daughter has been talking about, and the person that might have been... no... the Future Emperor of the Rong Dynasty!

If his daughter has fallen madly for that person and even cannot forget all about him that she even came so far as to speak about it toward him then that was enough proof that the person that Hong Tan, the future Empress, has fallen for can only be the future Emperor!

Not good, Hong Tan thought as he remember the information that he has gotten that Jun Chen seemed to has grown some unusual affection toward the Regent King, another proof about the sudden change of the Rong Family destiny!

Everything has gotten quite complicated.

Suddenly a hidden guard has appeared as the two of them discuss about the current whereabouts and situation of Hong Tan, telling another serious issues as he spoke hurriedly toward Hong Tan without worry about Hong Ling hearing the important information as everyone has long known that Hong Ling is the future successor of Hong Tan that he has been training since he was still a young child.

"Milord! Right Prime Minister is urgently wanted to meet with you! He said that the Regent King has made a move and the situation is so dangerous and important that everyone cannot wait anymore!"

Hong Tai and Hong Ling stared with each other, eyes lighting up in understanding but with a bit of dreadfulness about what the meaning of the news that they are currently hearing at this moment on.

Hong Tan disappearance might have been the plan of the Regent King.

Hong Tai can only frown with a grimace expression on his face as a thought grace his mind, if his daughter missing situation might have been the Regent King plan to.

Did he find out our sudden Alliance? It was just yesterday! How could that be?, Hong Tai thought worriedly but if what he thought was true then the Regent King is really very fearful despite the fact that he was obviously in the losing side at the moment, specially that decisiveness of his despite the risk it might cause has still decided to make his move rather than trying to hide about learning about the Alliance he has with Wang Lau and taking a time to prepare himself just to be in safe side.

Not good! Hong Tan in great danger!

What a great move Regent King, rather than making them to has enough time to launch their attack, suddenly forcing them to make their move in haste without much preparation is far more better than a prepared one after all.

Hong Tai eyes flashed coldly as a hint of steel flash, "Still so naive! There is no way that I will lose this fight! Come! Tell all of them to prepare! This night, the Rong Dynasty will change and the entire Royal Family will disappear in the Dynasty!"

"Yes!" the hidden guard bow his head respectfully before disappearing to follow his master order while Hong Tai turn his attention to the young man before him.

"Hong Ling, handle the matter of Hong Tan with great care! You must rescue her successfully without any harm or face the consequences!"

"Yes Uncle!" Hong Ling bow his head as he answer back respectfully before turning around to prepare and plan how to rescue Hong Tan.



Before Hong Ling has learn about Hong Tan situation and reported to Hong Tai, in a large and luxurious Residence with a large sign of Wang in front, there is a person that has just received an important news from a hidden guard and has immediately went to inform the important matter to his Lord.

"Milord! A news from the Palace! The Regent King and the Young Emperor seemed to has done a major blood path just yesterday night and has clean up mostly all the hidden spies of everyone in the entire Palace."

"What?" an alarm Wang Lau immediately stood up from his chair as blue eyes stare in question at the assistant that has just made an important and apprehensive report.

"Why am I hearing this now? What just happened?"

Too sudden!

It was really too sudden!

What has cause that person to make a move suddenly?

Wang Lau forehead began to frown as a worried expression on that handsome mature face of his appear while cold sweat run down his forehead.

That person will never make a move suddenly just like that! Specially when he was currently weakened by poison and has less chance to win over their fight!

The Regent King will never gamble, Wang Lau was sure of that fact because Rong Xen would have made a move and done it in the past when he was still much more stronger before than the current present time, where he was weaken despite how strong he seemed to appear outwardly.

That was a false image that Rong Xen has been showing to everyone because Wang Lau knows for the fact that the Regent King is currently dying from the Cold Poison that Wei Lei Shan servant has given!

Besides, one of the weakness of Rong Xen was the fact that he just care too much, specially about the Rong Dynasty situations and the Royal Family life, those burden and responsibilities has been causing him to think more deeply while carefully making a move.

Unless, something very important has happen without Wang Lou knowing about it, or something else has pushed the Regent King to gamble it all once and for all.

"Master! It was also mention that Wang Lou has mostly taken all of his subordinates and went into the Palace wanting to confront the Regent King yesterday night causing a fight to happen and none of them has return until now."

"What? How could that be?" Wang Lau blue eyes widen in disbelief and shock.

He has always known that his son has that kind of obsession and possessiveness regarding the Regent King but he never thought that Wang Lou would have done such a very disturbance decision.

Just a single night and to many thing has been happening all at once.

It was his son that has cause the Regent King to move then, Wang Lau could technically tell that Rong Xen has finally known who was the hidden mastermind behind of all the events that is currently happening in the Rong Dynasty!

"Such a disobedient and useless son!" Wang Lau seethe in intense anger about that son of his, only causing him nothing but trouble and problem!

Its not good, right now even if the Regent King was not before him but Wang Lau can instinctively feel that person overwhelming anger and hatred at the moment.

He has to make a quick and decisive decision on what to do now that everything has turn this way.

"Master... should we go rescue the Young Master Lou?" the person that has been silent at the entire time after making his report, open his mouth, as he offer some idea.

Wang Lau frown more, as he thought deeply of what to do, not giving any answer immediately which has cause a bit of surprise to the assistant before him, because that was still his son, specially when he was the only child that his master has.

"... No need!" Wang Lau replied heavily while closing his blue eyes, although that child has been a person that was not born from that person, Wang Lau has still affection toward him, Wang Lou was his only son after all, the person that will inherit the Wang Family.

But now, he cannot just make a move so easily besides he still has a grandson that can carry the Wang Bloodline, Wang Fan, so he can reluctantly give up to rescue Wang Lou at this moment.

Besides, his son was the one who has cause all the trouble and has make this all happen in the end, Wang Lou has to take the responsibility for the trouble that he make.

However, Wang Lau thinking was quickly change soon as a hidden guard has suddenly appeared, carrying an important and serious information regarding the event that is currently happening in the Palace that has cause Wang Lau to react more intensely than learning about the situation of his currently missing son,

"Master! Urgent! The Queen Mother is in danger at the moment! The Regent King has somehow gotten to know that the Queen Mother was the cause of his two brothers death!"

"How could that be?" Wang Lau question back, but no one can answer it as his face whiten.

Not good, Wei Lei Shan is in danger!, was what went to Wang Lau head, as a cold sweat run on his forehead.

Even if she was the mother of the Regent King, Wang Lau know from all the years that he has been secretly dealing with the Regent King about the fact that person can be cruel and ruthless!

Rong Xen can be ruthless toward his own self, so there was no question about to other people!

Besides if their own mother can even kill her own children, then Rong Xen can also kill his own mother at the same time!

In the end, no matter how there has been no infighting from the past generation in the Royal Family, the Imperial Family will always remain as cold blooded people when it comes to their family relationships!

It was part of their disposition no matter how much they feel in the end, force or not, they can do it when it mattered and slaughter their own father, mother and siblings!

"Come! Come! Go prepare everything and let the others know!"

They have to make a move now before its too late, Wang Lau instinct was telling him that if he doesn't do anything now then everything will be far too late.

"Tell Hong Tai that we have to make our move now! It couldn't wait anymore!"

Besides, now that Rong Xen has made his move, then Wang Lau also need to answer back.

As for what happened later on, Wang Lau doesn't have the time to worry about getting a bad reputation when he got the throne since he can handle the rest after he won the battle.

Winner is the King, loser is the Villain!

Right now, all that matters is the fact that he has to win this fight at all cost.

Soon a storm of blood path will happen.





a sound of chains rattling echoed out in a damp and dark room as a figure knelt down in the floor with chains along both of his wrist and ankles.

Even in the dark, one could be able to see the overwhelming anger along with an all consuming hatred as he gaze somewhere before screaming loudly with overwhelming hatred with a distorted expression on his face.

"... Unforgivable!"






As the sun lower down, and the star starts shining in the night sky, the entire Capital of Rong Dynasty suddenly turn eerily silent before a loud sound resound throughout the night.



The usually bustling Capital is currently deserted as all the common citizens currently hiding in their own home, their eyes wide open in fright.

Instantaneously everything just happen without their knowing, as in the far distance, numerous people, or precisely soldiers and experts are currently line up before a very majestic and huge gate of a very magnificent Palace of the Rong Dynasty.

However, all the common citizen that has great respect and faithful in the Royal Family can only pray for their safety because they are powerless to interfere in this sudden fight, no... rebellion as they can only wait for the outcome of the battle.

Specially when the Imperial Family has almost gotten all the common people great respect from what the Young Emperor has just done to those officials that has used their power in unjustified way, besides all of them knew that the downfall of the Rong Family will affect all of their livelihood.

So they can only pray to let the Royal family be in safe after all of this was over.

The people in hiding but brave enough to peek on what was currently going on couldn't help but tremble at the surprising situations that has just sprang out of nowhere, specially opening their eyes wide when suddenly the majestic and huge Palace gate began to move before opening slowly right their very eyes.

Base from what they are seeing, it was obviously open from the inside by someone.

Wang Lou and Hong Tai that has been standing before it couldn't help but nodded their heads, obviously the people they have hidden in the Palace has made a major success in this situation and was able to open the gate with less trouble.

Though Hong Tai instinct has been making him feel so anxious about their current situation, specially when it comes about his precious daughter life, but everyone has been force to make a move now.

"... There is no stopping now, we all have to win this fight or else our ending will be miserable!"

Wang Lau spoke as he turned around and gaze at the other people behind them.

If one were to look closely, one would be able to tell that all those are very important figure with high prestige, though, it could be said that these are the people that has been demoted and remove from the authority and power in the official court of the Rong Dynasty.

Obviously, Wang Lau has been working very hard in the shadow and has also gotten the other officials to fight along side him.

If all of them wanted to get their power back again after being punish from the Young Emperor then the downfall of the Rong Family can only be the only chance they have, so everyone nodded their head with a grim expression.

Clang Clang Clang

Sound of steady footsteps of numerous people could be heard along the sound of their armors and weapons as they move and enter the Palace Gate.

Suddenly a bloody fight immediately started as Imperial Guards started to defend and attack the currently army before them that are courageous enough to make an attack in the Rong Dynasty Palace as a shout loudly resound the entire Palace, informing about what was currently happening.

"A Rebellion!"

In a great and magnificent Palace Hall, a person knelt down with a cold sweat on his forehead while wearing a frighten expression.

"Your Majesty! The Right Prime Minister and the Great General are currently leading an army and intending to Rebel! A traitor they planted was able to open the Palace Gate and is currently wrecking havoc in the Entire Palace!"

"We know."

Rong Nie softly answer back as he sat on his throne, red eyes indifferently watching the person that has knelt down and made a report before him.

Even in the distance, the sound of fighting could reach his ears.

"Imperial Uncle, I believe in you. Everything will be alright."

Rong Nie whisper softly as he sat on his throne with a determined expression, what he only need to do at this moment is to sat and wait patiently, even if he felt deep pain at the death of his people on this fight that is currently happening but everything has a price to make.

"Everyone has to pay the price for betraying us!"

A majestic aura suddenly erupt from that young body of his as red eyes coldly flash in great determination, while the other people around him couldn't help but bow their head from reverence at the majestic young Emperor before them.


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