Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 26: You Sure Are Popular...

Chapter 26: You Sure Are Popular...

"Hm? Awake? Good Morning little Xen."

Dark ink eyes filled with intense affection along with a young handsome face was what Snow has first saw the moment that he finally woke up from his sleep, the sun lighting up the entire room from the window as Snow blink dazely while the smooth and gentle sound of Li Chen voice echoed softly on his ears.

On the side of his bed, was the figure of Snow lover causing his pink lip to curve up with a soft smile as he greet Li Chen with tenderness as amber eyes glimmer with gentle affection.

"Um.. Good Morning Chen."

Li Chen smiled happily as dark ink eyes light up at the way that his little lover beauitufl amber eyes shows great tenderness and affection when it look his way, chuckling softly,Li Chen lean down as he place a soft chaste kiss on that smooth and soft cheek of his lover, watching with half lidded eyes when the soft white cheesk flushing in adorable pink color, amber eyes appearing to be shy as it look sideway for a bit.

Such a very lovely and adorable lover of his, and only Li Chen was able to let his little Xen react that way has cause nothing but feeling pleasure inside him.

So gently smiling, Li Chen began to coax his little lover to get up on his bed before taking care of him, washing the beautiful small face with the water basin at the bed side table that he has already prepared before.

Snow who was being taken care of carefully and gently, obediently follow along, even allowing his lover to change his sleeping clothes and into a crimson royal robe with long wide sleeves with a silver thread delicately sewn on it.

Clear amber eyes watch as the person behind him, use his large and slender hand to smoothly brush his long silk black hair carefully, seemingly afraid to cause him to feel even a little bit of pain.

Feeling the jade crown being place on top of his head, Snow stood up before he felt his small soft hand being wrapped by another hand that was much larger and warmer than his own.

"Baby lets go eat our breakfast."

Hearing the nickname that Snow lover seemed to specially like to call him for, it somehow make Snow felt a bit amused but at the same time a bit embarassed inside.

Seeing the flush cheeks of his little lover, Li Chen inwardly chuckle before gently pulling Snow small and soft hand as he guided him toward the dining hall, the two of them walking side by side while both of their hand was holding each other as they kept walking together in the hallway, remaining unperturbed as they by pass some servants and guards that began to lower their head down as soon as they got close by.

Snow caught the glimpse of the respect and fear that their eyes contain when those people saw them.

It seemed that what happened last night has left them with a bit of a trauma, something which Snow doesn't feel anything at all, other than remaining apathy about the whole ordeal.

After all, weak people in this world will not matter one bit because this is the kind of world where the power and authority of a person hold was the one that matter the most.

Weak people doesn't have any right, even life itself can be taken away so easily, everyone has to be strong in order to survive in this kind of world.

A few minutes later, the dining hall is currently filled with warmth and pleasant atmosphere as two figure sat with each other side as they ate their meal, one was a figure of a beautiful youth with a charming small face as his amber eyes light up in delight, specially when gazing at the other taller figure next to him.

The other man has a very handsome face with a harmless aura as he smiled gently with a loving gaze at the delicate person beside him.

The entire time, Snow and Li Chen enjoy a wonderful breakfast together as it remain peaceful without anyone bothering the world of the two of them.

After finishing their breakfast, Li Chen wash the soft small hand with warm water before gently drying it with a silk cloth, after finishing all of it, then Li Chen bend over as a large and slender hand raise to cares Snow head, dark ink eyes filled with worry and persistence as he spoke softly to the person before him.

"Baby, be obedient and stay here for the rest of the day alright? Don't worry yourself all over and just relax since everything will be over soon. Just wait for me to handle everything and I'll be back before lunch even start."

Li Chen coax his little lover, knowing full well how stubborn this person can get, wanting nothing more than to let his little Xen worry free without those problem plaguing him in every seconds and to focus more on healing that fragile body of his.

Amber eyes blink slowly seemingly knowing the thoughts of his lover, so Snow amber eyes filled with trust stare at the gentle dark ink eyes of his lover before nodding his head obediently to let Li Chen know that he will take care of himself while he was away doing some important matters.

Snow has to be an understanding and thoughtful lover after all.


Li Chen bend down quickly as he kiss the pink lips of his little Xen before quickly straightening up soon after, fully knowing that if he were to continue a bit longer then he will be unable to hold himself anymore.

"I'll be back soon!"

"This King will wait for you."

Soft amber eyes and gentle dark ink eyes smile at each other for a bit before Snow wave his soft hand as Li Chen turn around and walk away.

And as soon as Li Chen entire figure disappear on his view, Snow soft amber eyes immediately turn into a calm eyes with nothing but indifference within it as soon as his lover was gone.

"So, Hong Tai and Wang Lau has formed an alliance yesterday?" 

Suddenly in the air, a young and childish voice respond back as soon as Snow voice has finish speaking,

"Yes! Flake has been following Wang Lau as Snow order me to do!"

Suddenly a holographic panel has appeared before Snow amber eyes as it began to play what has happened while he has been busy dealing with all the spies around the entire Palace and has been directly been led to his bed chamber by Li Chen to take his rest yesterday.

It was a recorded video from Flake when he has been following Wang Lau around.

After silently watching as the two person with high authority met in a very secluded and private room and discussing about what the two really want in a round about way before finally achieving a result of having their own agenda being fulfilled while making a vow to the World Rule with a golden scroll in their hands as a proff of their alliance and for stopping themselves from betraying against each other, Snow pupil turn sharp and cold as he watch indifferently with a calm mind despite the alliance of the two of the people with a highest power in the Rong Dynasty happening just yesterday.

"Here are the recorded video of what Li Chen has done from yesterday too!" Flake cheerfuly said, feeling happy at being useful to Snow.

Seeing the recorded video of what Li Chen has done while he was asleep, his pink lip couldn't help but curve up with an evil taste on it.

The evil smile that has appeared causing the Regent King to become more charming than ever as the long eyeslashes flutter gently over that youthful beautiful small face of his that has somehow became more seductive, suddenly the red tip of his tongue lick over his lower pink lip as Snow felt a bit excitement about the whole situations, specially about what will happen later on.

But before that, Snow has to obediently fulfill his promise to his own lover for now and just take a long relaxing day.

So Snow stood up from the comfortable chair before waiving some of the servants to follow behind him as he started making his way to one of the pavillion of his Moon Palace that overlook a beautiful lake that is currently filled with blooming lotus flowers.

A few minutes later, Snow was passing the beautiful blooming lotus flowers as he walk over to the Pavillion before sitting in the middle of a very comfortable and luxurious couch, small hand reaching  over at the cup of hot tea that is currently emiting a great aroma that the servants has already long prepared for him, along with some delicate snacks and fruits.

Seeing the lowered eyes of the servants around him, Snow wave his hand as he dismiss them.

"This King will call you if there is something that I need."

After finally being left alone as the servants around them stand a safe distance away from the Pavillion, Snow finally focus on the Holographic Panel that has appeared before him, Amber eyes softening up after he saw the figure of Snow lover while the soft small hand raise up as he take a sip of the hot of cup tea that he has been holding.

In the Game Map that Snow has purchases, he can only set one person to be able to follow and see what they are doing in real time, as long as the range was in the Game Map.

And Snow has decided that watching his own lover is far more important than setting it up to other people, he already has Flake clone to follow the others around after all.

Well, Snow can also stalk his lover all the entire time that he was not by his side, what can he do?

Snow just like to keep an eyes out about the well being of his lover after all, there was nothing wrong with it anyway.

Watching what Li Chen is currently doing was the best way for Snow to relax his day, since that also count to fulfilling his promise to Li Chen.

In Snow mind, there was nothing wrong about stalking over his own lover, justifying it as a part of the privilage of being a lover.


Suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but to turn his head around while spreading his senses on the surrounding area, frowning a bit as his spiritual sense found nothing wrong.

There was just that nodging feeling that someone was currently watching his every move, before gently shaking his head after checking his surrounding repeatedly.

Li Chen continue to move on, even if there might be someone that was able to hide from his senses, Li Chen can handle it later on beside he doesn't feel anything malicious or even negative emotion from it, and surprisingly he felt warmth and not bother about it at all.

His little Xen is probably thinking about him right? Li Chen couldn't help but feel joyful when he thought about it that way, so he continue to move on before slowing down in a normal walk, seemingly appearing in a deep thought as something small has suddenly bump over his leg as soon as he turn around at a rather beautiful bush and into an open garden that currently has no people.

Although there was a surprise expression on his face but inside there was not a single surprise emotion about what just happpened, specially about what has suddenly hit him.

Li Chen head lower down slowly and saw a very adorable young child at the age of 3 years old, looking at him timidly with wide blue eyes, Li Chen dark ink eyes immediately turn gentle, but deep within him was only the emotion of coldness and indifference as only one person can able to move his cold and calm heart.

No one else but that person can make him be affected with emotions.

"Hey there, are you alright? Where is your parent? Little boy are you lost?"

Li Chen smooth voice carrying hint of gentleness as he gently comfort the currently nervous young child before him before turning his head around from left and right seemingly searching about the whereabout of the child parent at the garden of the famous restaurant in the Rong Capital where only the prominent member of a prestigious family can enter.

As one of the member of the one of the presitigious family in the Rong Dynasty, Li Chen can also enter the place and today is still a bit early so not many people are currently around, probably still staying inside the restaurant eating and not out in the open garden before him.

"Fan! Are you alright?" a soft and timid voice echoed out, causing Li Chen to turn to the person that has spoken, dark ink eyes watch with that usual gentleness but indifference deep within as a person has turn around in a corner and appeared before them,  it was a mesmerizing person with a beautiful silky white hair along with a slender body along with that red flower mark over his forehead, looking worriedlty at the young child with a bright and clear blue eyes before it turn around when the person has finally seemed to notice about the other figure presence.

Xiao Feiyu that has been worried gaze up and met with a gentle dark ink eyes that has suddenly made him feel a bit shy while his heart seemed to skip a bit at how warmth the eyes of the young man was.

He couldn't help but suddenly thought about how handsome the young man before him was, specially with that gentlemanly aura around him, specially that dark ink eyes that is filled with gentleness that it seemed like Xiao Feiyu was going to melt from how warm it made him feel before blue eyes light up when he finally remember the identity of the other person is.

Suddenly remembering on how this person has treated that person so very gently before causing his heart to skip a bit more faster than ever, Xiao Feiyu has met with entirely different type of handsome men after crossing into this world and everyone has different personalities and characters.

Xiao Feiyu husband Wang Lou has that wild and manly personality of his while Hong has been evil and seductive, and this time as Xiao Feiyu stare at this person, he might be the one of who was the most gentless, thoughtful and kindest person that he has read over in his past life before, supposedly the one that mostly turn as the second male lead, Xiao Feiyu naively thought, not knowing how dangerous the person before him really was.

Suddenly an idea unconciously emerged on his mind as bright blue eyes suddenly turn shy as he look downward, long eyeslashes fluttering softly while his white cheek turning pink as he flush a bit, before speaking in a soft and gentle voice, "Um... Thank You Young Master Jun for looking after my child, I didn't know what I would have done if I could not find him." with a nervous and worried voice, Xiao Feiyu began to walk toward Li Chen, and surprisingly, or not, the slender body stumble, causing him to raise his beautiful and slender hand as it unconsciously gripped at Li Chen white long sleeves perfectly, as blue eyes widen with a bit of fear at almost falling down, looking entirely pitiful.

Unfortunately, there was no other people around that currently are viewing the beautiful garden of the famous restaurant and only the young child and Li Chen was the only one that was able to see everything that is currently happening.

Though, unbeknown to them, another person has been silently watching the whole ordeal.

Li Chen who has just been silently watching with gentle dark ink eyes the whole time at the person before him couldn't help but move his dark ink eyes as it follow at the seemingly aura that was currently around the person before him, as it then move and come before him while it enter his body.

However this entire time, Li Chen remain indifferent and unaffected about the whole god blessing aura.

That was the real reason that the World Rule has choosen Li Chen to come into his world among the people that it could reach, because this person has a very cold heart, nothing seemed to be able to affect him emotionally.

And as the World Rule of this World, it also has the great ability to predict a certain future, and although he doesn't know the entire reason why this Granter was able to move his choosen person cold heart, but since it was able to affect his choosen person, the World Rule has use all his power to pull this Granter into his world.

So, that was the god blessing that the world rule has told him about? Inwardly, Li Chen felt a bit of murderous intention toward the aura before him because this was the reason why his little Xen has lost and died in that future!

If it wasn't for that, that other future Li Chen would have met his little Xen just like how he has met the person that move his heart in this life!

Unbeknown to Li Chen, if the original Xen hasn't died, that calm and cold heart of his would stay the same even if he were to meet that original Xen in that other future and mysteriously only the existence of Snow will be able to affect him completely and that is something that he will never know.

Li Chen eyes suddenly flash with hidden disdain and disgust at the beautiful and mesmerizing fair before him since he could tell easily about what this person is currently thinking and trying to do as soon as Li Chen saw his blue eyes.

He could tell that this person doesn't entirely see this world as a reality, seemingly thinking that it might be a world of story where he is the main protagonist, a person that has been probably affected by one of those transmigration novels Li Chen has once the chance to read in his past life.

Li Chen specially dislike and felt contempt about the fact that this person is not being very fateful to his own other half, seemingly thinking that having a group of man toward himself is perfectly normal.

Everyone has their own choices, different outlooks and opinions on how they live their life but Li Chen would never allow to share his own lover, specially watching as other man touch what was his to begin with.

He would completely become mad and crazy because that person is his, and can only belong to him.

"Are you alright?" a smooth voice filled with kindness spoke out from his own mouth as he express a thoughtful expression at the parasite before him, although he appeared gentle outside, but the dark ink eyes is filled with coldness as the gentleness lessen a bit, though Xiao Feiyu seemed to not notice it at all while the child seemingly shrank a bit as even he could feel that there was something wrong about the person before them.

Yes, to Li Chen this person is a parasite, without permssion, he forcefully occupied a person body, not even thinking about what happened to the original owner of the body.

The World Rule has already given him everything to know about the person before him and although he might be the same as this person before him but it was entirely different, because the original soul of the body he has been using has long been gone.

Specially when Li Chen has the world permission to reside on this body, entirely belonging to himself when he was invited into this world.

Seeing as the person seemed to become self conscious as the other slender hand raise to shyly tuck the hair over a white earlobe, Li Chen can only say that Wang Lou has a very bad eyesights while feeling intensely proud and delighted at the thought that these two people got together, letting him has a chance with his little Xen!

Not only was this person has other man beside his own husband, he remain oblivious and without worry over the fact that his husband has been missing since last night, even not wondering about what that person might be doing, just base from what Li Chen has learn so far.

If Li Chen lover has dissapeared even a minute without knowing where he just went, Li Chen will immediatley go crazy with worry and started to locate his little Xen wherabout with everything he got.

As he thought of his little Xen, Li Chen heart felt warmth all over, he should finish this now so that he could stay with his little Xen side and act intimately.

Unbenown to him, the person that he has been thinking about is currently watching the whole scene the entire time, amber eyes flashing in amusement as pink lip smile gently as he gaze at the currently fascinating Xiao Feiyu that has been taking a peek shyly at his own lover.

Oh... someone has a very bad thought and is trying to seduce his man.

Snow just felt intensely amused about the whole situation but at the same time the hand holding the cup of hot tea loosen a bit as it made a loud thump at the table made of jade as it suddenly fell and roll over, as his amber eyes stare deeply at the hand that was still gripping the long wide sleeves of his lover robe was so unsightly that he wanted nothing more than to severe it and burn it to ashes, so nothing else remain.

Although he could understand that his lover is so handsome, but deep within, Snow doesn't like it when some other people look at his lover with that kind of eyes, along with touching what was his at the first place.

The servants that has been standing over a few distance away couldn't help but tremble at the suddenly threatening aura that the Regent King has suddenly emit, their head lowering down even more as they tried to lessen their sense of presence.

Amuse amber eyes couldn't help but blink in surprise when suddenly a new figure has appeared and has forcefully slap the slender hand that has been holding Li Chen long sleeves with great strength that causes Xiao Feiyu to let out a pain yelp as he stumble backward in surprise and panic.

"Mama!" the three year old kid let out a surprise before rushing over to grab the lower robes of his mother, before hiding his face timidly at what was currently happening before them, feeling a bit scared.

Xia Feiyu couldn't help but raise his eyes brows with a bit surprise, as amber eyes stare at the beautiful and valiant Hong Tan that appeared to be seething inside while staring in contempt at the currently pitiful Xiao Feiyu, that has been able to throw a weak expression at Li Chen despite it all suddenly happening.

Snow couldn't help but inwardly clap his hand at Xiao Feiyu reaction, damn for a person that is supposed to be average and simple, he sure has gotten better at acting, specially when trying to get a man attention.

Hong Tan who was able to see Xiao Feiyu reaction couldn't help but feel rage, she has been thinking of Jun Chen every single day, specially worrying about the progress of the relationship that he has with the Regent King that she could not even eat and sleep properly, has learned with great difficulty from her cousin that Jun Chen will be appearing in this famous restaurant later on.

She wanted to come a bit more earlier in order not to miss him, but here she was, seeing another person coming in her way, as a woman herself, she could tell about how this person wanted to seduce her own man!

And what make Hong Tan mad the most was the fact that even though Xiao Feiyu is still famous as the number one beauty in the Rong Capital but it doesn't change the fact that he was already a married person!

Even Hong Tan was unable to remain calm despite trying to but when it comes to someone you like, a person will not be able to stop him or herself from reacting in certain way, "Please watch how you act! As a married person, you should not get close to other man so easily, specially acting in a very intimate manner that can cause misunderstanding, isn't that right Jun Chen?"

Hong Tan suddenly appeared shy, but eyes flashing in determination as a graceful hand has reach over and taking over hold of the opposite side of the long wide sleeves that Xiao Feiyu has taken a hold of, the expression on her face seemingly filled with a bit of hope and affection when the person just turn his head to blink his dark ink eyes at her.

Xiao Feiyu face become white suddenly, blue eyes shifting with a bit panic on it, "W-What are you trying to say? Please don't spout nonsense. I am just offering my gratitude for the Young Master Jun for finding my son, besides, I just stumble over and has accidently grabbed the young man long wide sleeves to help steady my body. Please don't speak words that might cause misunderstanding and even ruined my reputation!"

before blue eyes glint when he saw the action of the hateful woman that has suddenly appeared before them, Xiao Feiyu could tell about how this beautiful young lady has a feeling with the handsome Young Jun!

"And... shouldn't you be the one watching over your actions? Everyone knows that the Young Master Jun is together with the Regent King! So why are you suddenly grabbing his long wide sleeves without any reason at all, specially with that shy and hope expression of yours? Please don't make people gossip about it and cause a misunderstanding between the two lovers because of your unthoughtful action toward a man that has already has a person he loves!"

Xiao Feiyu finish speaking with a seemingly righteous words, as he spoke a very spiteful words to Hong Tan ears when she heard it, as her beautiful face turn crimson with rage and embarrasment as she felt like her face has been slapped.

"You..!" eyes widen in rage, Hong Tan was finally unable to stop herself as she began to move, as the mind of her Jun Chen having a lover rang out loud and clear on her mind repeatedly!

"W-What.. are you going to do?" Xiao Feiyu blue eyes widen in fear and panic, surprise about the fact that the woman before him will really make her move against him.

He has been living his life safety after arriving into this world, specially when everyone he met seemed to treat him with great care.

The entire time, Li Chen remain silent as he indifferently watch everything that is happening before him before letting out a sigh a second later as the plan that he has in his mind became entirely different from what was happening before him, at least, he didn't plan for these two people to suddenly be against on each other.

Specially, when this parasite seemed to has gotten his eyes on himself?

Though, Li Chen doesn't care if this two people fight with each other, this Xiao Feiyu has to remain safe for now, as his little Xen seemed to has promise something to a certain someone, so he cannot make a move against him at the moment.

Sighing again as he inwardly miss his little lover, Li Chen made a move and has knock all three people before him.




Dark ink eyes watch coldly as two beautiful people pitifully drop on the ground, while the young child was currently unconcious on his arm.

"Take this people away."

Li Chen wave his hand, watching as the shadow guards appeared and disappeared as they took the unconscious people away, even the young child that he has been holding.

Although, he got the people he wanted in the end, but as he gaze at the place where the  shadow guards has been standing a while ago, Li Chen couldn't help but feel a bit nervous since he doesn't want his little Xen to misunderstand him about what just happen.

He was sure that the shadow guards that has been following him the entire time was because his little Xen order to protect his well being even if he doesn't really need it, will definitely report everything that they has just seen.

So with a plan on his mind, Li Chen finally walk off, as he went to other places in order to get a very rare ingredients before lunch time, he should cook more delicious food and please his little lover later on.

Snow that has been watching the whole ordeal the whole time has finally shut off the live video of Li Chen after he has order to take the people away.

Pink lip curving up, as amber eyes turned a bit dark, as he remember those two people that was trying to get his man.

Li Chen sure is popular, Snow thought as his slender and thin finger tap at the table repeatedly with the same beat, time and time again as he eerily stayed silent.

What to do, Snow was a it undecided if he should shut Li Chen in a small... no it has to be a large black room, full of comfort and luxurious, later on?


After waiting for a while, as plan after plan keep form on his mind, a very handsome and gentle looking Li Chen finally return.

Calm amber eyes stare a bit at his lover for a second before his gaze met with a slightly nervous and please dark ink eyes before a thought suddenly flash on his mind, smiling a bit as he stood up from the comforatable couch.

"Baby, I'm back, where you waiting for me?"

Li Chen immediately open his mouth, although inwardly felt nervous but dark ink eyes still filled with that intense affection as he gaze at his little lover.

"By the way, I prepared a deli-... eh?"

Dark ink eyes blink a bit dumbly as he suddenly felt the soft and comfortable couch over his back, before slowly moving his head up in question as he open his mouth to speak only for him to choke a bit as he swallowed hard when he felt a very light and soft body sat on top of him and right before his very eyes was the beautiful and charming figure of the Regent King staring down at him with half lidded eyes with a sense of allure.

Yes... that charming and youthful appearance of his has suddenly becoming attractive as Li Chen felt like he was being seduce right at this moment.

Right now, Li Chen felt his heart beat faster, throat turning dry and something seemed to burn within him, so entirely different feeling and reactions he has, unlike the one that has happened a few hours ago.

Snow half lidded amber eyes stare down at the person underneath him, as his pink lip curve up slightly in a tempting way, causing his lover to swallow hard, see this person will react only toward himself.

Besides, as Snow small hand began to move, who said that he couldn't also push Li Chen down?

What was that about the bottom unable to top his attacker?

Snow can definitely do the attacking too!

"Since I cannot touch anything that is dirty... then you also cannot wear anything that is dirty..."

Snow mutter as he began to remove the upper robe of Li Chen, or precisely undressing him since his lover still wearing the clothes that Li Chen has been using when he met those people before.

He knew that Li Chen might really be nervous and excited to see him to not even has the chance to change his entire clothes, but right now, Snow can also be a lover that is not obedient and understanding this time.

Besides, Snow kind of want to do a play with him.

"So... how about a bit of a punishment?" Snow whisper softly, half lided amber eyes glimmering as the soft hand seemingly accidentaly touching some skin in a very flirtatious manner that make Li Chen entire body burn.

Such a sweet punishment but hard at the same time as Li Chen control himself with great difficulty from doing anything drastic fully knowing that he has already promise to not do anything excessive to this person, and will follow the traditional way as he will only make a move only during their wedding night.

But even so, Li Chen felt like a moth that will still stubbornly get close to the fire, as he let his entire body relax, letting his little Xen do whatever he wanted to do to him, even if all Li Chen wanted to do on this very moment was to swallow this person whole and eat him dry in every single seconds that pass by.

As Snow felt so engrossed in punishing his lover while feeling slightly saditic inside, when a voice filled with awkwardness and discomfort suddenly reach his ears causing Snow to finally notice the crimson young face of the Young Emperor before him. 

Flake that has been watching the whole time, blink his unimaginary eyes innocently at the appearance of the Young Emperor.

Snow has told him before that they also needed to keep and make their gold thigh happy, and as Flake stare at the person before him, Li Chen is definitely feeling happy right now!

It was only the Young Emperor, nothing dangerous, Snow can keep making his gold thigh happy even if the Young Emperor is with them.

As for Li Chen? There was nothing to say about him, as just like Flake saw, he has been perfectly content about his current situation.

Amber eyes blink, as the sadistic glee that it contain deep within it, suddenly lessen a bit as he stare at the appearance of his little Nephew over the current situation.

He was not surprise of not being able to sense Rong Nie presense because he has been in Snow list of not dangerous people toward himself.

Specially when even if he has been punishing Li Chen, feeling happy and delighted, there is still that calm mind of his that will be able to make a move if something surprising was to happen.

And even right now, his calm mind was able to tell him about the move that he has to do about his current situation at the moment, so Snow that has been switching between being shy and shameless, has currently have a very thick skin at the moment as he began to lecture and give lesson at the seemingly young Emperor, not even trying to move one bit as he stayed sitted on top of Li Chen body that looking like has been ravage, specially when that mouth watering perfect abdominal muscles of his was out in the open.

"Little Nie is still young after all, so listen up, when you grow up, there is nothing wrong in pushing down your own lover. Specially when you will be unable to stop yourself from doing some more intimate things once in a while. It is a perfectly normal reaction to your other half. So if you want to push him or her, then just keep pushing down alright?"

Imperial Uncle, shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't you be the one that being push down? And your man doing what you are currently doing at the moment? Rong Nie wanted to answer back but has wisely choosen to keep his mouth shut, knowing full well that it was meaningless as he seemed to be learning that his Imperial Uncle has unfortunately that shameless side of him when it comes to his lover, or precisely toward Li Chen because he has never saw him react that way when it come with that person before.

Besides as his red eyes turned around to glance at the reaction of the seemingly being pushed down man before him, his lip couldn't help but twitch because, he just saw that the Young Jun has that delightful and joyful expression on his eyes despite the fact that he seemed to be also having a hard time fighting about something?

Damn, aren't you a man? Why are you being happy about it? Why don't you move and push down my Imperial Uncle? Rong Nie couldn't help but swore, he seemed to be swearing a lot this days because of the two people before him, specially when he just recall about wanting this man to push his Imperial Uncle down on his last thoughts.

Snow could only sigh at how young the Emperor was, anyway his little Nie will get the idea when he finally has his own lover in the future.

"So, what do you want Little Nie?" Snow spoke and has finally asked about the reason why the Young Emperor has appeared before them, sounding entirely serious but his amber eyes was flashing a bit of restlessness as it keep glancing at the slightly panting man underneath him.

Rong Nie eyes twitchs again before finally deciding that he has enough of these two people before choosing to leave right at this moment on, desperately wanting to save the remaining image that he has toward these two people before it will completely collapse before he knew it.

"... No need... continue on Imperial Uncle... I'll just come back later."

Rong Nie quickly turn around and walking away, not wanting to see the embarassing and shameless scene before him, before suddenly accelerating his steps when after hearing his Imperial Uncle said an ok, a shameless speech between the two people has followed soon after, doesn't seem to care a bit over the fact that he was leaving just like that.

"... hmm... were was I...?"

"... um... please continue to punish this lowly person your highness..."

"... Yes... this King will reluctantly continue your punishment..."

"...Oh... please be gentle..."


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