Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4876: Wonderful eternal river

Chapter 4876: Wonderful eternal river

"The old man advises you not to talk nonsense." The head of the demon hunter looked at the black robe figure earnestly.

"Also put down your so-called arrogance of the virtual race, at least when that kid is not in the realm master's mansion, any word you say wrong will become your lifeline."

"Don't doubt the words of the old man, this black demon supreme, there are countless ways to make you worse than death, but it can also save your life, so that you can't do it even if you want to die."

The words that were dangerous and didn't sound like a joke at all made the black robe figure unconsciously swallowed.

Intuition told him that this indifferent old man seemed to be a terrible murderer.

The black-robed figure looked at the main hall master of the hunting demon, "You promised me..."

"Don't worry." The head of the hunting monster interrupted in a deep voice, "The reward that the old man promised will not be less, and your life will also be guaranteed."

"The premise of all this is that you are not lying."

The black robe figure said solemnly, "I can swear, the entrance of our Xuzu family land is indeed in the eternal long Hanoi outside the Taixu Palace."

"But I also reminded you that it is a place that no creatures or existences except our Void Race can enter."

"Even if the Blood Flame Realm Realm Master is famous and unpredictable, he can't enter the land of our Xu Clan."

"If he is interested and retreats when he knows the difficulties, he will naturally be fine."

"But if he wants to be strong, he has to enter the land of our Xuzu clan, that is, he is seeking his own way of death; the eternal river will kill him."

"I'll say it again." The black robe figure said coldly, "I only provide the location and entrance of our family land, nothing else is guaranteed."

"If you are scared, it is still too late to send a letter to the realm master Xiao Yi to come back."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall's face became cold, "If he dies, you must die too."

The master of the hunting monster frowned, "Before you only said that no one except your virtual race can enter your family land, but you never said that there is a fatal danger in the eternal long Hanoi."

"You didn't ask." The black robe figure replied.

The main hall master of Asura got up suddenly, "It seems that this guy was only attracted by your reward for hunting the demon before, and he only intends to complete the transaction."

"If it wasn't for the surname Luo who threatened him suddenly, he would still not tell all the truth."

Senior Luo's face was cold, "Old man, go to Taixu Palace."

As soon as Senior Luo was about to leave, he saw that at the entrance of the main hall, a beautiful figure stood coldly at some point.

"Yiyi girl?" Everyone frowned.

Yiyi said solemnly, "I can feel the thoughts of the son now, worried and eager, but it seems that there is no crisis."

The black robe figure sneered, "This can only show that the eternal river has not yet taken his life."

"Of course, it also means that he can still retreat."

"It's better to quickly send a letter to let him come back. Our Xuzu Clan is the Jedi for all your outer creatures, and you can't enter it."

"Also, I let Lao Tzu go, paid, and the transaction is complete."

Everyone frowned.

Yiyi shook his head, "The son can't retreat."

"I'll take a trip."


Yiyi also frowned.

She promised Xiao Yi that when he was away, the safety of the blood inflammation world fell on her.


The incarnation of a giant elephant is condensed outside the hall.

"Great Elephant Supreme?" Yiyi turned his head and glanced.

The Colossal Elephant buzzed, "The Lord of Darkness may leave."

"If everything is as determined by the master, if the evil **** cannot leave the Sealed Spirit Realm, then I can keep the blood flame world safe."

"The old evil emperor and other newly promoted Dao ancestors can't break through the world of stars under the guardianship of our giant elephant clan."

The giant elephants are almost born in an incomparable harmony with the heavens, the earth and the stars.

The existence of the giant elephant family is more like it exists to strengthen the stars.

"Girl, let's go." The main hall master of Asura said.

"Our safety, you don't have to worry about it either." The head of the demon hunter earnestly and believes himself, "You know, the old man will always have countless backs."

"What I can assure you is that even if a heavenly emperor comes, the old man can make him return without success."

The main hall master of the hunting demon shrugged, "Although it won't depend on strength."

Yiyi nodded.

This time, after all, the matter involved the mysterious Xuzu.

And because of the soul emperor status, Xiao Yi could only have an endless relationship with the Xu Clan.

"If the blood flame world is in danger, you seniors will immediately crush the letter jade pendant left by the son, and I will know it instantly." Yiyi left the last sentence.

Whoosh... the figure flashed and left.


At this time, Hanoi is eternally long.

Xiao Yi was still struggling to walk through, and the pressure on his body and the invisible resistance also intensified.

"It's not right, it's not right." Xiao Yi frowned.

Even though he is really worried and really anxious now, but he has always been calm and clear and sensible, thinking about everything here.

Perception, always outside, perceiving everything here.

"Even if it is an independent world, an independent space, as long as it exists, there must be connections."

"Perhaps this connection point requires special means, such as triggering within the mudra, there must be a way to enter."

An independent space, like an air mass, cannot be seamless.

Even if there is, it will only look that there is no gap.

Xiao Yi suddenly stopped walking, slowly closing his eyes, carefully perceiving everything around him.

It seems that only by understanding what is going on in this eternal river can the entrance to the Xuzu clan land be found.

Xiao Yi perceives everything here carefully.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi slowly opened his eyes, and slowly uttered three words, "Impossible."

There is no wind here, not even the wind in the void.

In perception, there is no wind at all.

Only the empty but dazzling starlight.

But in his physical touch, there is wind here, and it is extremely violent.

That kind of feeling is like being in the turbulent waves of the vast ocean, and his figure is swaying unstoppable.

As he moved forward, it was more like being close to a huge wind vent, constantly blowing hurricanes, which became an obstacle to his progress.

One more thing, this eternal river seems really endless, no matter how you move forward, you cant reach the end...

"I can't feel wrong, I didn't stand still, I kept moving forward." Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

"This eternal river seems to be vast and boundless, and the naked eye can't see the ends on both sides, but it is impossible to truly be endless."

"At my speed, walking through with all my strength, even in the range of the star field, I don't know how many I can cross. It's impossible to fly to the end."

Xiao Yi raised his head slightly, and squinted his eyes, "I feel right, that is, there is a problem with space."

"The span of space, I can always feel..."

"No..." Xiao Yi suddenly smiled, "The space is okay, the problem is time."

"It turns out that time has changed space."

"Oh, I get it."


The second is more.

Update today, unfinished.

There will be a make-up change today, but obviously, I have to finish it in the early hours of the morning, so it is late and it is not recommended to wait.


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