Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4875: The captured Xuzu people?

Chapter 4875: The captured Xuzu people?

Eternally long in Hanoi.

Xiao Yi walked all the way, never stopping for half a minute, even if the invisible obstacle at this moment had made him extremely uncomfortable.

But this long river seems to be endless, like a long river of stars that can never reach the end.

And the more you move forward, the invisible resistance intensifies.

Xiao Yi frowned and scanned everything around him as he walked through.

In this situation, he could never find the entrance of the Xuzu clan.

His endurance is limited, and the endless river, the resistance continues to intensify, always reaching the point where he cannot bear it, and it makes him difficult to move forward, and may even be in jail.

Xiao Yi's brows were frowning. At this moment, he was full of mixed feelings, with unstoppable joy, but also more and more intense worries.

After all, Yi Lao had been missing for so long and had been separated from his blood-flame realm intelligence tracking for many years, the life and death of Yi Lao is unknown.

Of course he is looking forward to seeing the old man who has been away for many years, but he is also afraid of finding... it may not be a living old man.

In the past, when I guessed that Yi Lao was trapped in the Xu Clan clan, he was not too worried, because all this was just a guess, and he was convinced that the letter of Yi Lao back then showed safety, and Not in danger.

However, since he knew that the Xuzu clan land was actually in this eternal long river, this kind of worry has spontaneously arisen, and even overwhelmed his original joy.

Because this means that the Xu Clan Land is obviously that kind of peculiar independent land, and it is isolated from everything outside.

This also explains why the Xuzu Clan has been unable to be mysterious and no one knows for a long time.

But at the same time, it also means that the life card will become invalid because of this.

In other words, if Yi Lao is really in the Xu Clan clan, then Yi Lao's life and death cannot be determined by the fate card.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi clenched his fists unconsciously.

"Whether Yi Lao is in the Xu Clan Clan or not, this time, I must find him."

The ends of the world, the endless void, this time, he is bound to find this old man, there is no room for him.


at the same time.

Blood inflammation world, in the mansion of the master.

Eight old people were in the hall with different faces.

Senior Luo said dissatisfied, "It's been several days, that kid hasn't come back yet."

"What's the hurry?" The main hall of the wind brake said, "Blood Flame Realm is far away from Taixu Palace. Even if this kid does not drive normally, he will travel at full speed regardless of the consumption, it will take at least a few days."

"I'm afraid he hasn't arrived at the Xuzu clan land yet, how can he come back so soon."

The Master Palace Master Shura frowned and said, "The surname Luo is worried that this kid will have an accident?"

Senior Luo's face was cold and said, "You are willing to let him go to explore the Xuzu clan."

"Either a force or a creature, whatever exists, if it can survive a long period of time and remain mysterious, then it has proven that it is definitely not simple."

"The seven heavens are high above, but countless creatures can know them."

"At our current level, apart from the core secrets of the seven heavens, we can easily know and control everything else."

"Only this Xu Clan has always been mysterious, with little trace of it."

"The old man is convinced that it will only be an extremely dangerous place."

"This is true." The head of the demon hunter nodded, "When the old man confirmed this information, he already knew that the kid's trip was like a fierce place, and his safety was difficult to determine."

"But, with his current strength, can we stop him?"

"Idiot." The Master Palace Master said coldly, "Don't you know you are hiding it from him?"

"Hidden?" The head of the Hunting Demon Palace sneered, "This kid, even if we put aside his cultivation base and strength, the other skills and abilities have made the eight of us very satisfied, and the four words "long and phoenix" are far from enough to describe him. Do you think we can hide from him?"

"It's up to the sky, I can't hide it for a while."

The main hall master Yaozun shook his head, "Tianji, after all, that Yi Tianxing is the enlightened master of this kid, the leader of martial arts, you know what this identity represents for any warrior."

"Just like our master, the masters of the previous generation did to us."

"The mainland was in danger back then. The disaster of the underworld, the evil land, and the chaos of the East Sea are all in danger. The seven of us were forced to take office. Once we took office, we had to face this endless danger."

"Do you remember what we did in the beginning?"

"For Zhongyu? The responsibility of the Eight Palaces? Of course these are."

"But back then we also had our own youth and frivolousness, as well as arrogance and arrogance. What really made us feel the strongest, and the thing that made us most reluctant to retreat was the kindness of the masters of the previous generation."

"They are mentors and guides in our martial arts. They used to be like us, but when they put this burden on our shoulders, the blood that was boiling in our hearts was almost all for their nothing. Disappointment, but shelter them from the wind and rain."

"Because they are the burdens that they have placed on us like the inheritance of lives, so even if there are countless disasters and extremely difficult, we still do everything to accomplish it."

"This is the importance of a master to the heart of a disciple. It is not only a martial arts leader, but also a life example."

"The way of martial arts, the grace of teaching profession, is almost second only to the grace of parenthood."

"The word "Master" is also almost second only to the identity of the parents."

"That's right." The master of the wind brake said in a deep voice, "Even though there are many dangers ahead, as a disciple, if I don't go this way, I will look down on this kid."

"Humph." Senior Luo snorted coldly, ignoring everyone, and instead got up and walked towards the center of the hall.

To be more serious, in the middle of the eight old people sitting around, and in the middle of the hall, there is a figure covered in black robes.

The figure can't see his face, but he is expected to be an old man.

At this moment, the figure is bound by the chain, unable to move.

Senior Luo walked towards the figure, lifted the figure with his old and powerful palm, his eyes were extremely dangerous for an instant, "You better make sure that the information you give is true and reliable."

"Otherwise, the old man promises that you will regret your life and become a living creature."

"Don't worry." On the one hand, the demon hunter's main hall master also got up and said in a deep voice, "Although the Xu Clan is rarely outside, but the vast and endless void, there are still a few Xu Clan people who wander or exist."

"The old man tried his best to catch this Xuzu tribe. Whether he lied or not, the old man has also judged."

This black robe figure attached to the chain is actually a member of the Xuzu tribe?

It's no wonder that the head of the hunting monster can know the location of the Xuzu clan in such a short time.

The figure in the black robe slowly raised his head and stared at Senior Luo, "Threat me? If you dare to kill me, your **** flame world can't bear the anger of my Void Race."

"What are you talking about?" Senior Luo narrowed his eyes.

"The surname Luo." The head of the Demon Hunter Palace's complexion changed, and he walked quickly, but his eyes fell on the black robe figure.


First more.


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