Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 166: Remnant

Chapter 166: Remnant

"he stopped attacking?" Sol wondered as the man only stood there doing nothing.

Sol got the feeling that the man would attack him if he walked closer, so he walked back. It would be better to find another way than fighting the man.

"Let's turn back, fighting Apollo is anything but easy," he thought.

He had fought the sun god before, even though it was just in his inner-world, Sol had seen how overpowered the man was. He could barely win because he could conjure anything in his inner world.

Without an atomic bomb at his disposal, Sol was pessimistic about his chance of winning against Apollo. The man was stronger than anyone he knew.

"Unless I can make an atomic bomb, then there is no way to win against him, even an atomic bomb is not enough, I should at least have two atomic bombs if I want to win!" Sol lamented.

He went back toward where he came from but as before he could not reach the end of the bridge; he did not give up trying.

Sol conjured as much aura as possible to hasten his speed. He tried to go to every corner of the bridge as long as he didn't get too close to Apollo to find an exit, but he could not find any.

He tried to attack the bridge but he could not deal any damage to the bridge; it was as if he was a baby trying to crack a wall.

"Is there really no way but fighting him?" he mumbled to himself.

He did not even know if he could get back to the underworld or the mortal realm if he reached the black gate, so distracting the sun god and trying to sneak past the gate might not work, he would die if it could not actually let him out.

"Right! I have the hydra!" he remembered, but when he checked the crystal ball he imprisoned the snake, he found nothing in them. The hydra was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn, right, I'm the only one here, how can I beat him with just myself?" he questioned himself.

"Do I really need to do that again?" he shuddered when he remembered the pain he felt when he pushed his body beyond what was possible for a minor demigod.

"No, there must be another way, Apollo was not himself, he also stops attacking after he threw me away, there might be a way to beat him!"

"For now, let's see if I can attack him from a distance without getting attacked in return," he thought.

Sol conjured a small icicle and sent it toward the unmoving man, but it crashed to an invisible wall before it could reach the man.

"Huh? Did he stop it?" Sol asked himself. He tried to conjure a bigger icicle to attack the man, but it got shattered just like before.

He tried to conjure hundreds of icicles and sent them from any direction, but something destroyed once each of them when they got to ten meters from the black gate.

"Hm... what if I conjure it within ten meters?" he mused.

Sol tried to conjure the sun ice but to his surprise, he could not conjure it, it was as if there was a wall blocking his power from getting inside.

"This is strange. When I walked there before, I felt nothing blocking my way," Sol grimaced.

"From the look of it, if I get within ten meters' distance from the gate, the Apollo will attack me," he analyzed.

He tried another attack; he conjured the knife aura and used them as flying blades. If the man conjured the wall, then he would be able to bypass it if the man could not sense his attack.

To his disappointment, his attack still bounced at the invisible wall. That gives him a headache.

Sol had tried to pierce the wall with his power, but no matter how strongly he pushed, the wall never broke.

It's too risky to get closer with the man, so Sol decided to try another way, "If I'm the only person here, what if I conjure a creature? Will it stay here or will it get kicked out of this place? Or maybe I will get out instead?"

He tried to test his theory by conjuring a creature; it looked like a lion, but as big as an elephant. To his surprise, it just stayed there. It did not get kicked out of the strange world.

He commanded the creature to move toward the black gate; it walked slowly and when it reached ten-meter; it became even slower; it moved as if it was swimming underwater and the water resisted its movement.

Apollo looked at it with his blank expression and within a second, the sun god appeared beside the slowly motioned lion.

A ball of fire appeared on the man's hand but instead of a normal fireball, it reminded Sol of the sun; it radiated overpowering heat, and it was so bright that blinded Sol.

"Ack..." he screamed in pain as he used his hand to cover his eyes. Everything was dark and he could see nothing as it crippled his eyes.

Blood was flowing out of his eye sockets and his eyeballs were all white, Sol gritted his teeth and pulled out both of his eyes before conjuring a new pair of eyes in its place.

"Damn it! It was not even attacking me, but even I fell victim to his power!" he lamented.

When he regained his sight, he found the lion had turned into ashes, and the sun god had already returned to the place he stands before.

"Fuck! If it was me there, then I would have been turned into ashes! Luckily, I did not get closer!" he cursed.

Apollo was far from his original power, but his strength came not only from his rank but from the mastery of his ability.

One thing Sol noticed was the man did not have any of his armament. No gold bow or silver quiver, and certainly no bronze arrow that will always pierce its target.

"Fighting him is not an option, even if I become a giant and have hours' worth of knife aura, I would still be killed if I fight him," he lamented.

"Look like I can only try to beat him with numbers," he thought as he could only use his conjured creature to attack the sun god without getting attacked in return.

Sol conjured another lion, but he did not send it to fight the man directly, he conjured more and more creatures.

The Bridge was limitless that gave Sol so much room to conjure his creature. The soulless creature was covering the bridge no matter where he saw.

Each of them was waiting for his command, Sol conjured not only creatures but also conjured as much knife aura as he could.

The creatures would be slowed when they get close to the gate so if he wanted them to have a chance to fight the sun god then he would need to make them faster.

He had been conjuring the creature for twelve-hour but he did not stop as he didn't think that was enough.

"I need at least twice this number if I want to deal any damage," he thought as he continued his job in conjuring creatures.

Luckily, the bridge was not a normal bridge. With so many creatures on it, the weight would destroy a normal bridge.

After he was satisfied with the number of creatures, he finally ordered them to attack the Sun God.

Sol did not divide the knife aura he conjured to every creature, but he controlled them so the front-most would have the aura.

They run toward the black gate, but as before, Apollo attacked them. He conjured a rain of fire arrow; it killed dozens of creatures, but Sol did not stop; he manipulated the knife aura so it would move to the next creature when the previous creature died.

What seemed like an unending wave of creatures kept crashing toward the sun god, but the man would kill them within a short amount of time the moment they stepped foot into the man's range.

"Let's see if you will continue to persist!" Sol grinned as the creatures seemed to get closer and closer to the gate by using the previous creature to shield them from the sun god's attack.

Within twenty minutes, the man already killed half of the creature Sol conjured, but they finally got close enough to the man and the black gate.

The lions tried to attack the man, but he punched the lion's face with a flaming fist, killing it instantly, that was expected as the lion was not a match with the god but soon another lion took its place, it bit on the man's arm before the man burned the lion into ashes.

"Just a bit more!" Sol thought as he ordered the lions to pile on the man.

They could finally injure the man, but to Sol's surprise, they would heal within seconds, the sun god could heal himself just like Sol!


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