Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 165: Enslaved Soul

Chapter 165: Enslaved Soul

"Keep going! We are almost there, we will return to the mortal realm!" The Gods motivated their underlings.

Sol and Jennie did not know why they needed demigods to attain their goal, according to his estimation, thousands of minor demigods could not even compare to a single lesser god so their role should not be crucial but the higher being still waited for them even though they slowed them down.

"Fuck! Why the turbulence is not stopping! It has been four days, we never get a rest!" a demigod cursed.

"Don't complain, just keep walking the sooner we open the gate, the sooner we escape this turbulence!" Their superior remarked.

"Sol, how long do you think the war will continue?" Jennie suddenly asked him.

"Unless they stop, then it might continue for months, Titanomachy took ten years, considering there is less participant in this war then it should be shorter than that," he told her.

"Months? That long?" The revelation shocked her.

"It's my estimation, so it can be longer or even shorter. Major gods are difficult to kill," He shrugged.

"How about Apollo? The god of the underworld killed him, right? We did not even sense their fight at that time," She pointed out.

"Now that you say that, it is indeed strange that we did not notice their fight," Sol agreed.

The army was marching beside the Styx river. Now that Sol thinks about it, the gate of the underworld really was on the highest point of the underworld as the river flowed from higher places to lower places.

"There! I see a bridge!!!" he could hear someone shout from the front.

"We are here! Let's go! March faster!" people hastened their pace in the prospect of finishing their mission.

Rather than being happy, Sol was wary, "This is too easy! I don't believe they leave the gate unprotected. The god of the underworld was hellbent to keep it closed so he should have prepared a way to keep it that way."

He wanted to stop but people behind him did not stop and pushed him forward. He had no other option but to continue marching.

"No! Don't push! Don't push!" Screams could be heard from the front line as they got onto the bridge.

"Don't stop! Keep marching!" an authoritative voice could be heard behind them.

The gods had moved to the back-most of the army; they pushed the people at the backline with their domain.

Screams came from behind too as people who stopped got killed by the Gods at the backline.

"Keep going! Keep going! Don't stop!" people at the back pushed people in front of them.

"Fuck they trap us, there is no way to run!" Sol cursed as he regretted his decision to join the army.

He reaches the bridge before long. The moment he stepped on it, he found he was stepping on a poodle or something.

When he looked down, he found the bridge was dyed red by blood, his eyes opened wide by that.

"Something is killing people in front of us! This is bad! Is it a major god?" Sol thought as the gods were pushing them forward.

If it was only a minor god, then they would have beaten the one who tried to stop them by themselves. The only plausible explanation was they feared the enemy ahead.

Sol had conjured more and more knife aura since the commotion started. Not only did he conjure them in himself but on people around him as well, that way the rate he conjured them increased by leap and bound.

He has no qualms in sapping their strength as he did not know them, and his life is much more important than some stranger's life.

Of course, he would not kill them by himself, he would just leave them with the knife aura, if they died then he could harvest the aura left behind.

"Ack!!!" people screamed as their friend suddenly attacked them.

The army was in chaos as people started to attack each other as if something possessed them. People attacked each other on a rampage.

"What happened? Don't fight each other! Keep moving forward!" The gods behind did not know what happened as well, they thought the demigod was rebelling.

Everyone became wary. There was no telling when the people beside them would suddenly attack them.

"Fuck! I don't care anymore!" Some people who were not possessed even attack their friend in fear that their friend would suddenly attack them.

A man beside Sol suddenly brandished his saber and tried to hack at him, Sol was about to defend when Jennie intervened.

She kicked the man back so that he crashed against another man. Chaos started to spread before the bridge became a free-for-all battlefield.

"Jennie, cover me, let's try to fight our way to the edge. Staying in the center of this army would only get us killed," Sol told her.

"let's move forward, the emerald city lord should be near. Hopefully, he will help us," She started to move forward while attacking anyone who tried to stop them.

He started to harvest any knife aura he had planted on the other as he had changed status in his head from neutral to hostile.

Sol dodged an attack from behind but before he could counterattack, an invisible blade had already cut the man's hand.

"Nai, focus on anyone who would try to attack us, if you have time then help me harvest the aura, I will focus on conjuring more of them," he instructed the living knife.

They continued to push forward in order to rendezvous with the Major demigod, but to their surprise, the number of people dwindled the more they moved forward.

"We are supposed to be in the middle of our ranks. Where has everyone gone to?" he thought to himself.

Suddenly, he felt a displacement in space. A moment later, he found himself alone on the bridge. His intuition told him it was not everyone else disappeared, but he got moved into another dimension.

"Where is this? Can I return to the underworld?" he wondered to himself.

To his surprise, Nai was missing from his hand. He tried to summon the armament, but to his surprise, something was blocking his connection with it.

"It seems this place is isolating me from everyone else," he thought.

Sol tried to get off from the bridge but it seemed to stretch infinitely, he could not seem to get off from the bride.

With no other way, Sol tried to get to the other side of the bridge. It did not take long before he reached the end of the bridge.

Sol could see a giant door at the end of the bridge, it seemed to be made of black mist and he could feel substantial power emanating from the door.

"This door is just like a door to a mini-world," Sol realized.

Sol tried to get closer but when he was about to touch the door, a hand suddenly caught his hand, Sol looked up to find a man with the same armor as him but it was red.

The man dragged him by the hand and threw him back with such a strength the Sol saw through the sky.

Sol looked at the man with wide eyes, "How is he here?!" it shocked him as he recognized the man.

It was not another fight against his doppelganger; he had met this guy before and this guy was more dreadful.

His hand felt like it was burning, Sol looked down to find his hand that was touched by the man was turning into ashes, even his sun ice armor turned into ashes.

"Shit!" Sol cursed as the burning started to spread from his arm. He quickly conjured a knife aura blade to cut off his arm.

He gritted his teeth as the pain was real. He quickly conjured another arm with his healing dome ability.

Sol eyed the man with wariness, he could not believe his eye, the man in front of him was a major god, even if he did not instinctively know the man's identity, he was sure the man was the man he met before.

"Wait... his power is not even as strong as a major demigod, is this his remnant?" Sol looked at the man.

Even if the man was not in the realm of a major demigod, he was close enough that Sol could not just flood him with creatures he conjured.

"Shit, I don't have Nai with me," Sol cursed as he could not tap on the knife's aura reserve.

To his surprise, the man did not actively try to attack him, he just stood there waiting for Sol to make his move.

It was then that Sol noticed the man was hollow. There was no coherent thought in his eyes as if something controlled him.

"Is this, Apollo's soul?!" Sol guessed wildly but little to his expectation, it was so close to the truth, the man in front of him indeed part of the former sun god's soul.


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