Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 158: Inside

Chapter 158: Inside

Sol was trying his best to dodge the green goo, he conjured the knife aura as fast as he could so it could help him dodge easily.

"Fuck! We ran out of place to run!" he cursed as the ground was already covered in green goo.

They would run out of place to step on as the green goo was eating away anything it touched, Sol even tried to use his knife aura to touch it and it started to burn.

"Run to the water, and conjure boats on it, the goo would not burn the water!" Hilda's voice could be heard as she ran to the edge of the island while there was still a place to step on.

"Okay!" Everyone else followed her to the lake while they still can.

Sol hurriedly ran after them, he might be stronger than them but if he was the only one left and the hydra decided to focus on him then it would be the end of him.

"Shit, no one wanted to buy me some time," he cursed as he would need to accumulate knife aura to kill the hydra.

Realistically, no one could buy him enough time for him to accumulate enough knife aura to kill the creature, he would need hours to get enough while they could be killed any second.

He was about to reach the lake when he senses the ground quake, he looked behind to see the hydra was slithering toward him

Nai was trying to help him by sending blades of knife aura to halt the snake but it barely did anything.

"Why is that thing coming for me? There are others!" he lamented as he could see the nine heads were going after him.

Seeing the chance, the other ran as fast as they could, they wanted to leave him behind while there was no acidic goo raining at them.

"fuck, no one is loyal! Don't leave others behind! At least be discreet about it!" he retorted as he decided to use his last resort.

Sol pulled out his knife and started to absorb its knife aura, Nai had accumulated hours-worth of knife aura but he was not planning to take them as he did not know how it would affect the knife.

The knife had become minor demigod-grade armament after absorbing the aura, if he absorbed them then it might degrade or worse get destroyed.

Not that he doesn't have any other choice he could only absorb the aura while ignoring the knife's protest.

"Sol! Ahh... No! Stop!" it moaned in protest inside his head.

"I will return them after I'm finished using them, I will also double your meal, just let me borrow them for a bit," he tried to placate it.

He ignored it after that as he had more pressing matters ahead, nine giant heads were coming at him with abandon.

It was so fast that he estimated that he would only be able to surpass it by using the limit break, only the aura was not enough for him to escape.

Purple lightning started to flicker and ice fog started to cover his body, Sol jumped to the lake and dived down to run away from the snake.

The ground was already covered in the goo while his conjuring ability was locked in the limit-break mode so he could only escape underwater.

Sol was faster than the snake once he activated the limit-break mode but once he got underwater, suddenly the snake's speed grew faster.

"Fuck! It lives underwater, the water grants it power!" he cursed as one of the heads charged toward him so fast that only his reflex allowed him to barely dodged to the side.

He could see the water bubbled as the snake was biting on nothing, he could feel the water pushing him back because of the snake's momentum.

He did not let his guard down as he knew that the charge was only an opening, two more heads were circling around him, blocking him from escaping.

Sol did not have any other choice but to swim upward, but that was what the snake wanted, another head was already waiting for him and bite at him once he went up.

Having no other way to run, he could only block the attack with his knife, he blocked the fang with his knife while he tried to move back with the help of its momentum.

Out of his expectation, another head was coming from under him, it opened its mouth wide, trying to swallow him whole.

Sol used both of his arms to hold on to the snake's upper jaw while using both of his feet to block the lower jaw, he was trapped there as the snake tried to swallow him.

He could feel his limbs cracking while he tried to stop the snake from closing its mouth, luckily the snake did not hinder his regeneration, he could barely hold on by regenerating the limbs before they broke.

"I fucking hate snake!!!" he cursed as the snakehead moves to the surface with him in its mouth.

He could feel the water resist their movement and push him deeper into the snake's mouth but he tried his best to hold on.

He was raised high in the air and he could see the other was already very far away, they looked at him with surprise as he was almost swallowed.

Some of them threw their face away because they could not take the sight, they thought he was done for.

Sol could only grit his teeth as he tried to hold on, as a minor demigod he did not really bother about breathing, even if he stayed underwater for days he could still survive, he rather focused on stopping himself from getting swallowed.

Suddenly the snakehead dive down at such a high speed that they crash into the water, Sol could feel the water smashed toward him, his body feel like it was hit by a train.

His bones cracked and he lost his grip on the snake's jaw, it pushed him into its throat, he could feel his skin burning from the snake's saliva and stomach acid but he did not have time to stop moving.

For the first time, he risked it all by getting out of the limit-break mode, he could feel the burning eat at his flesh faster as his regeneration went back to normal.

He hurriedly used all of his ability to conjure creatures and ice blocks, filling the snake's throat with as much thing as he could.

He also healed his body with the healing dome, so he would not melt into a bloody paste, once the dome was created he could finally breathe easy, he would not die anytime soon.

The snake's throat started to bulge as more and more creatures and ice filled it, they would melt at a rapid pace but Sol would conjure them faster than they could melt.

Snakes are known to be able to stretch their body to swallow bigger prey but Sol plans to exceed its capacity.

His companion that was looking far away saw one of the snake's heads suddenly grow bigger as its throat balloon up.

At first, it did not move but after some time, it swung its head wildly in pain, Sol finally conjured enough things to break the snake from the inside.

He conjured a giant ball of meat as he did not need it to move or anything so rather than making a normal creature he made an abomination that reminded him of the evil spirit that he killed with the help of Jupiter's divine punishment.

The ice he created also in the form of a crystal ball that grew bigger as he created more ice, he could only conjure them inside the creature because he was inside, had he been outside then he would not be able to do so.

With the snake's throat stretched so thin that it almost broke, he gathered all the knife aura that he had and conjured an invisible giant sword, almost twice his height.

He activated the limit-break mode once more and swung the sword in a circle, beheading the snake from the inside.

He found himself underwater once he got out of the head, blood started to mix with the water and block his vision but he could see eight pair of eyes behind them, they looked at him in murder.

Sol tried to hide in the red water but when he touched them, he could feel a piercing pain through his body that almost made him lose his consciousness.

He gritted his teeth to stay awake but it pulled him out of the limit-break mode, he quickly used his knife aura to cut away his body part that touched the red water and heal them right away as they were too painful.

He swam away from the red water in horror, "Its blood is poisonous!" he realized.

Sol did not have time to stop as the red water part and green goo was rushing toward him, "Damn! I have no way to run!" he cursed.


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