Sol Vestitor: New Age of God

Chapter 156: The Army

Chapter 156: The Army

It had been weeks since Atlas started recruiting demigods everywhere, not only demigods in the city but creatures they met along the way would be drafted into the army.

As long as the people they met along the way were minor demigod or stronger, they would be forced to join the army.

"City Lord, what are we going to do now? Are we really going to fight in this war?" Jennie asked the emerald demigod.

"I have told you to call me captain, right? We don't have any other choice, you might think I have the power to resist but with so much lesser God on Atlas' side, we would not be able to run," he told her.

The army led by the Titan already consists of thousands of people, the minor demigod would be the soldiers while major demigods were their captain, and above them would be Lesser Gods and Minor God.

They were confused how the Titan gathered so much God level powerhouse, it was as if it could sense where they were.

The titan would convince them to follow him to fight against the god of the underworld, those who decline would be killed by the Titan.

Atlas robbed their divinity and passed them to his loyal subordinate so they could inherit the God's domain.

After that, the Gods would not fight him while the major demigod would follow him in hope of getting his favor and being granted a domain on the next chance.

With such a prospect of power, the army's morale was at an all-time high, there were a lot of people who supported the war effort.

"Then what can we do, Captain? Can't we find a chance to run?" She asked him.

"We can't, there are too many people who support him, as time goes on, those who were on our side even decide to follow him," he told her.

People were influencing each other, with more and more people joining the Titan, those who against it slowly got carried away by the majority of these power-hungry people.

The groups of creatures and demi-titan that kept joining the Titan were not helping in this regard, there was no way to avoid the war.

"How about Tyx? She is close to Atlas, can't we get her to stop him?" She did not give up.

"I tried to talk to her about it but that girl seems to want the war, she insists that this is the best way so we can return to the mortal realm," he said hopelessly.

Jennie was tired, she had tried everything she could think of to stop the war or escape it but she was powerless with so many Major demigods and Gods in the army.

She was not able to ask her teammates for help as Tom and Harry were assigned to a different group.

She was about to rest when suddenly Atlas's voice boom through the ranks, "The city of stone has closed their gate for us! They decline our offer! Now we have no other choice but drag their cowardly asses out of their city!"

This had happened once before, if a city declined to join the war then Atlas would attack them with their army and force them to join the army.

The city lord and other gods in the city would be killed by him and their domain would be given to people who contributed to attacking the city.

"This is your chance! If you want power, become a god, then prove yourself!" Atlas roared to lead his army in attacking the city.

Atlas was the Titan army's general in the ancient time when the gods were having a war with the titans, he was the best in war and he solved everything with war.

If he was compared to a god then he would be comparable to the God of war, Mars, he might be even more prone to war than the god.

Once he promised them that those who contribute to bringing down the city would be a god, the army was hyped, greed and bloodthirst were flowing from the army.

After weeks of journeys they become more and more savage, they would take every able demigod from the city and plunder the city to feed the army, the lesser demigod that was left behind would be left with nothing.

The Major demigod was in high spirit once they were told they could be a god, they pushed their people to join the war.

The minor demigod could only follow their superior order to do their best as they could be killed easily if they decline.

With the current scale of the army, a minor demigod was a replaceable resource, one or two dead minor demigods would not make a change.

Atlas directed half of the army toward the city, a few of lesser gods under him also joined them to attack the city.

The titan of endurance did not use the entire army as half of it was enough to flatten the city to the ground.

"I don't want to do this," Jennie lamented as she followed the army to attack the city.

It just happened that their group was among the people that would be attacking the city, Atlas just let the lesser god who was going to attack the city choose this army and her group was unlucky to be part of it.

They marched forward to the walled city, they could sense people on top of the wall, they were major demigods.

The army's minor demigods could only shake in their boots as they were only cannon fodder in this war.

The real battle power in this war was the number of major demigods and lesser gods that join the war. And this is not even the main war, it just means to gather armies.

"Halt!" the lesser god that her group and dozens of other groups commanded, they stopped around two hundred meters away from the city wall.

They could sense power was gathering on top of the wall as magic and weapon that the enemy's major demigod conjured was raining down toward them.

"Defends! Don't let them get you!" the lesser god command as they tried to conjure barriers to stop the incoming attack.

The major demigod was not moving yet as it would be best if they kept their strength to attack once the enemy got exhausted.

All kinds of barriers were conjured in front of the army, they overlapped with each other and reinforced each other.

No minor demigod would be able to pierce the barrier, but unluckily, their opponent was not minor demigods but major demigods.

The magic and conjured weapon slammed to the barrier it created shock weave through the army, those who had weaker bodies were pushed back a few steps by it.

"Hold on! Don't flatter! Major demigods don't interfere yet, wait for our command!" the lesser gods reminded them.

The barrier was cracking as the rain of attack was not stopping, soon holes started to appear on the barrier, even though they tried to close the hole, it was already too late.

The Major demigod attack got to the army, minor demigods were massacred left and right by the attack that they were not able to block.

The major demigods' ability burns them, melt them, crush them, cut them, all kinds of abilities kill them.

Even then, the lesser gods did not give a command for their major gods to attack, a second feeling like hours for Jennie, he could only try her best to stay alive.

An ice arrow was flying toward her when she pushed her ability to the limit and moved to the side barely dodging the arrow, but even then she did not stop moving as more and more projectiles were raining down at them.

She could hear people's screams as they were injured and killed by the incoming attack, even though they number in thousands, against major demigods they were nothing.

"Damn it! Damn It! Damn it!" she cursed as she focused on dodging the incoming attack, the barrier kept crumbling as more and more people died, they did not have time and power to put up another barrier.

"If only I'm stronger then I could just block all this attack with my sword," she lamented.

Five minutes passed as hundreds of minor demigods were dying, they were reduced to nothing by the incoming attack.

If it was to continue then the army would be left with no more minor demigods, it was then that the lesser gods finally commanded the major demigod to attack.

"Attack now! They have used their strength!" she could hear them, she was really glad to hear those words.

The major demigods bombard the city wall with their power, it makes the wall shake, and the city behind them burn.

The city's city lord was also joining the fight but the lesser gods were ganking on him, it did not take long before the city was captured by Atlas's army.

"This is impossible! We are going to die if we stay here!" Jennie who barely survived the fight lamented.


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