Small upgrade system

Chapter 544 544 - Reinforcement

 'It looks like this will be the last chance to use my berserker technique and teleportation technique. With that at least I would be able to save some of those Warriors and at the same time I would be alive.'

Well the situation was now already theory critical for those Warriors who are fighting those Monsters right now. You can say even with the help of Sam the situation did not get better and already many of those Warriors died in the hands of those Monsters.

Really all this time Sam once again felt useless that he was unable to protect those Warriors but at the same time he also had the clear understanding about the power of those Planetary grade Monsters and those abyss humans. Naturally those dark humans and Abyss humans did not directly participate in this battlefield because they wanted to save their strength to fight the main force. 

So because of this, they only attacked those Warriors who were fighting those Monsters from a distance while the situation got out of hand and naturally because of this you can say the situation of those Warriors already became very critical and many of them already died. You can say that if it wasn't for those Planetary grade monsters, then the situation would be different but really who could expect even for a peak Epic grade Warrior, everyone of those planetary grade Monsters were very powerful. 

It was like the moment anyone would become a planetary grade Warrior, he will have additional power that will make that person very powerful and even for a peak Epic grade warrior it wasn't possible to injure that planetary grade Monster or Warrior even if they try to use their full power. 

On the other hand if you are wondering how did Sam get to know about this because he already tried to attack those Monsters using his 95% origin spiritual energy but unfortunately nothing happened to them and those Monsters only received light injuries. This really surprised me because nothing like that had happened to him previously.

Even when he was only Early elite grade Warrior, he was at least able to injure any Early epic grade warrior or monster using his full power but suddenly nothing like that happened to those monsters so because of this Sam also felt hopeless. But as you know from the first when he realized the danger he was already planning to use his trump card and also use the teleportation technique to take those Warriors away from that place so they did not die in the hands of those Monsters. 

Naturally he did not know how many Warriors you will be able to teleport but naturally he will try his best to teleport them. Right now as you can see he once again returns to the frontline where he fights those Monsters using his fireballs and at the same time using his sword technique. 

Even though you can say his superior sword technique and archery technique were much more powerful compared to his other techniques, naturally his fireball technique has the most destructive power and because of this he wasn't using the archery technique and only using the fire control technique. But that does not mean right now he wasn't using that because beside using the sword and fire control technique he also used the archery technique. 

It wasn't able to create a huge destruction but still it was powerful compared to the fireball technique and when he changed the nature of the origin spiritual energy that coated the spirit arrows naturally that Arrow became very powerful and a flame phoenix also got created by that arrow. Using those arrows he already killed many of those peak Epic grade monsters. All this time he instantly needed to recover his spiritual energy or he won't be able to have the strength to maintain his concealment technique. 

But still you can say that the situation did not get better and those Planetary grade Monsters right now are also attacking those Warriors continuously. They using their power and defense as their advantage and with that they also able to kill many of those Warriors and they also able to injured Sam very seriously even though they unable to locate his direction full stop actually you can say those Monsters attack just only rely on their instincts and on the other hand they got help from those Abyss humans. 


Suddenly something unexpected happened and 5 of those planetary grade Monsters already came in front of those warriors where Sam was right now. Not only that everyone of those Monsters had a spiritual beam in their mouth and naturally they were already about to attack those Warriors and Sam at this time. By their sudden appearance Warriors or Sam get the time to react and naturally they know most likely they would die in this attack. 

Beside the power and defense of those monsters, they were also very fast. Because of this, naturally those Warriors won't be able to react on time and with that, all of them already can feel the danger coming out from their attack. But the thing was that not only just those Planetary grade Monsters but at the same time naturally those other Monsters also preparing their attack. 

Most likely those Abyss humans also weren't staying ideal and at this time they naturally wanted to finish those warriors. So they also already attack towards Warriors and everybody right now just feeling danger from every direction coming toward them and they are just unable to do anything. 

Some of them and the healing team behind them already created barriers around them but naturally everybody knows that in front of those attacked those barriers won't be able to protect them. So many of them already lost their confidence and will to fight back and already accept their death. Naturally right now all of them have the regret that they are unable to kill all of those Monsters but one thing they were happy about is that they already killed a large amount of Monsters and with that the danger of those other Warriors will be decreased. 

At this time Sam also already created a barrier in front of them but naturally because he was very low on spiritual energy and already suffering from that mental headache he is also unable to create a powerful barrier and also knows that he won't be able to protect everyone and most likely he will also die in this place. So at this time he already decided to use the berserker technique. 


A huge explosion got created and instantly the whole place got surrounded by a layer of smoke. Nobody could tell what was happening in that place but sometime later when that layer of smoke began to fade away everyone of those Monsters and those enemies also realized that many people were still present there and none of them were dead right now. But this time their focus wasn't those injured Warriors but everyone focusing on those other people that most likely appeared out of nowhere. 

Naturally those Monsters weren't able to think properly because of the dark spiritual energy but on the other hand everyone of those dark humans and those Abyss humans already realize everyone of those new appear Warriors was releasing powerful aura from their body. Not only that, the most important thing was that 20 Planetary grade warriors were also present in that place.

The thing was that none of those previous Warriors were dead right now and instantly they could also see those newly appeared medical teams begin to heal those injured Warriors. 

On the other hand you can say Sam who previously just about to use the berserker technique, suddenly feels the energy fluctuation and instantly a powerful barrier also gets created in front of them and naturally because of that everyone of those attacks from those Monsters clash with that barrier. But not only that, at this time everyone looked speechless at the barrier which did not have a crack on it. 

None of them know how the hell that barrier appeared in front of them but the thing was that it was so powerful and it also protected them from the attack of the Monsters. Instantly the surrounding area got covered in a smoke layer and with that Sam and the others unable to see anything. But at this time you can say everyone already felt many presence around them and everyone of them were very strong. 

Not only that, suddenly those injured Warriors and even Sam begin to feel that they are recovering very quickly from their injuries. Sam at this time unable to maintain his concealment technique and already became visible but right now he is still confused by that sudden situation that he did not know what to do. But as you can see he still remains cautious and begins to look around his surrounding area. 

First of all he did not know who was helping them but if his prediction was right then most likely it was a reinforcement team but the thing was that he did not know the human king and the others had prepared reinforcement like that. Because of this right now he was very cautious about that. 


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