Small upgrade system

Chapter 543 543 - Using Healing Technique

Sometime later you can see the condition of Sam was very serious right now. He barely holds his ground and keeps activating the concealment technique. Actually not only him but the condition of those Warriors is also very serious right now and most likely 2 of them already died at the hands of those Monsters. 

Well, naturally as you know using the mega fireball technique and then also using the spiritual healing potions, really puts his body under a lot of pressure. Not only that at the same time he was having a headache that already became intolerable. It was like his head would explode, but even in a condition like this Sam was still fighting those Monsters while attacking them using the mega fireball technique. 

Because of this you can say those Monsters who did not get affected by the mega fire balls decided to attack toward the direction from where they could see the mega fireball coming towards other Monsters. Naturally even though the origin spiritual energy was much stronger compared to your true spiritual energy, you can say that it wasn't enough for him to injure those Planetary grade monsters. 

Those were the Monsters that were out of his league, and previously those Monsters kept attacking toward his direction. Well because of that he was at the time in big trouble. Sometimes he also needed to cancel his mega Fireball to dodge the attack. But naturally compared to him the speed of those Monsters is also greater and most likely they also predict in which direction he will escape. Because of this you can say the situation appears. 

At this time he once again recovered his full spiritual energy but this time he did not instantly attack those Monsters and already came very far away from those Monsters towards other Warriors. First of all, compared to him the condition of those Warriors was much more serious. Two of them already died and many of them already lost some of their body parts while fighting those Monsters and those Abyss humans. 

Naturally they also didn't get the time to recover or use any kind of potions. Also many of them already lost their weapons and armours while fighting those Monsters and naturally that makes the situation more dangerous for them. Fortunately until now they are still able to survive because of the medical team or you can say the healing team who were continuously healing them and trying their best to recover every one of them. 

On the other hand right now Sam also came towards the healing team because he decided to help them to recover those other Warriors. As you know he also mastered using the light control technique so naturally he could also use healing techniques like them. Also using the origin spiritual energy the power of his healing will be much greater compared to those other Warriors so naturally wasting no time he already began to use the healing technique towards Warriors who were struggling and trying to kill those Monsters even though their condition was very serious. 

On the other hand in the battlefield everyone is still trying to fight those Monsters even though it could already make them dead. But naturally they have the responsibility to hold those Monsters until the reinforcement team did not come there to help them. At this time as you can see some of them are already very close to dying, as they already lost too much blood and not only that they also already lost some of their body parts. 

It Looked like those Warriors already thought that they would die there but suddenly something unexpected happened. Will the healing team already use their healing techniques towards everyone of those Warriors and naturally those Warriors are also aware of that as they can also feel that they were getting healed by their healing team. But naturally that wasn't fast enough to make them instantly heal and at the same time those Monsters and Abyss humans also did not give them time to recover from their injuries. 

So right now in a condition like that they suddenly feel they instantly begin to heal much faster than before and not only that the speed is just increasing and increasing. Naturally that makes them very startled for a moment, but naturally they also understand someone helping them. 

You can say in the 5 minutes most of those Warriors who were very close to die already recovered they are 50% healthy and not only that they are still recovering from their injury much faster than before and if things continue like this they will naturally recover fully. Well you can say after realizing that the fighting confidence of those Warriors once again increased and they began to fight those Monsters once again with confidence. 

Sam right now focusing on those seriously injured Warriors. Because of his health as you can see those Warriors who already lost too much blood or lost some of their body part and already very close to die already recovering in a very surprising speed and injust 5 minutes some of them already recover their 50% health and with that those people who previously lost their hand or lag, also once again have them back. 

On the other hand Sam was now fully sweating. He doesn't know how long he will be able to keep up like this and how long you will be able to fight those Monsters and those other enemies. Also he had the feeling that they would not get any kind of reinforcement in a situation like this. Because as you know the condition of those other Warriors in the battlefield why also like them and right now they are just only focusing on their own fight and trying to survive in the war. 

Not only that, even the human kings and the others were also focusing on their battles while fighting those planetary grade Warriors. Naturally because of that they are also unable to shift their focus on to other places and only need to focus on their enemy right now. Naturally at this time you can say Sam was already thinking about using the teleportation technique when he realized he won't be able to attack or help those Warriors much longer and already at his limit. Until then he will try to help them and also at the same time he will try to attack those Monsters. 

Right now if you look at those Monsters then you can notice that compared to be for the number of those Monsters were match low and everything happened because of the sudden attack of that invisible Warrior and also attack from those other Warriors. They just kept attacking those Monsters while not giving them much time to react and also if those Abyss humans wanted to protect them or wanted to counter attack eat also did not give them that my chance to do that. But still you can say that those planetary grade Monsters and those Abyss humans are getting more chances and because of that they are also attacking those Warriors continuously.

On the other hand you can see most of those Warriors who fight in close combat have already recovered their health but on the other hand those spiritual warriors were also very close to losing all their strength to fight back. They also like him attacking those Monsters continuously using their spiritual technique. As you can tell that wasn't enough and also naturally they did not have the power to fight back with those Planetary grade Monsters. 


'Will I need to use the berserker technique and teleportation technique to escape?'

Right now this is the question that Sam was having. Because even with his help he still cannot have the confidence to win against those monsters so because of that he already decided to use the teleportation technique. On the other hand even after those many attacks you can say that none of those planetary grade monsters get that much injured. 

'Look like, those dark humans and Those Abyss humans also have the help from legendary grade Abyss humans. Naturally if they did not have the help then they would not be able to control that many planetary grade Monsters. Really the big question was will our soldiers be able to protect themselves when these people will interfere with the fight or not? 

It Looks like before the situation gets out of hand I need to use my Trump card.'

Sam thought that. First of all as you know he stops attacking those Monsters and because of that those Monsters only focus on those other Warriors. Not just only that but at the same time even though the healing speed of those Warriors already increase but still it wasn't enough to recover them fully and at the same time you should know even if they recover there full health but they won't be able to recover there full strain that they where using while fighting those monsters. 

Naturally because of that Sam decided to use his trump card. Naturally he wanted to mean that he will be using the berserker technique. First of all it will instantly increase his strength and already make him much more powerful. In that state you will keep attacking those monsters using his increased spiritual energy and power so with that he would be able to create more damage than before. 


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