Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 176 175: You Did All Of That?

The sound of footsteps echoed as Anon and the Terror Queen ventured through a structure resembling a tunnel. The tunnel, normally enveloped by darkness, was illuminated by an orb in the hands of the Terror Queen. Anon looked around, his eyes sparkling with intrigue and curiosity as he observed the structure of the tunnel.

He placed his hand on the nearby wall, barely half a meter away from him. As he placed his hand on the nearby wall, he noticed that the wall was made out of metal, having irregular bumps and deep lines here and there.

'This tunnel is man made?'

Anon had an expression of surprise as the realization dawned upon him. He studied the walls of the tunnels more as he walked, though his actions reducing his pace.

As his gaze was fixated on the metal walls of the tunnel, his eyes inadvertently moved to the bumps and lines on the walls, and just as he was about to look away from the bumps and lines, thinking they were unimportant, or a testament to the age of the walls… he realized that the bumps and lines were connected, each forming intricate symbols, connected in a peculiar manner

He looked at the symbols with squinted eyes, and he realized that the symbols had a little bit of resemblance in them… They resembled the magic symbols he saw whenever he tried to use a magic spell.

'How strange.'

Anon mused, his brows furrowing as he observed the symbols.

'These magic symbols… they seem more… sinister?'

Anon pondered, his brows furrowing deeply as a result. He placed his hands on his chin as he kept on walking absentmindedly, his entire thoughts entirely on the enigmatic and foreboding symbols on the walls.


"What the hell?"

Anon cursed as he felt himself colliding with an object. With his mind snapping back to reality, he looked at the object he bumped into, but when he saw the object, his brows furrowed and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

"What's going on? Why did you stop?"

Anon asked as he looked at the Terror Queen who was staring at him, a curious and confused light in her eyes.

"Your steps… they don't make echoes even when you were lost in thought."

The Terror Queen said and Anon brows raised upon hearing the simple reason for her interruption. A tinge of slight bafflement and confusion creeped into his next words:

"That's why you stopped?"

The Terror Queen nodded and Anon's head tilted slightly as a result, his eyes squinting with a puzzled light.

"It's a skill of mine… So don't think too much about it."

Anon replied, his tone containing nonchalance, and with an outstretch of his hand, he spoke once again:

"If that's all, can we please go?"

Despite his request, the Terror Queen continued to gaze at him for another five seconds before finally turning and resuming their walk. Anon seeing her odd behavior had a perplexed expression, but then he shrugged and followed suit, walking in the tunnel which led deeper and deeper beneath the building in which they emerged.

(Some minutes later)





Sounds of a liquid dripping into a larger body of another liquid flowed into Anon's ears. His brows furrowed slightly as he wondered if he was going to a place that contained a significant body of water.

However, the notion of a large body of water beneath the building seemed illogical… it just won't make sense.

Anon glanced at Terror Queen who maintained a composed demeanor as she continued walking. He then looked down at the Terror Queen's daughter in his arms and after a brief moment of consideration, decided to press forward.

Approximately five minutes later, Anon spotted a vibrant red light in the distance, illuminating the tunnel he was in, and Anon seeing the color of the light frowned.

"We're almost there. Let's go."

The Terror Queen increased her pace after speaking and Anon glanced at before fixing his gaze on the red light in the distance. He exhaled softly and with a calm expression, he followed the Terror Queen.

A few moments later, the Terror Queen vanished as she walked into the red light. Anon observed the light and after making sure that he couldn't sense any malicious intent from the light, he walked into light.

Anon's body was on full alert for any sneak attack or surprises but as he walked through the red light, no attack was hurtled towards him. He looked around and as he did, his eyes widened in shock.

"What in the world?"

Immense shock laced Anon's tone as he gazed at the scene before him.

"I thought you, being the coward that you are, would not dare to enter."

The Terror Queen's voice resounded in the surroundings, her voice having a tinge of surprise and mockery.

Anon stared at her, his eyes containing an astonished light in them. He stretched out his hand and with a slight quiver of his lips, he spoke as he pointed at the source of his shock.

"You did all of that?"

The Terror Queen glanced at the direction of Anon's pointed finger, her eyes containing a deep emotion as she looked at a wide pool filled with a red liquid several meters away from their position. Atop this pool were numerous bodies, corpses to be exact…

Corpses of humans of various ages and genders, along with corpses of various beasts and animals.



Her gaze then shifted upwards as she looked at the stalactites above their heads, each having a blood red color from which droplets of a red liquid dropped into the large pool of the same red liquid in the distance.

One did not need require an IQ of 130 or more to know the nature of the red liquid, the corpses in the pool, already signifying the description of the red liquid.

Her eyes moved once more, observing the large cavern they were in… taking in it's sinister appearance once again despite already seeing it one too many times.

"I didn't do… all of that."

The Terror Queen admitted, her tone revealing a hint of discomfort.

Anon sensing the discomfort in her tone had a slight frown.

"What do you mean?"

Anon asked, and there was a momentary silence as the Terror Queen contemplated on her response, then she eventually released a soft sigh.

"It's not really a long story, but… I feel it's important."


[A/N: I don't think I'll be able to write five chapters before i sleep... But I'll try to write at least three... Hopefully.]


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