Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 175 174: Cowardice

'You won't harm me?'

Anon stared at the Terror Queen with a mixture of confusion and disbelief as he heard her words. His eyes reflected the ominous looking door along with the completely dark entrance- everything screaming of evil and danger.

"You say you won't harm me, but what's to say that something else won't?"

Anon questioned, his tone fully showing his deep distrust in the words of the Terror Queen. His skepticism elicited a furrow of the Terror Queen's brows, her expression containing a tinge of displeasure.

"Why are you acting like a coward all of a sudden? If I wanted to harm you, I'd have done it a long time ago… Don't forget, you're just tier 1."

Despite her words which would provoke a reaction of defiance in most males, Anon was not moved in the slightest, his expression calm and with a shake of his head, he spoke:

"No matter what you say or do, I'm not following you down there."

"Then how do I convince you to follow me?"

With a tone that contained coldness and a tinge of anger, the Terror Queen questioned, her expression fully displaying her current frustration and annoyance at Anon's cowardice.

"Why must I even follow you down there?... Can't we have our business discussion in this wonderful penthouse?"

Gesturing with his neck at the room of comfort and luxury all around him, Anon spoke. A frustrated sigh was released from the Terror Queen and her subsequent actions showcased the amount of frustration she currently had towards the shocking cowardice of the man before her.

Where was the calmness? The bravery? The nonchalance, he had when surrounded by fifty people?

Where was all that confidence when he, a tier 1 human, fearlessly faced her, a known respectable tier 3 individual?

Recalling the previous actions of Anon, the Terror Queen's frustration increased the more. Exhaling once more, she stopped rubbing her nose.

"I want us to go down there cause there's something important I want you to see… The business discussion can happen after that."

Anon raised an eyebrow upon hearing the words of the Terror Queen. He gave the black ominous door a brief glance before he shifted his glance to the Terror Queen who had twitching fingers… Her expression revealing her struggle to reign in the urge to beat the cowardly Anon black and blue.

"I still don't trust you… There could be something dangerous down there…"

"Damn it!"

An exasperated shout resonated in the room, followed by words dripping with deep frustration.

"You know what! I'll drag you there myself!"

The Terror Queen spoke then she took a step towards Anon, but just as she took that step, she paused and her eyes emitting a cold light as she surveyed the current scene before her.

"Take another step and I'll plunge my syringe deep into her neck, killing her in an instant."

Anon threatened, his eyes cold and determined as he held a syringe, the tip of the needle barely touching the skin of the neck of the slumbering daughter of the Terror Queen.

"You're playing with fire."

Her tone disturbingly emotionless, the Terror Queen spoke as she gazed directly into Anon's eyes.

"I could say the same for you."

Having a more unsettling emotionless tone, Anon gave his reply, his expression, tone and posture showing no concern towards the tier 3 being who was just a few meters away from him.

"My opinion of you is beginning to go down the drain the more I interact with you."

"You would definitely not be the first."

Shrugging nonchalantly, Anon gave his reply and the seconds ticked by. Approximately ten seconds later, the Terror Queen's seething aura dispersed. She folded her arms and with her expression devoid of any emotion, she spoke:

"So Mr. Coward, can you tell me what would make you, the biggest coward in the entire universe, follow me down there?"

"I highly doubt I'm the biggest coward in the entire universe… Besides, I'm just being cautious."

Anon gave the ominous black door a glance before shifting his gaze towards the Terror Queen, his hand still holding the poison filled syringe close to the neck of the Terror Queen's daughter.

The Terror Queen's left eye twitched imperceptibly as she observed Anon's continued cowardice.

"You hold a defenseless girl hostage, poisoning her in the process, even after repeatedly being assured of your safety… Now tell me, are you not a coward?"


Anon raised his brows hearing the ridiculous statement of the Terror Queen, and though he had lots of things to say, he decided not to speak.

"Anyway… if you want me to follow you down there, we'll both need to sign a system contract."

"A system contract?"

A puzzled expression instantly appeared on the face of the Terror Queen, her eyes gazed at Anon with a strange and puzzled expression in them.

"You want us to form a system contract for something as simple as this?"

Anon taken aback by the strange and puzzled gaze he received from the Terror Queen, nodded his head in response.

"Is there a problem?"

"Is there a problem?..."

The Terror Queen appeared even more taken aback and puzzled as she heard Anon's inquiry. Her behavior and expression only served to confuse Anon the more.

"Don't you know that system contracts are not meant to be used like cheap cabbages. Tier 1's can only use two system contracts until they become tier 2, which would then enable you to use three extra system contracts…"

"The number of system contracts one can use increases as you increase your tier…"

"You're just tier 1 so why would you want to waste it on something as insignificant and safe as this?"

Anon's brows furrowed deeply as he heard the words of the Terror Queen. Never in his life had he heard of system contracts having limitations, and neither did he think it would have. The realization startling him.

'I think I saw one of the recorded books speaking about system contracts.'

Anon thought to himself and just as this thought crossed his mind, he had another thought.

"What happens to those that reach the tier limit? Would there be any consequences for those that use more system contracts than their limit?"

The Terror Queen had raised brows and with a soft tilt of her head, she gazed at Anon with squinted eyes, her eyes holding a suspicious light.

"When one reaches their tier limit, they experience a severe headache once they try to use another system contract… In fact, without the headache, people know when they've reached their system contract limit… It's an instinctual feeling."

The Terror Queen explained, her eyes observing Corey's reaction to her words while also containing a curious light in them.

"How many system contracts have you used by the way?"

The Terror Queen asked but Anon ignored her, his eyes held a contemplative light in them as his brows furrowed slightly.

·ƈθm 'How come I haven't felt any sort of headache? Nor have I had this 'instinctual' feeling?'

Anon pondered as he realized he had used the system contracts twice but he felt okay, and neither did he have this instinctual feeling that he was at his limit nor had he experienced any headaches.

'Is it because of the Paragon Ancestor? My talent? Or a specific skill I possess?'

Anon wondered but a few seconds later, he decided to push his thoughts aside. He released a soft exhale then with a tone of unwanted realization, he spoke:

"So I'm guessing you won't want to sign a contract with me because it would be a waste of your limited 'contract space', right?"

The Terror Queen nodded in reply, causing a slight twitch in Anon's lips.

"Well, let's proceed inside shall we."

"Fucking finally… Oh Lord, let's just go… wasting my time for no reason at all!"

As soon as he spoke those words, an expression of relief washed over the face of the Terror Queen, as she uttered those words, conveying the extent of her relief.

Although Anon could refute her words, he decided not to so as to not anger the Terror Queen anymore, possibly unleashing terror on himself in the process.

He gazed at the ominous black door then his eyes moved to the still slumbering daughter of the Terror Queen. His gaze shifted and with a soft exhale, he walked towards the door, anticipation filling his mind.

'Let's see what's inside shall we.'


[A/N: Can't write another chapter, I'm feeling so sleepy... Will continue tomorrow. Bless.]


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