Single Stat System

Chapter 12: Escape

Chapter 12: Escape

In this world, Player's levels were divided by three ranks, mainly Low Ranker, Middle Ranker, and High Ranker wherein each rank had subdivisions under it. Low Rankers were E-rank (Lvl 1-20), D-rank (Lvl 21-40), and C-rank (Lvl 41-50). Middle Rankers were B-rank (Lvl 51-60) and A-rank (Lvl 61-70). High Rankers were S-rank (Lvl 71-80), SS-rank (81-90), and lastly SSS-rank (Lvl 90-100). Currently, in this world, the Player's max level was 100.

Or at least that was what was known to the world.

That being said, this person in front of Stella was either one of the S, SS, or SSS rank Player!

Compared to her who was just an A-rank, there was really a huge gap between them. When Players reached the higher level, it became more and more difficult for them to level up that even killing monsters alone was barely enough.

Only by taking a high-level quest could they get satisfying experience points. However, most of it took so long as well and couldn't be achieved single-handedly. But then, taking quest was way faster compared to only killing monsters that felt like an eternity just to have a single level up.

So Players would most likely form a team, join a certain guild, or sort of, for them to take high-level quests. But even by doing so could only make them level up a single level for almost a month, how much more if they were just hunting monsters alone? Putting aside when Players reached the High Ranker level, even Middle Rankers would find it hard to level up as most of them almost get stuck at this rank in their entire life.

But this person before her, he was just in his mid-twenties and he already reached a High Ranker level. Just thinking about it could make her ponder just whose power was behind him.

But what made her ponder as well was that why would this person stroll here in a low-level city? Not just that, he seemed as if broke that he even went so low just to accept her mere 10,000 silvers for him to become her mercenary.

Even gold coins alone weren't enough to move High Rankers but this person really accepted his silvers? Just what was this person thinking? Stella even wondered that this person had already lost his mind.

Right now, the aura that the other party was releasing was becoming stronger and stronger as all the men in black surrounding them were now sweating profusely. Some of them couldn't stand it anymore and had already fallen with their ass on the ground.

However, the man was still enjoying what he was doing and was about to increase the pressuring aura even more, when suddenly, a beautiful lady appeared in the middle of them and tapped each of their shoulders!

Stella was taken aback by her sudden appearance but she couldn't even move right now. Even the man was taken aback as well, but he didn't retaliate immediately. He didn't feel any hostility from this person beside him making him perplexed as he retracted his suppressive aura instead.N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

But nevertheless, the man, of course, didn't let his guard down and was about to remove the hand of the other party on his shoulder when he heard her voice echoing on his ears,

"You two had already made enough commotions so don't you think that it's time for all of us to leave?"

The man focused his senses around him and sure enough, the City Guards clad in a silver knight's armor were already running towards their direction. He couldn't help but mutter, "They sure act fast..."

After which, the man turned his attention to the lady before him as he asked in wary, "Who are you?"

"Let's not talk here, let's leave first." The lady replied with a slight smile.

The man nodded his head slightly, signifying that he agreed with the other party.

However, Stella from the other side wanted to refute those words but why the heck was she unable to speak? She didn't know what was the other party was planning. She didn't even know full well the both of them. So why would she go with them?

But what else could she do? She was completely helpless and all of her thoughts were stocked in her mind, unable to voice it out at all.

She couldn't even ask for help from Sylva as she only saw the other party acting warily and was as if agreeing to the ones that they didn't even know.

Stella was depressed. Even acting her thoughts was even hard for her so she could only stay on the side as if a spectator watching the commotion.

So after all of them agreed to it, the newcomer beautiful lady said, "To the Wolf Village!"

Just after she said those words, something like a white light encircled the three of them, no, it was the four of them including Sylva who was just silently watching on the side and was readying herself to protect her master at any moment when mishaps were going to occur. She wasn't too affected by the sudden appearance of this beautiful lady and her presence, unlike her master who couldn't even do anything right now.

So just like that, just within a few seconds, all of them vanished without a trace.

All the men in black were now able to regain their postures when the other party left, especially the monster who exuded out the oppressive aura. However, not only that monster was gone, even their young lady was nowhere to be found as well! How could they remain calm to this?

"The young lady is kidnapped! What should we do now?!" One of the men in black exclaimed in panic.

"I-I don't know as well, let's go back first and report..." Another one spoke.

"B-but don't you think that we will be killed if we go back without the young lady?" Another one spoke and asked.

"What else could we do? Those people are probably High Rankers, I don't know how did the young lady get involved with those people but we can't do anything against them..."

Hearing it, everyone fell silent with their saddened face. They were only Middle Rankers, even the lots of them weren't enough to contend a single High Ranker so what else could they really do against two High Rankers? Besides helplessly watching their young lady being taken away by someone, they could only die from the hands of their master.

After a next few moments, the City Guards finally arrived in the area and the several men in black explained to them to resolve the situation. After it was done without too much fuss and only some bribes, the several men in black finally left the area and returned to the mansion.


"What did you say?!"

The men in black from before who seemed in-charge of commanding them had immediately become furious upon learning that the young lady was taken away by two High Rankers. It was the High Rankers they were talking about here, and it appeared that these random High Rankers were challenging their authority, so how could he remain calm with that? Just thinking about it could make him feel more and more furious.

So without bothering himself to the several men in black kneeling on the ground, he immediately gathered four other S-ranks and went to the Wolf Village together with them right away. It was the place where did the young lady was taken into according to the reports of these several men in black.

Their family didn't lack manpower, but gathering four S-ranks was already their limit at the moment in this city. And also, the item [Angel's Wing] could only teleport five people at the same time as well no matter what rank were they.

So including him, the one in-charge of commanding, five High Rankers went to find their young lady as if their life was on the line. Because if their master, the family leader, and their young lady's father, learned about her daughter's escapade, they really wondered how would they die.

Seeing that they had finally left and vanished without a trace, the several men in black who reported the situations all had simultaneously heaved a huge sigh of relief while looking with each other. They really were thankful that the one in-charge didn't vent his anger to them and immediately left upon learning the situation.

It seemed that they would still have another day of living in this world.


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