Second Try Idol

Chapter 102: Debut (25)

Chapter 102: Debut (25)

Question: We descended from the stage, while our first win promise and the Chronos History penalty are left unfulfilled. What's our next move?

Answer: What else can we do, other than do it? Even if we are off the stage.

That was precisely why we were here, huddled in the practice room. Surrounding me were the other crew and manager, their eyes still red from tears. Our somewhat dazed leader and Goh Yoo-Joon, who was just going with the flow, were also present.

Seemingly swept away by the elation of our first victory, the fans viewed it as a memorable hiccup. Yet, there was still a hint of disappointment in their eyes—for the part switch and the penalty outfits. Post Music Case, we made a beeline for the practice room and swiftly slipped into our stage attires. Of course, Park Yoon-Chan donned his “Woof Woof Meow Meow” penalty costume.

“Everyone needs to sing really loudly since we don’t have mics. Got it?" Joo-Han's command was met with a sea of nods.

I hesitated before sheepishly raising my hand. “But, hyung, what about the dance moves?"


It was clear that Joo-Han hadn't considered this aspect. While we could have potentially skipped the choreography for the encore stage, settling for a simple stroll while singing each other's parts, now that we were fully dressed in the practice room, a mere vocal swap seemed lacking.

“We can switch up the choreography as well," Goh Yoo-Joon chimed in, his tone casual.

“You know Yoon-Chan's part?"

“Not a clue. But imagine the hilarity that would ensue."

“Hyung! Hyung! I've got Joo-Han hyung's dance part down!" Jin-Sung piped up, brimming with enthusiasm.

Joo-Han nodded, not surprised. “Impressive, Jin-Sung."

We all silently acknowledged that if there was someone who could memorize all of our choreo, it'd be Lee Jin-Sung.

“So, we swap the dances too. We're here to make a laugh-out-loud video, so whatever happens, happens," Joo-Han declared as he rose to his feet. Spontaneity was the key here—no rehearsals or prior coordination, just diving right into our new roles.

“Okay, where am I? Jin-Sung, where do you stand?" I asked.

“Oh, hyung! Are you for real? I'm over here." Jin-Sung pulled me to his spot, and the others were scrambling to find their new spots as well. I thought I had a vague grasp of everyone's parts, but now, I was lost when put to the test.

Once we got into our temporary positions, our manager took his place behind the camera and fiddled with it before flashing us the okay sign.

“And we're rolling! One, two, three!"

“Hey there! We are Chronos, and we've got something special for you!"

“You must wonder why we're all dolled up in our stage gear, facing the camera. Well, let me tell you."

“It's because we botched our first-place encore!" Our collective embarrassment was palpable, but we spun it with as much cheer as we could muster.


“Whoo, whoo!”

"We had a few tearful members and shocked ones, so we missed our chance to fulfill the part-switch promise. But here we are, dressed up and ready to make it right."

“And we've decided to switch up our dance parts too. If we're doing this, we should put everything into it!"

“And then..." Joo-Han ushered Park Yoon-Chan to the spotlight. “Yoon-Chan was meant to face the Chronos History’s penalty too, but we got sidetracked."

“We were already prepared just in case. But amidst the backstage chaos, it slipped our minds. Our manager behind the stage was busy crying too, so we all forgot. Without further ado, here’s the moment."

Park Yoon-Chan's face disappeared behind his hands as Joo-Han and Goh Yoo-Joon carried on with their conversation. The floppy bunny ears perched atop his head spoke volumes about his current state.

Goh Yoo-Joon could barely contain his laughter, but he still threw out a suggestion. “How about we all switch into the costumes of the members we're covering?"

“Huh? You will pop the seams of Yoon-Chan's costume," Joo-Han retorted, eliciting a shrug from Goh Yoo-Joon.

“That’s the fun of it. So, what do you say, team? Ready for a costume change?"

“Sure, why not? Let's dive in headfirst. Cut, cut!" I made a dramatic “X” with my arms and stepped out of the frame. If we were going to aim for laughs, I secretly wished to see Goh Yoo-Joon burst out of Yoon-Chan's costume mid-dance.

We paused the filming briefly to change into each other’s attire. True to my prediction, Goh Yoo-Joon grumbled about the snug fit of Yoon-Chan's costume as he struggled to move, while I found Lee Jin-Sung's attire a bit too loose. Luckily, Joo-Han hyung looked just fine in my attire due to our similar builds. Lee Jin-Sung, on the other hand...

“Hyung! In-Hyun hyung! No, wait, Joo-Han hyung! I can't button this up!" Jin-Sung lamented, struggling with the stubborn buttons of Joo-Han hyung's shirt because of his muscular build. If he attempted to squeeze into Yoon-Chan’s outfit with his muscular physique, it would have been quite the sight to behold.

“Just leave the top buttons undone. It'll be alright." It was quite a casual solution.

“But the stylist noonas will definitely be upset about this video..." Yoon-Chan murmured, casting worried glances at the strained shirt. Nevertheless, the members were resolute, choosing temporary laughter over the inevitable scolding.

“Hyungs, think the fans will laugh if I just rip this shirt?"

“You will definitely be scolded by noona."

“Then, I'll just rip and sew it later. I'm decent with a needle, you know."

‘Oh boy, oh dear! How did we ever get to this point?’

We regrouped before the camera, fresh from our hasty wardrobe change. When our manager, who'd stepped out for coffee, returned to this pandemonium, he let out a deep sigh before stepping out again, likely to inform the stylists.

I took charge of the camera. “Ready to go? Everyone set?"


“Okay." I turned the camera on and stepped into view.

“Should we reintroduce ourselves again?"

“No need, let's pick up from before the wardrobe change."

“Then let's say. We're back after changing. How do we look?”

As soon as Joo-Han finished, I exaggeratedly ran my hand down Jin-Sung's arm, feigning shock. “Gosh, you look like you're about to burst out of that, Jin-Sung."

He just grinned and nodded. “I'll dance with all I've got, even if it rips. I'll handle the sewing if we get in trouble later."

“But Jin-Sung isn't the only eye-catcher. Take a look at Yoo-Joon over there." Joo-Han beckoned Goh Yoo-Joon forward, tugging at his overstretched shirt. Goh Yoo-Joon’s body just swayed in response as there was no more give in the fabric.

“And there's Yoon-Chan, silent through all this chaos."

“Ah..." As the focus shifted to him, Park Yoon-Chan bashfully covered his face with his hands, eliciting a chuckle from Goh Yoo-Joon.

“Why worry? It's actually kind of cute."

“Yeah, it's fine because it's you, hyung. If Yoo-Joon hyung were in that spot, it'd be unbearable," said Jin-Sung.


“Alright, let's stop the teasing!" Joo-Han separated the bickering Goh Yoo-Joon and Jin-Sung.

“Now, let's start with the part-swap we promised for our first win!"

Just then, our weary manager re-entered the room. “You're really going to dance in those? Just so you know, the stylists are on the warpath."

In-Hyun sighed once more and cued up the music. After that, the intro to “Parade” echoed through the room. As the music kicked in, we switched gears and prepared ourselves.


Immediately, the sound of a shirt tearing resounded. It was Jin-Sung’s.

“Haah—!" Goh Yoo-Joon tried to stifle his laughter as he continued to move, and the dance kicked off with high energy.


“Whoa! Wow!"

“Hey! Not there!"

A flurry of tangled feet, followed by tripping and tumbling, ensued. Assigned with Jin-Sung's part, I found myself in a jumble, while Joo-Han, handling my role, mirrored the chaos. We froze in place right from the intro.

“How do you dance this? I have no clue about this part."

My mind just blanked out.

“Hyun-Woo hyung, you watch me dance every day. How do you not know? That's disappointing!" exclaimed Jin-Sung, as he sprawled on the floor after colliding with Goh Yoo-Joon. But what could I do? Jin-Sung's part was notoriously difficult. So, I just skipped the intro and stood still beside Joo-Han.

Now came the moment for the first verse. It was the line that Goh Yoo-Joon was supposed to whisper, and Yoon-Chan stepped forward and whispered, “Let the skyyy faaall..."

Dressed in bunny ears and an animal onesie, Park Yoon-Chan earnestly yet amusingly belted out “Skyfall.” However, his delicate voice, silly bunny ears, and absurd pajamas were just too out of place, or perhaps Goh Yoo-Joon's inherent solemnity simply couldn't be mimicked.

“Haah! I can't, it's just too hilarious!” Goh Yoo-Joon lay sprawled on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

Yoon-Chan cast a resentful glare at Goh Yoo-Joon and retreated after his bit.

My original part was coming, and it was Joo-Han's moment to shine... or at least attempt to. He was prepped for a particularly tricky part, one that involved kneeling and then rising with the sheer force of his thighs.

We all held our breath, wondering if Joo-Han could actually pull it off. There he was, sinking to his knees, becoming the center of our collective gaze. Technically, he should've been down on his knees from the get-go, but there was no way Joo-Han, who'd been statue-still during the intro, would have knelt down from the beginning. That was a sight.

“Into my world you've stepped?—tsk, ah, nope, this isn't happening." After trying to muster strength in his thighs to rise, Joo-Han slumped back down in defeat.

“Looks like age has caught up with hyung. I swear I heard his knees creaking.”

“Move over, hyung!" Assigned with Park Yoon-Chan's fiery part, Goh Yoo-Joon vaulted over Joo-Han's weary knees, singing with gusto as he soared past.


Then, a sinister ripping sound resonated. Goh Yoo-Joon's pants had betrayed him. When he glanced down, a burst of laughter overtook him, rendering him incapable of finishing his part as he staggered backward.

“Ah, is it Hyun-Woo’s part again?" asked Joo-Han. Having been a mere spectator to Goh Yoo-Joon's pant debacle, he swiftly scrambled to his feet, poised to seamlessly step into my part.

Meanwhile, completely sidelined by his pants malfunction, Goh Yoo-Joon was in stitches on the floor.

“Why isn't anyone dancing?" inquired Lee Jin-Sung. After he managed to stand, he confidently took over Joo-Han's part. Seeing this chaos, Yoon-Chan just gave up and crouched down to enjoy the show.

Joo-Han surged forward with a dramatic flourish, belting out my lines.

“Even if the sky falls and the ground crumbles, you will be by my side. Skyfall! Skyfall!"


It was an utter disaster but somehow ludicrously entertaining.

Thud! Rip! Finally, Jin-Sung's shirt gave way. Amidst the madness, he had been the only one earnestly moving, and now his shirt split right down the back, baring his skin for all to see.

“Whoa!" Jin-Sung halted, crossing his arms over his chest in a modest attempt to cover himself, and then sheepishly sidled out of the camera's view.

“This is insane! Ahahaha!" Unable to endure it anymore, I couldn't help but collapse in laughter.

“What are you doing over there, Hyun-Woo!? Get over here now!” As I collapsed with my back to the camera, howling with laughter, Joo-Han scooped up a prop cane and dragged me to the center of the stage again. He was seemingly unfettered by Lee Jin-Sung’s ripped shirt.

Goh Yoo-Joon, who had been rolling on the floor in laughter, and Yoon-Chan, who was crouching down to enjoy the show, hurriedly composed themselves and returned to their spots.

Then came the pair dance between Joo-Han and me. The foot-rolling move that both Jin-Sung and I dreaded caused Joo-Han to freeze up again. Doing my best, I attempted Jin-Sung's solo choreography and reached down to grasp the cane that Joo-Han held loosely. This unexpected turn led to an impromptu solo performance by Joo-Han. I never expected to witness a solo by Joo-Han!


“Hyung's doing great!" Though a few moves were missing, we cheered Joo-Han on with a mix of amazement and surprise.

“Stop laughing and get back in position! Ck, you guys!" Hearing Joo-Han's stern command, we scrambled back into formation and somehow, just somehow, steered “Parade” toward its conclusion. It was a mess, with even one member missing due to a burst shirt, but wasn't that what a promise was all about? To provide some unexpected entertainment?

And then, the real finale.

"Forever?!" As Joo-Han concluded the song, Jin-Sung, who had slipped away midway, managed to sneak his hand back into the frame, making a “V” sign.

“Whew!" Despite it being more of a comedy than an actual performance, I was out of breath as if I'd run a marathon. After that, the after-laughter and the realization of what we'd just done hit us. Collapsed on the floor, we just chuckled and looked at the camera.

“Thank you!"

“Thank you for making us first place!"

“Goodbye! See you later!" We each bid our farewells as the filming concluded.

“This is going to be a sensation once it's uploaded. Mark my words," Goh Yoo-Joon said, sprawling out confidently.

Sure enough, just as Goh Yoo-Joon predicted, our video was uploaded to UTube in the afternoon, and shortly after, we were trending on BlueBird once again.


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