Second Try Idol

Chapter 101: Debut (24)

Chapter 101: Debut (24)

By the time we hit the fifth week of our debut, we'd eased into the rhythm of stage performances, so much that we could actually kick back and enjoy other artists' stages before our own. The TV in our dressing room was broadcasting Street Center's farewell performance.

“Wow, look at those hyungs pulling out all the stops for their final stage. Fans must be all over the moon," Lee Jin-Sung remarked. On screen, Street Center members were engaged in a rose-throwing event, each taking their turn during their parts.

“Right? Our last week is just around the corner too. Maybe we should think of doing something special?"

“Whoa! Hyung, yes, we totally should!" Jin-Sung seemed very excited. After all, whether we won or lost, it seemed only right to give a gesture of appreciation to our fans.

“Any great ideas, Jin Sung?" asked Joo-Han as he settled beside Jin-Sung.

“Uh, not at the moment? I'll give it some thought."

“Hyun-Woo, and everyone else, let's all pitch in ideas for our final performance. Let's make it memorable."


"May I throw in a suggestion too?" a stylist asked, as she fashioned Yoon-Chan's hair into curls.

“Absolutely. What's on your mind?" Joo-Han responded. The stylist then flashed a knowing smile, reminiscent of the time she'd nonchalantly dropped off those oversized “Cha-Cha” costumes.

“Your fans sometimes DM[1] me," she said.

“Our fans? What do they say?"

“They've been asking for you guys to wear harnesses[2]."

“...Hyung, what's a harness?" Jin-Sung nudged me, seeking clarification. I just shook my head, pretending I was clueless, and just prompted Joo-Han to search for it on Google.

“It's a... dog's chest strap?"

“Oh, you sweet, naive boys. That's not how you look it up. Here, let me show you." The stylist set her curling iron aside and pulled up images on her phone under “Idol harness.” In an instant, pictures of idols adorned in stylish black leather straps filled the screen.

“...This is a harness?"

“Yep. Sexy, isn't it?" I'd seen these on other artists during performances, and they were always a hit with the fans.

“Fans love this type of stuff.” She pocketed her phone and sauntered over to manager In-Hyun, showing him the images. “Manager oppa, how about we go with these for next week's outfits?"

“Great idea!" In-Hyun nodded with a pleasant smile. Had the decision been made without our opinions? Our thoughts seemed somewhat irrelevant nowadays.

Joo-Han exhaled a sigh. “You can wear it for your personal event, but for now, let’s brainstorm something else amongst ourselves."

“But hyungs, shouldn't we first figure out what we're promising if we get the first place?" Yoon-Chan interjected, twirling his now-fluffy hair.

“Ah... yes, of course." A collective sheepishness washed over us.

“Always dreaming up first-place promises is a tad awkward," Goh Yoo-Joon confessed. Ever since our debut, we'd been perpetual contenders for the top spot, always with a new promise up our sleeve. From free hugs to barefoot encores, we'd pledged it all, yet we never managed to fulfill a single one. This cycle of hope and disappointment started to feel more like a curse to us.

Amidst our collective sighs, Joo-Han chuckled weakly, “But the challenge got great feedback, and we are just lacking in global votes. Maybe this time, we can hope?"

“...Joo-Han might be onto something."

Despite our history of letdowns, overseas K-POP fans had started emulating the dance challenge. So there was some hope.

“Yeah, maybe this time we'll make it. So, any ideas?" Goh Yoo-Joon attempted to change the gloomy atmosphere.

“What about going into the audience?"

“We did that the first week."

“A dialect version then... oh, that was last week." We'd made many promises but never got the chance to put them into action. Sinking into a fresh wave of bitterness, I pondered. What hadn't we promised that the fans would love?

From Chronos History to Flying Man, fans always got a kick out of our goofier moments. That was when it struck me. As I recalled the curly wigs from Flying Man, an unexpected idea sparked to life.

“How about we switch parts and sing each other's lines?"

“...Deal!" Jin-Sung sprang to his feet, rallying behind the idea.

“Fans do love when we make a fool of ourselves." Though the connection between curly wigs and part-switching was a mystery, the intent to entertain was mutual.

Joo-Han agreed, nodding. “Let's swap to parts that contrast our usual image."

He started assigning parts to each of us.

With their unique, completely opposite flair and vocal styles, Goh Yoo-Joon and Yoon-Chan ended up swapping parts in a twist of fate. I also stepped into Jin-Sung's shoes, tackling the rap part, while Joo-Han grappled with my part, which was notorious for its high notes and pitch pitfalls. In turn, Jin-Sung took Joo-Han's part, which was laden with emotive narration.

Jin-Sung's eyes sparkled with mischief as he exclaimed, “This is great! Wouldn't it be epic if we actually pulled off this promise? It's going to be a riot!" I couldn't help but wonder, when did we morph into a group so earnest about making people laugh? Even Joo-Han, I, Park Yoon-Chan, and Lee Jin-Sung—who had never shown a flicker of interest in comedy before “Cha-Cha”—were all in.

“Chronos, it’s your time to hit the stage!" a voice boomed.

“Yes!" we chorused. A broadcast staff member then breezed into our waiting room, signaling our imminent performance.

“Look, it's no big deal if we don't clinch first place. What will be, will be. But just in case the stars align, we've got our Chronos History penalty outfits at the ready. And if, by some miracle, we do snag the top spot, Yoon-Chan, you're sprinting backstage!" Our manager's words followed us as we nodded nonchalantly and drifted toward the MC seats.

After a quick interview and a nod to our first-place vow, we slipped backstage. Joo-Han reached out, his hand becoming the foundation for a stack of our own as we huddled close.


“Nail this!”


Our voices melded into a unified battle cry, and just then, a video heralding us as first-place contenders flickered to life, followed by the MC's booming introduction of Chronos.

“Chronos, take the stage!"

After that, I surged forward, and the crowd's roar washed over me.

“Whoa! Don't the cheers sound way bigger today?" Jin-Sung mused, glancing my way.

I nodded in agreement. "Definitely, they've grown."

The fans' enthusiasm was palpable, more intense than any previous show. Though I was aware of our swelling fanbase, feeling its force in real-time was something else. Riding the wave of excitement, I waved back and then poised myself for the performance.

“Seriously! With fans like these, Haru would be over the moon! Better kick off the show before he faints from anticipation! Now, behold Chronos's 'Parade!’" As the stage plunged into darkness, a symphony of pastel lights soon bathed us, heralding the commencement of “Parade.”


I had come to learn that being on the cusp of victory was precarious. The full impact of our dance challenge hadn't quite hit yet, and though a part of me sensed this week might veer off the usual script, I kept my lips sealed, wary of tempting fate.

Despite the buzz we'd generated, today marked the final showdown of Street Center's “ONE”, so their fans were undoubtedly out in full force.

As we reassembled on stage for the big reveal, a cocktail of excitement and dread churned within us. It was like sitting on a couch full of thorns and needles.

“And now, who will clinch this week's Music Case’s crown? Let's see the scores!"

Chronos and our loyal fans stood undaunted, a testament to our collective spirit.

The scoreboard lit up.

Digital Music Scores

Chronos: 4121

Street Center: 3587

Global Fan Vote

Chronos: 670

Street Center: 1000

Broadcast Score

Chronos: 1717

Street Center: 1980

Album Sales Score

Chronos: 4543

Street Center: 3966

“The first place of this week’s Music Case is...!”

As the scores soared, we stopped trying to track the neck-to-neck race and just braced for the result.

“...Just a moment." Joo-Han, who'd been a silent presence beside me, suddenly stuttered and clutched my arm. I turned to him, and the instant I saw his shocked face, my eyes went wide as well. I quickly turned my head toward the screen and couldn't look away from it. And then, it was announced.

Total Scores

Chronos: 11051

Street Center: 10533

We'd done it. We'd overtaken them!

“Chronos wins first place! Congratulations!" Fireworks exploded, showering us with paper flowers as the fans cheered wildly. However, we were motionless, with our eyes locked on the screen, unable to process the moment. This was unexpected, unlike during Pick We Up.

“Congratulations, Chronos! Please come and receive your trophy." We, who'd only ever been nominees, were stunned into silence. Still gripping my arm, Joo-Han continued to stare until the MC practically forced the trophy into his hand.

“It looks like Chronos is quite surprised by their first win," the MC joked. “Now, please get ready for your encore. Remember, Music Case is here every Sunday with more incredible stages!"

“Live show Music Case! See you next week!”

The performers started their descent. Street Center, who was standing across from us, approached us and offered hearty congratulations.

“Knew you guys had it in you!" Woo-Jeong said as he patted my back. His tone was sincere despite his disappointment. However, even as he congratulated us, I couldn't peel my eyes away from the trophy.

“Are you going to cry?" he teased.

“...No," I insisted.

“Don't cry. Anyway, you guys are the talk of the town these days. We'll be joining your challenge this week. But really, congrats." He left the stage after giving me the final pat. I hadn't shed a tear as I was too stunned, staring at the trophy in Joo-Han's hands.

However, when our eyes met, when Goh Yoo-Joon gathered us together, when the fans' cheers filled the air, when the music of “Parade” started, and when I saw Jin-Sung sobbing, my tears finally welled up.

‘We should be performing an encore or say something.’

“Good job, everyone. Well done." We reassured each other and huddled together, a mix of emotions swirling among us.

“Thank you," Joo-Han said. His voice was quivering, not from tears, but from the weight of the moment. We might have lingered there until the song's end if Joo-Han had not finally broken the embrace.

“We've got a problem. We have to switch parts..." Goh Yoo-Joon's voice was low.

Ecstatic over our win, the fans seemed to have forgotten all about the promised switch. Yet, there we were. Park Yoon-Chan, Lee Jin-Sung, and I were too overwhelmed by tears to start.

Even the penalty outfit for Park Yoon-Chan from Chronos History remained backstage, forgotten in the chaos as the manager was crying his eyes out. So, with the members, fans, and even our manager in tears, Chronos's first win encore ended not with a bang, but with a heartfelt and tearful huddle.

1. Direct messages. ☜

2. What the heck??? :0 ☜


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