Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 487: Recruiting Nu Shen

Chapter 487: Recruiting Nu Shen

Wen Qinxi hadn't been looking where he was going running away from his mother after taking all of her twinkies from her handbag. At that time his mother had developed an unhealthy habit of eating twinkies at any given chance which is why they took turns robbing her.

They had had enough of her constantly asking them if she had gained weight and when they answered honestly she would call them unfilial. If they lie she would say she didn't raise liars. So stealing her stash was the only way to go.

He could still hear her yelling as he dashed into a corner. His hasty actions meant he collided with Qie Ranzhe falling straight into his arms but because his mother was coming into the school grounds he apologized and gave the contraband to Qie Ranzhe before vanishing in an instant.

Qie Ranzhe was not only left with the contraband but a thumping heart. For a minute he couldn't calm himself down peering at the packet of twinkies in his hand. He couldn't comprehend what he just felt now. It wasn't only his heart beating fast but his palms were clammy with his nerves stretched taut.

He was yet again unable to reorganize his thoughts when a lady that resembled Wen Qinxi appeared from the corner. The two seemed startled to see each other but Mama Wen quickly recovered and asked if he knew Wen Qinxi but her voice died down when she saw a twinkie in his hand.

Her gaze moved from his face to his hand three times contemplating whether to ask if that was hers but thinking she didn't want to embarrass her son she gave up. Anyway, she can settle scores with him later so she said never mind and left.

Ever since that day, Wen Qinxi felt a piercing gaze boring through his back but whenever he looked back he couldn't find the person. This gaze didn't go away, in fact, it intensified one day when he gave away a packet of twinkies he robbed from under the car seat to a girl in his class. Yes, mama Wen had resorted to hiding her stash under the car seat after being robbed by her two sons.

While he was taking out his notebooks, the girl noticed the twinkie and asked for it. Thinking nothing of it he gave it to her. He would still have to look for someone to give the twinkie to anyway so he just gave it to her.

But this was the first time Qie Ranzhe sampled the taste of vinegar breaking another barrier towards his feelings for the nerd. He didn't know why he would feel this way but all he knew is that he disliked it which was rather unreasonable.

As soon as Gecko left the classroom, Qie Ranzhe whispered something in Machu's ear. Machu wanted to retort but the oppressive force coming from Qie Ranzhe had him standing up as fast as lightning. He knocked on the girl's desk before saying, "Hand it over," in a stern voice.

The girl's brows creased as she asked, "What?" while eyeing him suspiciously.

Machu scratched his blond hair with complicated feelings before responding, "The twinkie, hand it over."

The girl sneered but just as she was about to refuse she felt an inexplicable chill on her back. When she looked back she found Qie Ranzhe staring at her with his dark eyes. She immediately took out the twinkie and gave it to Machu. She wouldn't want to be on the bad side of this great buddha.

After that incident, it became a well-known class secret that if Gecko gave any of them a twinkie they should give it to Machu if they treasure their lives. Wen Qinxi naturally didn't know he was supplying twinkies to Qie Ranzhe for three months straight that is until Mama Wen got over her addiction or so they thought. She had changed to hiding her stash at her office. What was surprising was that it took her three months to figure that out. It seemed Wen Qinxi's IQ was inherited from his father.

When the well of twinkies dried out Qie Ranzhe was having withdrawal symptoms. This indirect contact had given Qie Ranzhe an elusive connection but once it was gone he had to find another way. This is when he made the biggest mistake which was recruiting Nu Shen.

Machu had brought her over to Qie Ranzhe's Maybach where this meeting was held. Nu Shen was a third-generation heir and her family had close business ties to the Qie family so he didn't mind discussing this with her.

"What do you want?" she asked with her arms folded across her chest. She was one of the few who had zero interest in Qie Ranzhe mainly because she wasn't into domineering boys. She preferred the soft type she can control which Qie Ranzhe didn't consider when he hired her.

Qie Ranzhe wasn't dissuaded by her attitude thoroughly suppressing her with his overbearing side. He took out a rare Sailor Luna card from her favourite show Sailor Moon. She had a full collection of the very first cards to be made all except Sailor Luna and here it was dangling in Qie Ranzhe's hand. It wasn't about the money it was about the rarity of it that caught her attention.

Her attitude changed immediately eyeing that card with her wolfish eyes. "All you have to do is bring Gecko to my swimming practice and drag him along whenever I ask you to. Do that and it's all yours," he said vexing Nu Shen.

"What tha..... that's it? Fine, fine I will do it but who is Gecko?" she said.

"Oh boy," said Machu feeling unsettled. As soon as Nu Shen left he just had to express his thoughts. "Ran-ge, why can't you just walk up to him and say 'hie, let's be friends'. Wouldn't that be more effective?" he said seriously worried about Qie Ranzhe's social skills.

"What do you think would happen if a cat walks over to a mouse and says let's be friends. What do you think the mouse will do?" he asked before fiddling with his cellphone.

"Scurry away and hide?" replied Machu accurately pinpointing the problem.

"I want him to be interested in me first..... now where are the pictures?" he asked raising his head to look at Machu.

"Oh, here. I got some good ones this time. I am sure you won't be disappointed," said Machu as he transferred pictures of Gecko out of school.

A subtle smile appeared on his face as he zoomed in on the clear picture of Gecko smiling. He especially liked it so much and saved it in his secret folder as it was exclusively for his eyes only.

If only he had known someone would snoop in his cellphone in the future he would have fortified security on his phone like Fort Knox.


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