Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 486: A Potty Mouthed Nerd

Chapter 486: A Potty Mouthed Nerd

Paulo Coelho once said memories are like salt, the right amount brings out the flavour in food, too much ruins it. This statement is especially true for both Qie Ranzhe and Wen Qinxi. For Qie Ranzhe it was the former but for Wen Qinxi it was the latter.

While one was curled up under the covers refusing to come out, another was smiling recalling past memories he shared with his first love.

His mind lingered on the memory at the campsite where Wen Qinxi drenched his brother with a bottle of ice-cold water before making a break for it. Qie Ranzhe wouldn't have cared if it was anyone else but this person was the silent Gecko who rarely took the initiative to speak unless spoken to.

At some point, he thought the teen had taken a vow of silence or something because he barely spoke. Now that very same person was running around laughing with no care in the world. "Come back here you asshole," were the words Wen Danzhe said performing a mad dash in the campsite.

"Danzhe, watch your language otherwise I will beat you till you can't remember your freaking name!" was Mama Wen's response yelling after the two.

She seemed fed up with them that she frustratedly placed the frying pan on the table nearby while mumbling something.

She might be disinterested but Qie Ranzhe wasn't. He followed the two disappearing figures with a curious look in his eyes. He soon met Zhao Huangzhi's eyes by accident and the girl smiled at him sweetly. He soon forgot about the nerd chatting it up with her.

That is until when he took a stroll along the river. He saw two people, one in the water and the other standing at the river bank seeming hesitant. The hesitant one was Wen Qinxi. He seemed conflicted about something and Qie Ranzhe soon found out what.

"What are you afraid of? The water only reaches my knees so what's your problem?" asked Wen Danzhe urging his brother to jump in but Wen Qinxi wasn't having it.

"Don't rush me..... It reaches your fuckin knees but I am shorter for fuck's sake. It will probably reach my hips or something. If I fuckin drown I will haunt you," replied Wen Qinxi taking off his T-shirt.

"If you boys keep using foul language in front of me I am going to belt you up. Just because your father left me with you two troublemakers it doesn't mean you can talk however you like," complained Mama Wen sitting on a camping chair while fanning herself.

Qie Ranzhe was stunned at that moment. Not only was this little bunny noisy but he also had a potty mouth, the hardcore kind. This he found rather interesting but not as interesting as the shirtless Wen Qinxi. His slim toned body shone under the beautiful sun causing Qie Ranzhe's nerves to tighten as he looked away immediately.

He couldn't comprehend what sort of feeling he was having neither did he have time to think it through because Machu suddenly showed up looking in Wen Qinxi's direction. "Wait..... is that?" he asked as surprised as Qie Ranzhe was when he saw this version of Wen Qinxi, "No way."

"What are you guys doing? Let's go, I want to see the monuments," said Zhao Huangzhi noticing that Qie Ranzhe was looking at that boy again. She didn't comment on it but kept it in her mind as something she had to look out for.

The two turned to leave as well but Dai Yu didn't follow. "Who is that hot cutie? Cousin, do you kn-... ouch," she yelped before Qie Ranzhe dragged her away.

That night Machu was an unfortunate victim of Qie Ranzhe's experiment. He felt something when he saw the shirtless Gecko and wanted to know if the effect was the same when he looked at Machu.

They had changed in the same locker room before and after swimming but he had never paid attention to his reaction. They were all men anyway so what was that feeling that made him look away faced by Gecko's naked top half?

At that moment, he felt like a pervert taking advantage of a maiden but Gecko wasn't a maiden. "Take it off..... let me see," he said to Machu in the tent feeling rather impatient.

"Ran-ge, I haven't exercised this holiday... I developed a little pouch... Ahhh! Shit!..... Why are you so aggressive?" he complained as his t-shirt was taken off in a matter of seconds.

Machu covered his little pouch feeling rather insecure but Qie Ranzhe had on a bland look. He felt nothing not even a bit of interest.

"Put it back on," he said before lying in his sleeping bag with a thoughtful gaze. He pushed this thought at the back of his mind but a seedling had already grown roots at that moment.

Back at school, he moved his basketball training after school and it wasn't a coincidence that the basketball court was near the pick-up zone. Every day he would see Wen Qinxi waiting for his mother and brother to pick him up after school all so he could catch a glimpse of that fleeting smile again.

An unhealthy obsession was sprouting that even Machu noticed. He once asked Qie Ranzhe why he didn't just approach him and ask to be friends. Maybe that way he would lose interest but Qie Ranzhe's answer had him almost vomit a mouthful of blood.

"It won't be as interesting," was his response but what he didn't realise was that he had caught the attention of Wen Danzhe. He might not have an IQ as high as his older brother's but his EQ was off the charts. He already began questioning Wen Qinxi who those boys in the basketball court were but Wen Qinxi had no idea.

He always had his head hung low playing games on his cellphone otherwise when he gets home he won't have the chance with his helicopter mother hovering above them. This left Wen Danzhe with no choice but to find another source for information and what he learnt made him suspicious.

Qie Ranzhe wasn't only hanging around the basketball court watching his brother but had also sneakily infiltrated his clubs which was suspicious in itself. That's because Wen Qinxi's clubs were solely designed for nerds yet this male god who had zero interest in technology and manga was behaving like a dedicated club member. He also didn't forget to drag Machu along as his spokesperson.

Qie Ranzhe had already concluded that his interest in Gecko was solely because of his chameleon-like personality that changed colours ever so drastically. It was intriguing but his mind took a 180 degree turn when he accidentally collided with Gecko one morning.


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