Saga of The Night God

Chapter 153 The Vibrations's

Leila, munching on her cotton candy, inquired, "Did she say you were the key?"

Erwin, also indulging in a sugary treat, responded with a perplexed expression, "Yeah, she said I am the key to hell."

Marees, joining in on the conversation while enjoying her own candy, interjected, "huh, the key to hell. It seems you've got quite the exclusive role. Are there any perks? Can you get us a discount on fiery marshmallows?"

Ignoring Marees' playful remark, both of them continued to explore their surroundings. As the sun began to descend, Erwin glanced at his companions and announced, "Ladies, it's time to say goodbye for today. I have some pressing matters to attend to tonight. Hopefully, our paths will cross again someday."

Marees, nonchalantly munching on her cotton candy, declared, "Sorry, but you're stuck with us from now on. No escape."

Erwin, bewildered, questioned, "Wait, why?"

Leila, wearing an apologetic smile, gazed at him and explained, "Well, Erwin, when I came to rescue you from that witch, I accidentally blew our cover. You now know our secret identities as assassins."

Marees interrupted, picking up where Leila left off, "And you see, when people find out about us, they tend to mysteriously vanish or end up six feet under. However, since you're a special case, we're making an exception. You'll have to live with us until we finish our mission here, and then you can go off and do whatever you please."

"But I can't. I have to attend academy and work," Erwin stated, leaving both of them in shock.

Marees, with a serious expression, inquired, "Which academy are you referring to?"

Erwin, further surprising them, replied, "What do you mean 'which one'? There's only one academy here—the Vasmorth Academy."

Leila, taken aback, exclaimed, "Wait, you're a student at Vasmorth Academy? But didn't you mention that you were a servant there?"

Erwin shrugged, confessing, "Oh, that... Well, somehow I managed to get out the servant quarters and now I'm enrolled in the academy. I even landed a job as one of the professor's assistants."

The two women exchanged glances, and Leila posed a question, her voice filled with understanding, "It seems living with us might be a hard for you, right?"

Erwin nodded in agreement, and Leila continued, "Well, how about this? What if we live with you instead? The academy should have provided you with a room, correct?"

Erwin's eyes narrowed with suspicion as he contemplated their proposal. He hesitated before responding, "I'm not entirely certain... I'll need to inquire and find out."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go and find out," Marees urged, her voice brimming with urgency.

Erwin, however, halted her in her tracks and spoke firmly, "Hey, wait. I'll go alone. As I mentioned earlier, I have some pressing matters to attend to. We can meet up later once I've finished my responsibilities, alright?"

"Okay, but don't even think about trying to run away. I'll find you," Marees warned, her voice carrying a hint of threat.

Erwin chuckled, genuinely amused by her remark. "Why would I ever want to run away from two beautiful ladies like yourselves? Don't worry, I'll meet you tomorrow morning in front of my shop," he reassured them with a warm smile before bidding them farewell.

Marees grinned mischievously, adding a playful comment, "Remember, Erwin, we have our ways of tracking down even the sneakiest of individuals."

Erwin waved his hand dismissively, still smiling. "I have no doubt about that. See you tomorrow, ladies. Stay safe until then!"

With a final exchange of words, they parted ways, the anticipation of their reunion lingering in the air.

Erwin made his way toward city plaza where the main event for tonight is gonna held.

As the two ladies observed Erwin blending effortlessly into the bustling crowd, Leila expressed her concern. "I don't feel comfortable exploiting that kid just to gain entry into the academy."

Marees, wearing a serious expression, replied, "Well, we don't have many options. Can you think of any other way to infiltrate the academy?"

Leila fell silent, realizing the practicality of Marees' words. After a moment, she finally spoke up, her voice laced with caution. "But he seems to be caught up in some sort of trouble already. We shouldn't exacerbate his situation, Marees."

Marees absentmindedly toyed with an object in her hand as she pondered the situation. "Yeah, he does seem to be tangled up in a deep mess." Perplexed, she voiced her confusion, "But why would those fanatics have an interest in him? What makes him so special? He's just a kid and a first-circle mage. There are not just hundreds, but thousands of mages in this city alone."

Leila, her expression filled with concern, replied, "I don't know... Shouldn't we inform him about them? It could be dangerous for him."

Deep in thought, Marees gazed at a gold coin embellished with a four-pointed star. After a moment of contemplation, she replied, "I don't think it's necessary to involve him, at least not for now." She stowed the coin away, then smiled at her partner and continued, "By the way, why are you so concerned about that kid? And why didn't you mention meeting him to me?"

Leila chuckled, playfully teasing her girlfriend, "Oh, you know me, Marees. I worry about everyone. And it completely slipped my mind to tell you about our little encounter. Don't be jealous of a tiny kid."

Marees scoffed, showing off her finger in a playful gesture, "Jealous of that little pea-sized human? Please, he doesn't even compare to a fraction of this finger alone."

Their lighthearted banter continued as they strolled together, their bond evident in their playful exchanges. However, Leila couldn't help but compare her lover's finger to the big lollipop she had that night.


"Where is she?" Erwin mumbled, his gaze scanning the sea of people in search of someone.

He continued to look around, taking occasional breaks to appreciate the beauty around him. "They say that looking at beautiful things can add years to one's life, and I believe I just added a couple of centuries to mine," he thought to himself as he fixated his gaze on a group of stunning women engaged in animated conversation, their smiles captivating.

Erwin couldn't help but admire the allure of the moment, briefly losing himself in the enchantment of the scene before refocusing on his search. With renewed vigor, he resumed his quest, determined to find the person he was seeking amidst the vibrant tapestry of the crowd.

"Ahh, there she is!" Erwin exclaimed, his face breaking into a wide grin of excitement.

The person Erwin was searching for, Adelaide, scanned the bustling surroundings with a mix of anticipation and concern. She had arrived at the festival earlier than expected, having completed her tasks for the day. The reason for her early arrival was Erwin or, more specifically, the peculiar items he had placed inside her.

"Why did he make me wear this?" Adelaide pondered, feeling the soft object nestled within her. She tried to ignore the sensation, but with every movement, the object shifted, reminding her of Erwin's presence. It was an uncomfortable feeling, yet it served as a constant reminder of their connection.

Adelaide's golden eyes flickered with a blend of intrigue and apprehension as she pondered the significance of the object and its potential consequences for their rendezvous at the festival. With a curious, though slightly unsettled, mind, she forged ahead, weaving through the vibrant festivities, her anticipation growing. She longed to reunite with Erwin, hoping that he would remove the items he had placed within her and exchange them for something of equal value.

As Adelaide wandered through the festivities, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt a slight movement from the object within her, catching her by surprise. Her eyes widened, a mix of astonishment and curiosity spreading across her face.

"What was that?" she whispered to herself, her fingertips instinctively brushing against the area where the object resided. It was a subtle shift, but it stirred a wave of intrigue within her. The unexpected movement raised questions about the nature of the items Erwin had inserted and the mysterious purpose they served.

Suddenly, the object within Adelaide began to vibrate with increasing intensity, sending waves of shivers cascading throughout her body. Surprise and bewilderment mingled with a touch of apprehension as she struggled to comprehend the unfolding situation.

"What's happening?" Adelaide gasped, attempting to regain control by pressing her thighs together, hoping to still the vibrations. But her efforts proved futile as the intensity escalated, leaving her with no choice but to muffle her moans of pleasure and surprise, her lips forming a silent expression of astonishment.

Her legs began to tremble uncontrollably, making it difficult for Adelaide to move through the crowd. Aware of the curious gazes fixed upon her, she felt a surge of discomfort and urgency. The vibrations persisted, intensifying with each passing moment, causing her walking speed to slow down gradually.

Panic swelled within her as she desperately sought an escape from the prying eyes surrounding her. The increasing speed of the vibrations only heightened her distress, pushing her to the brink of an uncomfortable and unwanted sensation. Thoughts raced through her mind, a silent plea echoing within, pleading for respite from the unfolding spectacle.

'No, no, no. I can't endure this here,' Adelaide silently pleaded, her mind filled with a mix of embarrassment and worry. The relentless trembling of her legs had become unbearable, threatening to expose her vulnerability to the curious onlookers.

Summoning her inner strength, Adelaide mustered every ounce of composure, determined to find solace away from the prying eyes of the crowd. With a determined focus, she navigated her way towards a more secluded space, yearning for relief from the relentless vibrations that had engulfed her.

But then, to Adelaide's surprise, the vibrations took on a different rhythm. They slowed down, but their pattern became erratic, resembling a burst of fireworks. The strength she had mustered to continue walking faltered as her legs weakened, threatening to give way beneath her. With a suppressed moan escaping her lips, she began to stumble, her body tilting towards an inevitable fall.

However, before she could hit the ground, a hand swiftly reached out and caught her, preventing her from plummeting further. Adelaide's eyes widened in astonishment as she looked at the person's face, meeting the gaze of the person who had come to her rescue.


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