Saga of The Night God

Chapter 152 Hell

[Some time before in Rosewood elegance]

Erwin recounted his encounter with the old witch to the couple, embellishing the story with additional details to elicit sympathy. Leila, being easily swayed, fell for his narrative, while Marees maintained a hint of skepticism. However, witnessing her lover's compassion towards the boy, Marees couldn't help but feel a measure of empathy, even if she didn't fully believe his words.

Erwin played his part, feigning shock and trauma, which prompted Leila to suggest that Marees take him along to the fair. In exchange, they agreed not to burden Erwin with any tasks, allowing him to experience a respite from the distress he had just endured. Marees tenderly wiped his face, unintentionally smearing something on his cheek, but she quickly cleaned it off and bought him treats, ensuring he didn't consume anything of poor quality.

As they reveled in the festivities and indulged in food, Leila continued to shower Erwin with affection, intentionally provoking a tinge of jealousy within Marees. "Hey, you're making me jealous. Why are you only feeding him? Feed me too," Marees playfully protested, opening her mouth, hoping for a spoonful of food from Leila.

However, Leila didn't even glance at Marees, instead directing her attention solely towards Erwin. She delicately fed him a spoonful of ice cream, relishing in the act while remarking, "You're not a child; you can eat on your own."

She happily fed him spoonfuls of ice cream and other treats, her motherly instincts taking precedence. Marees, on the other hand, observed the scene with a mix of curiosity and a touch of jealousy.

Though she longed for Leila's undivided attention, Marees understood that Erwin's age and vulnerability played a significant role in Leila's inclination towards him. Nonetheless, a sense of longing and a desire to regain a sense of connection with her partner gnawed at Marees.

As they walked and engaged in conversation, a sudden piercing scream echoed through the air, originating from the center plaza. The sound reverberated through the bustling fair, capturing the attention of numerous passersby. Intrigued by the commotion, they made their way towards the source, driven by a shared curiosity. 

"What's happening there?" Marees inquired, her voice tinged with concern, as they observed a distraught woman screaming and crying, her gaze fixed upon the faces of the surrounding individuals.

"Are you okay? do you need any help?" a worried observer asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. As they approached the distressed woman, a worried observer emerged from the crowd, also seeking to understand the situation and offer assistance.

However, upon seeing the man, the woman's distress intensified. She let out another piercing scream and frantically shouted, creating a distance between herself and the newcomer. "Don't come near me... Ah, don't...!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with fear and desperation.

"She is under an illusion magic..." Leila stated, her voice laced with concern, as she scanned the surroundings for any signs of the caster.

Marees chimed in, her gaze focused on the crowd, "The caster must be nearby, hidden among the onlookers."

Erwin, still peering at the distressed woman, spoke up with a hint of recognition in his voice. "I know her... She came to my shop a few days ago, but then she vanished."

Surprised, Leila turned to Erwin, her eyes wide with curiosity. "You know her?" she asked.

Erwin nodded solemnly, a mixture of worry and determination in his young eyes. "Yes, she seemed rushed when she visited. I think someone were following her."

"Do you want to save her?" Leila asked.

"We can't, Leila, or..." Marees began, attempting to dissuade her, but Leila's unwavering gaze silenced her, conveying a resolute determination.

Erwin, observing the woman in distress, couldn't help but notice her striking beauty and graceful demeanor. A thought flickered through his mind, 'She has a good figure and a beautiful face... She would be a tempting target.'

"I want to..." Erwin began, his voice filled with determination, but before he could finish his sentence, Leila smiled warmly at him, understanding his intention. She interjected with a gentle tone, "Then let us find out who is casting the spell, Erwin, and in the meantime, you can try to approach her and engage her in conversation."

Erwin nodded in agreement, his determination unwavering. Leila gave Marees a supportive look, gesturing for her to join them. Marees hesitated for a brief moment, but eventually followed her lover into the crowd. However, before she walked away, she turned back to face Erwin, her voice laced with a mix of skepticism and accusation.

"Boy, your pitiful act may deceive her, but not me. I know what you did in the forest with that poor child whose clothes you're wearing now," Marees declared, her tone filled with suspicion and disapproval.

Erwin's heart began to race, pounding in his chest as Marees' words pierced through him. The memories of the exploding head and the horrifying shower of blood and brain matter flooded back, vivid and grotesque. It was a sight he had experienced earlier that day, and now, with Marees' revelation, the pieces started to fall into place.

His eyes widened with shock, fixated on Marees as he stuttered, barely able to form coherent words. "You... you... you were the one... who killed him..."

Marees laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through Erwin's ears, sending shivers down his spine. With a twisted smirk, she casually followed Leila, taunting Erwin with her words. "Took you long enough to realize that, didn't it? I do have a fondness for exploding some heads."

Erwin's mind spun, his world unraveling before him. The revelation struck him with a mix of horror and disbelief, leaving him overwhelmed by a surge of emotions. He turned to face Marees, his voice trembling with a mix of confusion and fear as he sought answers. "Why?"

However, to his astonishment, Marees was nowhere to be found. She had vanished, leaving Erwin standing there, alone with his questions echoing in the empty space. Erwin's heart raced, his mind filled with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He felt a profound sense of unease, realizing that he had been deceived by someone. And the someone is the person whose girlfriend he had fucked before.

Feeling a mix of confusion and fear, Erwin stood there for a moment, his mind trying to make sense of the situation. He wondered how someone he had come to trust could harbor such a sinister side. Questions raced through his mind, but there were no immediate answers.

With a heavy sigh, Erwin pushed aside his shock and focused on the task at hand. The woman in distress still needed their help, and he couldn't let himself be consumed by Marees' betrayal. Taking a deep breath, he steeled his resolve and approached the screaming woman, determined to offer assistance.

As Erwin moved closer, his mind raced with thoughts of how he could help alleviate her suffering. He understood the significance of providing comfort and reassurance in such a situation. Erwin believed that through empathy and genuine support, he could make a positive impact.

Respecting the seriousness of the moment, Erwin chose his words carefully. He intended to offer kind words of solace, understanding, and a willingness to lend a helping hand. He recognized the importance of being sensitive and compassionate, striving to provide the support the woman needed in her moment of distress. 

'If all that don't work, I can always resort to use my dick.,' Erwin thought to himself and grinned.

[Present time]

"You are the key," the woman said to Erwin as he approached her.

Erwin's face displayed a mixture of confusion and curiosity upon hearing her words. His thoughts raced as he tried to decipher the meaning behind her statement. 'I am the key? The key to what?...key to your pussy.' he joked in his mind and laughed.

"I am the key? The key to unlock what?" Erwin asked, intrigued by the woman's statement. He observed how her demeanor had shifted from frantic screaming to a calmer state, thanks to the intervention of Marees and Leila, who seemed to have found the person responsible for her distress.

With sudden, gripping intensity, the woman tightly held onto Erwin's shoulder and repeated the same sentence in a frantic and fearful manner, "You are the key... you are the key..." Erwin's eyes widened with a mixture of apprehension and confusion as he tried to comprehend the meaning behind her words.

Feeling a sense of urgency, Erwin attempted to release himself from her tight grasp, his mind racing with both fear and curiosity. Struggling to break free, he mustered the courage to inquire, "I am the key to what?"

"You are the key to hell... you are the key to hell, hahahahah!" the woman answered, her laughter becoming increasingly manic. Erwin managed to free himself from her grip and quickly distanced himself to a safer position. He rubbed his shoulder, feeling a mixture of discomfort and bewilderment.

Observing the woman's unsettling behavior, Erwin muttered under his breath, "Mad woman." He couldn't fully comprehend the meaning behind her words, but he instinctively understood the urgency of the situation.

The woman continued to laugh, her words carrying an ominous tone. "You will unleash hell upon this world... hahahahah." Erwin's brows furrowed as he contemplated the implications of her statement. It was a chilling revelation that left him with a lingering sense of unease.

But Erwin couldn't help but be consumed by his thoughts when he heard the mention of "hell." Memories of that dark, foreboding place flooded his mind, evoking a sense of unease and curiosity. His imagination wandered to the depths of the abyss, contemplating the mysteries and dangers that lay within.

Lost in his contemplation, Erwin's mind raced with questions. What did it mean to be the key to hell? 

"Is she okay now?" Erwin snapped out of his thoughts as Leila's voice broke through, bringing him back to the present moment. He looked at her, and his gaze shifted to Marees standing behind her, her eyes silently cautioning him not to reveal their previous conversation. Erwin chose to withhold the unsettling details.

"You can see for yourself," Erwin replied, his confusion evident. "But... where did she go?" he questioned, scanning the area for any sign of the woman who had been laughing uncontrollably.

Leila furrowed her brow, concerned by the sudden disappearance. "What happened?" she asked, her curiosity piqued by Erwin's bewildered expression.


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