Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

Master!? (3)

Master!? (3)

"N-no. W-why, why?!" shouted Rey as she realized her fate. She tried looking around the small encampment but realized that there was no way out.

Meanwhile, Tesse broke down into tears.

"We're being punished for what we did. We shouldn't have left them behind. We shouldn't have left them to die!" cried Tesse. However, instead of feeling pity, Rey looked at her in spite.

"You know, here we are about to be killed, yet all you can think about are the people we left behind. I'm jealous I really am Tesse. I wish I could take my mind of the way I'm about to be killed," as Rey said this she began laughing hysterically.

"You know, back when our school was attacked you didn't see it because I shielded you, but do you know they rape girls before killing them?" asked Rey as she pulled up Tesse's face so that their eyes could meet.

Rey had a crazed look on her face.

"Huh?" murmured Tesse innocently.

"Yes, that's right. Now how do you feel? All the people you've helped in the past, all the charities you've donated to, all the hours you've wasted slaving away for other people's happiness, and now you'll be defiled before you die,"

"It's actually pretty funny, you know. It really is,"  laughed Rey.

"Y-you don't mean that," whispered Tesse hesitantly.

"And why the fuck wouldn't I? We're about to die Tesse, there's no point in faking our friendship anymore. You know, back when we first met I really hated you. Everyone in the school seemed to like you, you were treated like a princess. At first, I wanted to ruin you, to take your spot."

"But then I realized something. You weren't a princess, but a slave. You sacrificed every little thing you had for those around you, and an idea crossed my mind."

"If I became best friends with the resident slave princess, then wouldn't I become popular by association without having to slave away as you did. And the fact that you help me out with everything just sweetened the deal," laughed Rey as she looked at Tesse's tearing eyes.

"Y-you're lying. W-why did you stop me from healing them then? Why didn't you leave me behind?"

"Because I need your healing for myself idiot. I was waiting for my ability to get off cooldown, and I realized my chances would be higher with you alive. However, I didn't think slave princess would really leave behind those innocent people. Well done, for once you thought about yourself and now look at you,"

"I-I'm not a slave princess," replied Tesse hesitantly, as if she didn't believe what she was saying.

"What's with that look? Are you finally realizing how stupid you've been?"

"You're just scared, you don't mean any of this!" shouted Tess as she pushed Rey back.

"Don't touch me!" Rey retaliated by punching Tesse in the stomach, causing her to double over.

'Maybe if I use this bitch as a distraction I'll be able to escape through the tunnel back the way we came' thought Rey as she continued hitting Tesse.

Tesse didn't retaliate, her heart was broken, her friendship had been a lie all along. She was now covered in bruises and just lay still as if in a daze.

The goblins were approaching and Rey hid behind a few rocks, waiting for the goblins to take her bait.

The goblins entered the encampment and found Tesse lying there. They surrounded her and began tearing off her clothes. Tesse tried to stand up and push them off but they were just too many.

"R-Rey! Please help me!" shouted Tesse, as tears streamed down her face, she was scared senseless at the prospect of being raped.

The goblins stopped what they were doing and turned to where Tesse was shouting to, one of them approached the rocks that Rey was hiding behind and began shouting to its comrades.

"You bitch! Why did-" Rey was cut off by a goblin as it hit her on the head, causing her eyes to roll back, foam came out of her mouth as she began having a seizure. However this didn't stop the goblins, they tore of her clothes and began defiling her.

A few goblins stayed around Tess, two of them held her arms and legs while one of them began its business.

Tears streamed down her red cheeks as she watched her friend being defiled.

'She's right, even now I'm only thinking about someone else, yet even I'm getting raped'.

Tesse gave shrill cries every time the goblin thrust into her, the pain was unbearable, but soon the sounds died out.

Her mind had been broken, she had lost all hope.

'Please god. Please save me, I've helped so many people, please just this once.' prayed Tesse inwardly, however, nothing happened.

The goblins seemed to have been done with her and one of them was about to stab her in the neck.

'If g-god won't help me then. Please, demons if you're hearing this please help me. I promise to serve you for the rest of my life please,'. Realizing that even after all the good deeds she had done she would still die a cruel death, she forsook her beliefs. She was willing to make a deal with the devil to survive.

And as if the devil heard her pleads.


The goblin that had been about to stab her was hit in the head with a red spear.

Tesse still couldn't process what was going on. 'Am I being saved?'

"Aren't you going to chase me now?" said the voice, and all the goblins in the encampment chased after him.

Tesse just laid there with a smile across her face. 'Thank you. Thank you, I will keep my promise,' thought Tesse as she cried tears of joy.

She stood up, her body covered in bruises, and fluids flowing out of her exposed genitalia. She stood up with what little strength she had left and waited.

After a few minutes, Gray came back, exhausted and with an injury on his leg.

"This looks like a good hidi-" Gray was about to say before passing out.

"Savior?" whispered Tesse from where she was standing.

She immediately walked to Gray's body and healed him. "I knew you would be back,"


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