Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

Master!? (2)

Master!? (2)

*Agu Rhaaha* (AN: Goblin speech)

Shouted one of the goblins once it saw the group trying to escape through a tunnel.

"Fuck, they found us. Run!" shouted Trent as he began to run as fast as he could while carrying Lance.

"Let me go ahead of you guys. It's harder for me since I have to carry Lance!" ordered Trent once he saw that Rey and Tesse were going on ahead of him.

"Why the fuck would we do that!?" shouted Rey as she continued to run on ahead.

"If you don't, forget about me helping you get out of this dungeon!" replied Lance with a sly grin on his face.

"Rey, I-I think we should do what he says," Tesse wasn't looking too good, and even though Trent was carrying Lance, she was barely running faster than him.

"Tesse!" exclaimed Rey once she saw the state that Tesse was in, and slowed down her pace to match Tesse's.

"Once we leave this dungeon the deals off," said Rey as she glared at Trent.

Trent ran past the two with a smile on his face, however, he was surprised to find that the deeper he ran into the tunnel the less light there was, until eventually, he couldn't see a thing.

As he was running he stumbled over a tripwire and fell, causing him to get injured.

"Fuck! It's too dark here! Hey Tesse, heal me!" ordered Trent as he let go of Lance and turned to Tesse.

"She can't heal you again! Can't you see the state she's in? The goblins are going to catch up to us, just dust yourself off and keep running," replied Rey, trying to defend Tesse.

"I-It's okay Rey. I'll manage, remember we need Trent to be in top shape," said Tesse as she held out her palms and healed Trent once again. The side effects of the healing caused her to be even more out of breath than before.

Once Trent was healed he ran forward at full speed, leaving the rest of the group behind.

"You forgot Lance!" shouted Rey, however, Trent didn't care. He had already given up on Lance.

"Tesse, let's go as well. The goblins might reach here at any second,"

"W-what about Lance? We can't just leave him behind,"

'Sigh, you've always been this way. Trying to help people even when they're taking advantage of you. I'm sorry Tesse, but this time our lives are at stake. I can't let you kill yourself,' thought Rey.

"We're going to leave him behind. He's just going to be dead weight anyway. If he really wants to live, then he will pull out his sword and kill those goblins once they reach him. We can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped." pleaded Rey, as Lance mumbled something to himself.

"Are you sure?" asked Tesse hesitantly.

"Yes, now let's hurry," said Rey as she carried Tesse under her arms and they rushed forward as fast as they could.

"Don't leave me alone. Please come back," mumbled Lance as the goblins approached him. His panic attack had worsened due to the fact that he was in an even more confined space, and the lack of light just added fuel to the fire.

It felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest, and he could barely stand due to the nausea, however, his primal instincts were kicking in. Although he was still scared senseless, his fear of death forced him to get up once he heard the goblins approaching.

He pulled out his sword and began running forward as fast as he could, 'I-I have to survive' thought Lance as his body shivered in fear.

"Aaahhhh," shouted Trent as he fell into a spike trap.

"Help! Tesse please help me!" shouted Trent as he realized that he was bleeding. Now he really needed help, however as Tesse and Rey approached him, Rey stopped Tesse from healing him.

"No Tesse. We'll find a different way, you can't keep healing him. If you heal that injury then you won't be able to walk anymore. And if you die, then we're all as good as dead. Please think about yourself for once, think about me. Please Tesse," pleaded Rey as Tesse tried to resist.

'B-but I can't just leave him like this,' thought Tesse.

However, she had never heard Rey sound so helpless. Rey was her best friend, and she had just met Lance and Trent a day ago. She was always ready to help anyone, but now that her life was at stake, she began questioning whether she was in a position to be helping other people.

"L-let's go," said Tesse with a heavy heart, as they jumped over the trap that Trent was caught in and continued walking.

"You selfish bitch! Just wait till I get out of here! I'll kill the both of you, you hear me! I'll kill the both of you!" shouted Trent as the two continued walking.

Tesse began crying, the feeling of guilt bit at her consciousness like a rabid dog.

"It was the right thing Tesse. We have to survive." comforted Rey, however, this didn't lower the feeling of guilt that overcame Tesse.

"Okay. 1,2,3" Trent took in a deep breath and pulled his impaled foot out of the trap.

He was losing blood but continued to march on. The thought of revenge running through his mind acting like fuel.

As Lance was running, the goblins began closing in on him. He could hear them right behind him, so he began running at a faster pace, however, this led to his demise.

He fell into the same trap that Trent was caught in, giving enough time for the goblins to catch up to him. He had accidentally dropped his glowing sword into the trap and bent over to pick it up.

However, due to his positioning, the goblins couldn't see him and just trampled over him, squashing him into the spike trap and instantly killing him.

Blood gushed out of the multiple holes that were impaled into his body, he died with his sword still in hand, the blood flowing out of his newly made orifices covering its once magnificent glow.

Trent continued marching on ahead, but ultimately the injury made him too slow, and the goblins caught up to him quickly.

"P-Please don't kill me!" shouted Trent as he heard the horde of goblins running towards him. The goblins couldn't see him, however, his scream alerted them of his presence and they swarmed him like a pack of wild dogs.

The goblins stabbed the air indiscriminately, sometimes injuring one of their own comrades. As they did this, Trent slowly became filled with holes.

With every stab, he let out a shrill cry for help that echoed through the tunnel walls, however, this only hastened Rey's speed and made Tesse cry even more.

In the end, they cut Trent's head off and placed it on a spear in celebration, continuing their hunt.

Tesse and Rey eventually made it to the end of the tunnel. However, it was a dead end.


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