Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

Flesh Golem

Flesh Golem

"We aren't voting on nothing, who made you captain anyway. I say we j-" before the boss could finish Clara interrupted him.

"G-guys, w-what the hell is that?" asked Clara pointing to the flesh golem that was slowly creeping towards them.

"What the fuck? How are there only so few of you left?" shouted Gray as he ran for his life.

"Whatever, this works out better anyway. Less retaliation," shouted Gray as he began attacking the newly risen zombies.

"Keep the old zombies at bay, don't let a single one of them near me," ordered Gray as he began his massacre.

'I can finally use the Mighty Sword,' thought Gray as he summoned the Mighty Sword, his mark glowing a bright red color as the blood sword took form in his right hand.

"What is he doing? Doesn't he think we've tried that already? What good will stabbing them do if they're just gonna stand up again?" asked Aran as he watched Gray fight through a small opening in the dirt walls that surrounded them.

"W-what!?" exclaimed Aran once he realized what was going on.

Each time Gray stabbed a zombie it shriveled up, making it too weak to stand back up again.

"T-that guy, he's sucking them dry," stuttered Aran as the rest of the group turned to watch the slaughter as well.

"Not like that is gonna help much anyway, look," said Clara pointing to the flesh golem that was coming closer with every passing second.

"We're doomed," complained a girl in Aran's party.

"W-wait, look," stuttered Aran, pointing towards Gray once again.

"Yeah we get it, he has a strange ability but that ain't gonna cu-" the boss was about to say before he looked at Gray properly.

Gray's eyes were bright red, and he seemed exponentially faster and stronger than when he had first arrived. The slow-moving zombies were no match for him, and their numbers meant nothing against his speed.

Gray constantly sent out waves of red energy, knocking down the zombies and jumping on them with blood daggers once they had fallen, absorbing every last drop of blood out of them.

"How come he's ignoring some of the zombies?" asked the boss as he realized that only Tesse was fighting some of the zombies.

"I get it. His ability requires fresh blood to work, meaning he can't absorb the blood of those that had been dead for too long. Maybe once he gets enough blood he'll be strong enough to kill the flesh golem," proposed Aran he began to regain hope.

"You want to gamble your life on some kid?" asked the boss, skeptical that anyone could take on the flesh golem. Even Russ looked too scared to fight against the golem with his current abilities.

"You have a better idea? If he dies, then any hope of us getting past this floor dies with him, unless you have some ability you haven't used up till now,"

"N-no, I don't"

"Then let's go!" said Aran, before gesturing for the government official to drop the walls.

"Go ahead," said another government official as his comrade looked to him for confirmation.

Gray's body was completely soaked in blood, however, the blood kept moving towards the mark on his right hand, drying him a little before he splattered even more blood on himself. Soon his iris was completely red and his hair was becoming so pale it looked almost white.

Nearly sixty zombies lay on the ground shriveled up, however, many more were still walking around.

The other survivors joined in, using the best of their abilities to prevent the older zombies from reaching Gray while letting the newer ones through.

The stench of rotting flesh became even more unbearable as the flesh golem came near.

"Hurry up kid!" shouted the boss as he looked back at the flesh golem.

[Blood lust has reached critical level. Warning, excessive use of this mode exponentially increases the blood price toll. A sacrifice must be offered before the blood lust expires or the full toll will be paid by the user.] said the voice in Gray's head as he got rid of the last fresh zombie.

"More! More!" shouted Gray, his voice seemed to be a combination of two different voices speaking out of sync.

"What do you mean more? That's all the new zombies there are. Unless you can use the old one's blood that's as much as you'll get," said Aran, fear creeping in as he began to question his previous beliefs.

"Master requires more blood, be grateful that you can be of use," said Tesse from behind Russ.

"What the? When did the doll get behind m-" Russ was about to say before Tesse stabbed him in the neck with her blood sword.

Blood gushed from the hole in Russ's neck before he fell to the ground. Spraying blood all over Tesse as he did.

"What the hell do you think your doing bitch!" shouted the boss before he was about to throw his knife at Tesse.

"Well done," laughed Gray as he rushed towards Russ's bleeding corpse before it had the chance to stand back up as an undead.


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