Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World

A legend is born

A legend is born

Gray stabbed it with both his blood daggers, absorbing every last drop of Russ's blood shriveling up Russ's corpse, causing his hair to turn completely white.

A silence crept over the battlefield, [Conditions unlocked. Due to the amount of blood sacrificed, a fraction of the Mighty Sword's original power will be released. However, due to the weakness of the vessel, the user shall sustain major damages. Confirm use of original power] prompted the voice in Gray's head.

"Accept," whispered Gray, before the daggers in his hand turned into a greatsword.

"W-what's going on?" asked Clara before Gray rushed of towards the flesh golem, leaving cracks on the floor where he had just been.

Gray swung his greatsword in a wide arc, cutting off one of the golem's legs. However, it used the corpses of nearby zombies to heal itself.

"It won't be enough, we have to help him!" shouted Aran once he realized that Gray couldn't defeat this thing alone.

"I'm not helping those brats. This bitch here killed Russ, someone has to pay," replied the boss, as he and his goons approached Tesse.

"Touch my toy, and you'll act as my nutrition next," said Gray, with a smile on his face, as he looked back at what was happening.

Gray kept swinging his sword, however, each time he cut of one of the golem's limbs it would just heal itself again.

'What the fuck is going on here. There's no way that this thing is immortal, there must be some way to-' right then an idea popped up in Gray's head.

"Keep the other zombies busy!" order Gray before jumping on the beasts head.

The beast seemed to dislike this and tried swatting Gray, clobbering itself in the process. As Gray was about to destroy the tombstone on its head the beast ingested it, bringing the tombstone inside its body.

"That's how you wanna play huh?" smiled Gray, his canines were now extended, almost like those of a vampire.

Gray changed his greatsword into two katanas and cut a hole in the flesh golem following after the tombstone.

[Warning, bloodlust mode is reaching its limit. Continuous use after this warning will result in irreversible consequences.] warned the voice in Gray's head.

The monster's blood smelt rancid, attacking Gray's nose nearly causing him to pass out. What's more is that the pressure within the golem's body was unbearable, if not for Gray's blood lust form he would've been squashed already.

'Just a little more,' thought Gray as he struggle to stay conscious. His sword was just a few centimeters away from the tombstone, however, it wasn't enough. All their fighting had been in vain, Gray's consciousness was slipping. Just as Gray's eyes were closing in defeat, he gave out a small grin, "I can't die here, not yet," said Gray as he shot out a blast of red energy, cracking the tombstone.

"Where the fuck did he go?" asked Clara as she burnt a zombie to a crisp.

"Where ever he is, he isn't here to protect this bitch anymore," said the boss before he and his group pounced on Tesse.

Just as they were about to kill her an autonomous voice announced [Tower of the Dead, Floor one complete.]

[Difficulty F]

[Rewards will be handed out according to contribution.]

"He did it," whispered Aran with a shocked expression on his face.

"This wasn't fun," croaked Gray as the golem's body fell apart spitting him out.

The smell that reeked from Gray's body was akin to that of a dead dog that had been buried in a pool of rotten eggs.

"Master!" exclaimed Tesse as she made her way from underneath the flabbergasted thugs and ran towards Gray's unconscious body.

Tesse healed Gray, passing out in his place, prompting Gray to stand up back up.

"Well done," said Gray before pushing Tesse's unconscious body off of him.

'He treats her like a slave,' thought Aran as he looked at Gray in awe.

[Item shop has been unlocked to all players as an additional reward for completing the first tower.]

[Items from the item shop may be bought with Arcanian points.] said the autonomous voice.

[Do you wish to continue to floor two?]

"No!" shouted Clara, prompting a blue portal to open in front of the group.

Gray picked Tesse up and walked through the portal, a look of disappointment visible across his face, with everyone following close behind him.

"T-they did it!" shouted Agent Ria in excitement, before covering her nose at the putrid smell that Gray gave off as he walked through the portal.

"Eww, what is that?" murmured a few of the people who were waiting to enter the tower.

It was morning, meaning that the group had been in there for a while.

"Where is everyone else?" asked Agent Ria, however, Gray just walked past her and continued walking home.

"Officers report," said Agent Ria to the four government officials who had followed Gray into the tower.

"Everyone else is dead Captain," announced the officer.

"I see, their sacrifice shall not be in vain. So how did you do it?" asked Agent Ria.

"We didn't do anything, he did," said Aran as he looked at Gray walking away.

Everyone present turned to look at Gray. On that day a legend was born, that of the hundreds of people that entered the tower, a kid carrying a white-haired girl had been responsible for defeating the first floor.

"Agent Ria, headquarters just called in. The Atenria guild completed the first floor of their tower a few seconds ago as well." said one of Ria's aides.

"We have to bring that kid over to our side no matter the cost," murmured Ria as her aide made the announcement.


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