Rosie's Games

Chapter 420: Responsibilities

Chapter 420: Responsibilities

"So, it was Brinley and Ena Thun?" Rosalind's voice trembled with anger as the mention of Ena Thun made her blood boil. Her eyes pierced Lachlan's serious demeanor. "So... they attacked you, and she," her gaze shifted to Josephine, "somehow saved you?"

Lachlan nodded again, his expression grave. "Yes, we have been traveling together for weeks."

"You traveled with a sorcerer?" Rosalind asked, her disbelief evident. How could a member of the esteemed seven families, known for their arrogance, be associated with a sorcerer? She always thought that Lachlan and the rest had a strong disgust for the ones who can wield darkness.

"Yes," Lachlan replied simply.

Josephine, looking confused, chimed in, "Is there any problem?"

Rosalind cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "Nothing. Let's have some refreshments first..." Her words trailed off as Magda walked into the room.

"I would like some food... I mean, meat. Real meat," Josephine declared.

"Oh... then..." Rosalind began, but Magda interrupted by quickly leaving to fulfill Josephine's request.

Silence descended upon the room as Josephine indulged in the pastries that Magda had brought. Her voice broke the silence. "Hmmm... this is good. What is this?"

Rosalind's gaze fell upon the heavenly pastry before heran exquisite creation with a swirl of mixed berry compote nestled within layers of flaky pastry dough, adorned with a delicate dusting of powdered sugar. "It's called Blissful Berry Swirl," she replied. While she loved sweets, this particular pastry was a tad too sweet, even for her taste.

"I love it. Do you think I can have more of these?" Josephine inquired eagerly.

"Of course," Rosalind nodded, before diverting her attention back to Lachlan's serious countenance.

Rosalind observed as Josephine devoured another pastry, relishing the sweetness. "Make sure to give me two more... no, three..." Josephine eagerly held out three fingers in front of Rosalind, a clear testament to her enjoyment.

"Alright," Rosalind agreed, mentally noting the request, before once again shifting her focus to Lachlan's serious countenance.

"Do you know what has been happening in Korusta since you left?" Rosalind inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"No, but I'm going to assume that those shameless people tried to frame me. Am I right?" Lachlan's voice dripped with frustration.

"Your father wanted to declare war against them," Rosalind revealed, choosing her words carefully.

"He should! He" Lachlan's words were interrupted by a clearing of his throat, his frustration giving way to a resigned sigh. "Well... It has been so long since someone openly challenged us. It's not a surprise that my father would immediately think about direct confrontation."

Rosalind nodded in understanding, acknowledging the weight of the situation. "However, he had no idea that Sloryn is backed by Ena Thun. He needs to know this! I need to go back to Korusta!" Lachlan declared with determination.

"You should. Right now, a war would not be a wise course of action," Rosalind advised, her tone laced with caution.

"There have been many things happening lately," Lachlan added, his voice laden with concern. "Tell her about those beasts..." He turned his gaze toward Josephine, who was now savoring another one of the delectable desserts.

"They used to be humans," Josephine spoke between bites, her words slightly muffled. "They were not given a chance to choose. They were directly... they suffered," she uttered, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and anger. "Whoever did it had no heart."

Rosalind pursed her lips, contemplating the gravity of Josephine's revelation. "How did you know that?" she asked, curiosity tinged with caution.

"I saw it," Josephine replied simply. "Those people were born and grew up without seeing the sun. Then they became monsters. A sorcerer did it."

"She can do more than that," Lachlan interjected, as he elbowed Josephine.

"Oh... I can tell you where they came from," Josephine revealed, her words surprising Rosalind. She wanted to ask how, but instead, she closed her mouth and nodded, bracing herself for the unfolding secrets and mysteries that awaited them.


Elias furrowed his brow as he scrutinized the map before them. "Can we really trust that sorcerer?" His voice carried a note of skepticism. "Atior already betrayed us," he pointed out, his words laden with suspicion.

Rosalind was taken aback by Elias's remark. She wasn't sure where he had gotten that information, but she chose not to correct him. "Isn't that why I wanted to send the two of you out there to observe?" she responded, trying to redirect the conversation. Earlier, Josephine had pointed them to a location near Lonyth, a place Rosalind had never visited but had heard about from Josephine's accounts of her past with Lucas. The urgency of their situation prevented her from personally going there, as she had other pressing matters to attend to. The only reason she managed to come to this meeting was by convincing Denys that she needed to change her clothing.

"You look like you haven't had any sleep," Valentin observed, standing by the table next to Elias. Though his eyes were fixed on the map, his gaze periodically shifted toward Rosalind. "Do you have any news of the Duke?"

Rosalind shook her head, her weariness was evident. Valentin nodded in understanding, his expression growing grimmer. "He will definitely come back," he declared, his voice tinged with determination.

"He will," Rosalind affirmed, her certainty unwavering.

"Then, Elias and I will be departing very soon," Valentin announced, preparing for the imminent mission.

Rosalind reached into her pocket and retrieved two small bracelets, holding it out to them. "Use this," she instructed. "You can crush it if you need help, and I will be able to directly locate your position."

Elias's frown deepened as he accepted the simple bracelet Rosalind had procured from the black market. "Do you think those beasts will overpower us?" he questioned, arrogance playing in his eyes.

"No, I" Rosalind began, but Valentin interjected, understanding Elias's underlying sentiment. He didn't want Rosalind to misinterpret his words. "He didn't mean it that way," Valentin clarified. "He's been in a bad mood ever since he realized that Lachlan is here, so..."

"Why would I be in a bad mood?" Elias hissed, his irritation palpable. "I was simply asking if she really thinks those beasts are stronger than us."

"No, I do not think they are stronger than you, but it's still better to be cautious," Rosalind assured them, her tone gentle yet firm. "The bracelets will remain with you, just in case."

"Alright, then. Just don't expect me to crush it," Elias retorted, his pride refusing to acknowledge the need for such a contingency plan.


"You look like you're about to faint," Magda commented, her voice filled with concern. "I remember how radiant you looked when you first arrived in the north. This makes me think it has something to do with the Duke. Is it because of his absence?"

Rosalind sighed, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle upon her shoulders. "I've been working tirelessly since I arrived," she confessed. Managing a territory was proving to be far more demanding than she had anticipated. In the past, she had relied on Dorothy while overseeing the Empire, thinking she would never have to take on such a role again. Yet here she was, rushing to yet another meeting in the middle of the day.

"How was Lachlan?" Rosalind inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"He's been waiting for you," Magda replied, her voice tinged with intrigue. She sat beside Rosalind in the carriage, offering a sense of companionship amidst the chaos. "That woman, on the other hand, was quite different."

Rosalind's brow furrowed, her interest piqued. "Different? How so?"

Magda leaned in closer, lowering her voice. "She doesn't sleep in a bed. I found her on the floor this morning," she revealed, a hint of bewilderment evident in her tone.

Rosalind's eyes narrowed, contemplating this peculiar information. "It seems like she grew up somewhere without a bed," she mused aloud. "But what about her behavior?"

Magda shrugged slightly. "The first thing she asked me when she saw me was for food. She wanted more of that berry pastry you introduced her to. I had to instruct the maids to make batches and deliver them to her every hour."

"Every hour?" Rosalind echoed, astonished by the request.

"Yes, that's what she asked for," Magda confirmed with a nod. "Fortunately, we have an abundance of those berries in the north, so meeting her demand wasn't a problem."

Rosalind's mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts as she contemplated the implications of Josephine's peculiar habits and insatiable appetite. The encounter with Lachlan and Josephine had added even more to her already overflowing plate of responsibilities.

Yet, amidst all the challenges she faced, one thing frustrated her above all else: Dorothy's unwavering determination to make Rosalind suffer. Dorothy's presence in this place was enough to make her wary!

As the carriage pressed forward through the vast expanse of snow, Rosalind's gaze wandered, lost in contemplation. She couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation as she anticipated the upcoming meeting at the palace. It was yet another encounter with someone who sought the Duchy, another opportunity for power struggles and negotiations. Deep down, she hoped that fate would spare her from crossing paths with Dorothy along the way.

The carriage continued its steady journey, each jostle and sway of the vehicle reflecting the turbulence within Rosalind's own thoughts. She clenched her hands tightly, trying to quell the rising unease within her. The palace loomed in the distance, its grandeur a stark reminder of the responsibilities and challenges that awaited her.


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