Rosie's Games

Chapter 419: Lachlan's Arrival

Chapter 419: Lachlan's Arrival

"Demons?" she arched an eyebrow.

"Sorcerers have knowledge of these creatures, don't they?"Mathies asked.

"Why would you ask that?" Rosalind asked.

"I it is not just their knowledge that troubles me. It's a deep-rooted belief that has been passed down through generations in my family," he was quick to clarify.

"Please, enlighten me."

"Well I know this may sound crazy but I think they are coming."

"Pardon?" her expression immediately changed.

Mathies hesitated, aware of the weight his words carried. He took a deep breath, his voice filled with a mixture of conviction and trepidation. "According to our family's ancient prophecy, a time would come when the war would engulf our lands, paving the way for the emergence of demons," he began, his tone steady but tinged with an underlying sense of urgency. "These demons, cunning and deceptive, would disguise themselves as humans, infiltrating our society with malicious intent."

Rosalind's expression shifted from skepticism to a mixture of concern and disbelief. The gravity of Mathies' words began to settle upon her, resonating with the unsettling events that had transpired. "And you believe that time has come?" she inquired, her tone now laced with a hint of anxiety. Why would someone like Mathies know about demons? Was it possible that even the Seven Families have knowledge about Demons?

Mathies nodded gravely. "I do," he affirmed. "There have been whispers circulating, rumors of a mysterious illness spreading from the north. It's said to transform humans into monstrous creatures. Although the news hasn't reached the ears of the seven families yet, I fear this could be the beginning."

Rosalind immediately narrowed. Denys did not tell her anything about this.

"Please, enlighten me further," she urged

Mathies took a moment to gather his thoughts, his gaze fixed on a distant point as he recalled the whispers that had reached his ears. "According to the rumors," he began, "there have been reports of these creatures appearing in the town of Lonyth. They were believed to be refugees fleeing from the neighboring city of Cirid, seeking sanctuary within our lands."

Rosalind's brows furrowed in confusion. "But if such monsters had indeed attacked, surely news of it would have reached us by now," she reasoned, her tone betraying a hint of skepticism. After all, as someone residing in the northern region, she would have been informed of any significant events occurring in the area.

She recalled that Denys had informed her about the reinforcements. He told her that he was not able to send them to Lonyth due to a sudden onslaught of vicious beasts. As she absorbed this information, the scattered fragments of the puzzle started to align. Perhaps Denys had been kept in the dark precisely because of these ferocious creatures.

"I thought it necessary to inform you. It would be wise to investigate this matter when you find the time," Mathies spoke.

Mathies' belief in Rosalind's ability to investigate the unfolding situation became clearer to her. It dawned on her that he must have noticed her connection to the cursed objects she had encountered. It was conceivable that he believed she possessed some sort of sensitivity or insight into the demon's nature. In all honesty, Rosalind couldn't fault him for holding such a perception.

"In the prophecy you mentioned earlier, what fate awaits us once the demons descend upon us?" she asked.

A somber expression settled on Mathies' face as he responded, "It would be a merciless massacre. The seven families would be utterly defenseless against the demons. Compared to these malevolent creatures, humans are significantly weaker."

Rosalind's heart sank at the grim reality Mathies described. Her thoughts immediately turned to Lucas, wondering if he had succeeded in sealing the barrier. The nagging doubt crept in as she recalled that Lucas hadn't shown any intention of closing the barrier before Rosalind implored him to do so. Her lips tightened, betraying her deep concern.

"Thank you for your time, Miss Lin. I can only hope that my fears prove unfounded," Mathies spoke, before bidding Rosalind a hurried farewell.

Left alone with her thoughts, Rosalind couldn't help but dwell on the memories she had witnessed in that mysterious place. Ever since she departed from the islands, the vivid dreams and haunting memories had ceased. She couldn't shake off the nagging suspicion that there was a connection between those experiences and the current crisis she faced.

Her thoughts drifted to the words of Belisarius. The mysterious man had explicitly stated that she had a connection to the goddess responsible for erecting the protective barrier. The origin of this connection remained a perplexing mystery to her. How had she become intertwined with such powerful forces? Was it solely due to her ability to harness both dark and light blessings?

A sigh escaped Rosalind's lips, reflecting the growing confusion within her. Each question seemed to multiply the layers of uncertainty. Determined to find some semblance of clarity, she rose from her seat and made her way toward the room that served as her teleportation point to the North.

Within a few minutes, Rosalind reached her destination and materialized in her room. However, her arrival was abruptly interrupted as the door burst open, revealing the presence of Magda, her loyal confidante.

"I'm glad you're finally back," Magda exclaimed, relief lacing her tone. "I sensed your arrival and hurried here."

Concern etched across her face, Rosalind inquired, "Is something amiss?"

Magda hesitated for a moment before responding, "There's a visitor... Lachlan Blaize. He arrived accompanied by an unfamiliar sorcerer. I took them to the drawing house as instructed by Mr. Blaize. He insisted that this meeting be kept in utmost secrecy."

The mention of Lachlan Blaize's name caused a distinct shift in Rosalind's expression. He had been missing since the presumed attack on Brinley, leaving many unanswered questions in his wake. Why had he suddenly arrived here, accompanied by a mysterious sorcerer?

"Lead me to him," Rosalind commanded, her tone urgent. Magda promptly guided her to the drawing room where Lachlan Blaize, now wearing a completely different visage, awaited her arrival. Being attuned to the presence of other blessed individuals, Rosalind could sense Lachlan's aura even from a distance. However, to her surprise, she found herself unable to detect any trace of the sorcerer accompanying him.

Entering the drawing-room, Rosalind's eyes immediately fell upon the two figures in the room. Lachlan, now adorned with the face of an older man, was an unexpected sight. Despite his true age nearing fifty, he appeared much younger, typically in his late thirties. Rosalind had anticipated that he would choose a face portraying youth, so the choice of wrinkles caught her off guard.

"Lady Rosie..." Lachlan greeted her, acknowledging her presence.

"Mr. Blaize..." Rosalind replied curiosity lacing her eyes.

"I was informed that the Duke was absent, and you hold the authority here," Lachlan spoke, addressing the situation. Before Rosalind could respond, the woman sitting beside him rose from her seat.

"It's you," the woman with long black hair and curious eyes exclaimed. At first glance, she didn't appear to possess the typical appearance of a sorcerer. However, as Rosalind scrutinized her face up close, she could discern the subtle signs that confirmed the woman's true identity.

"And who might you be?" Rosalind inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I have come here to speak with you," the woman replied, her voice trembling. Rosalind couldn't help but notice the undertones of suppressed emotions as if the woman were desperately trying to hold back tears.

"Now is not the time, Josephine," Lachlan interjected, attempting to intervene. But Josephine pressed on, undeterred.

"I was sent here to aid you," she explained, her voice wavering with an underlying vulnerability that caught Rosalind's attention.

"Sent?" Rosalind's brow furrowed as she contemplated who could have sent Josephine. Atior's name immediately sprung to mind. "Do not tell me that Atior "

"No. Do you truly believe I would heed the words of such an individual?" Josephine retorted, her tone resolute. The air in the room grew even more charged with suspicion as Rosalind's skepticism intensified.

"Josephine, please allow me to explain everything," Lachlan interjected once more, attempting to regain control of the situation. "We cannot proceed like this. You" he started to say but was interrupted by Josephine's persistent demeanor.

"You must be incredibly curious..." Josephine continued.

"Josephine..." Lachlan's tone grew increasingly urgent, imploring her to stop.

"That's enough," Rosalind interjected firmly, her gaze shifting from Josephine to Lachlan. "Whatever game you're playing, I advise you to cease it immediately. I have no patience for such antics." While Rosalind didn't place complete trust in Atior, the revelation that Josephine had her own ulterior motives disappointed her. She wasn't about to allow history to repeat itself.

"Lady Rosie..." Lachlan's voice carried a sense of earnestness, something that caught Rosalind off guard. "Please, allow me the chance to explain. I will tell you everything."

Rosalind remained silent, her gaze fixed on Lachlan, a mix of curiosity and skepticism evident in her eyes. The unexpected shift in Lachlan's demeanor intrigued her. He seemed different from the arrogant man she had known before. Why was he now adopting a humble tone in his interactions with her?

Sensing her unspoken question, Lachlan took a deep breath before continuing. "I understand that you may have heard rumors and formed your own opinions about me. But please, allow me the opportunity to provide you with the complete picture. Only then can you decide what you truly think about the matter?"

Rosalind couldn't help but be taken aback by Lachlan's transformation. The contrast between his previous arrogance and his current plea for understanding was stark.

How had Lachlan, who had always believed himself to be above the rest, undergone such a drastic change?


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