Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 99 Ring bearer

After a lot of deliberation , Alexander decided that there was no immediate harm in introducing Ronan to the ring , as although the ring produced wierd hushed noises upon being touched , it was not lethal to a man.

Carefully placing the ring back to its resting place , Alexander decided to bring Ronan to it at once.

It was 6:30 am in the morning and the hustle and bustle of Avalon was just beginning to start at the crack of dawn.

Alexander had about 1 and a half hour before the court would be in session , hence he had to hurry and get this thing over with before the guests and the rest of the palace woke up .

Going towards Ronan’s room he was greeted by all the soldiers in the palace as he quickly asked the update on the assassin situation from some old timers.

Although he was dissapointed that there was no tangible progress yet , he did not let the news affect his state of mind as he just asked the soldiers to keep looking.

Alexander then saw Percy on his night patrol , as pride swelled in his chest to see his eldest son take up the responsibilies of a man after becoming an ascended warrior.

Percy had started to become a true leader and had gained genuine respect of all in the army. As even general Sam greatly appreciated his strength and capabilities as a soldier.

However Percy was not at all happy to see Alexander , as the image of a tied up woman inside Ronan’s room kept popping up in his mind..

Percy was sure that Alexander was headed towards Ronan’s room , however he could not let his little brother be caught in such embarassing situations by his father , hence he abruptly made plans to intercept his father.

” Good morning father … “. Percy said as Alexander nodded in acknowledgement.

” It’s too early to disturb little brother don’t u think ? , The lad has been though a lot , let him sleep one day father ? “. Percy tried to plead like a big brother , but Alexander only glanced at him coldly and said ” Why do u think i waited so long? , A true warrior wakes up at 4 “.

Percy felt like cursing out loud when he heard this answer as he bit his tongue not to do so. He did not want Ronan to land in trouble the first day he was back , but his father seemed adamant in wanting to meet him . There was nothing he could do about it either.

” I was wondering if you could spar with me this fresh morning father , i want to test my strength against you … “. Percy said in a mirthless voice as he anticipated a brutal beatdown for voicing these words.

He was only a recently ascended , but Alexander was already above level 160 … only pain and suffering was to come should he dare to challenge him.

Alexander stopped for a second as he heard this proposition as he placed his hands firmly on Percy’s shoulder and said ” It’s been a while …. Today we spar after morning court “.

Percy felt his stomach convolute at this statement as now he had a date with the devil and it was also for naught …. as Alexander still walked towards Ronans room.

Percy watched helplessly as his father inched closer and closer to his brothers room as scenes of a horrible scolding came to his mind where Ronan would be left in tears by the end of it , and his heart ached at the very thought of it.

Wanting to avoid it at all costs , Percy decided to stupidly attack Alexander on his back with a fire fist , as Alexander’s linen robe caught fire because of it.

Not even scratched by the move Alexander turned towards Percy and raised his eyebrow as annoyance was written clearly all over his face.

” You want to mess with me boy? “. he asked in a raging tone as his eyes turned scarlet , and Percy felt his leg muscles go weak at that very instant.

Sent flying with a fire punch to the chest , Percy was left coughing as Alexander barged into Ronan’s room anyway.

” i can explain father …. *cough* *cough*” , Percy said as he crawled into the room ready to defend his little brother , but to his delight as well as horror , there was no tied up woman inside as there was only a topless Ronan doing pushups on the floor .

” goodmorning father ….. brother “. Ronan said as he saw his family , and Alexander nodded in acknowledgement.

Percy on the other hand sighed in relief as the pain in his stomach suddenly felt more severe as he realised that he went through all that trouble for naught.

Excusing himself he took his leave as he sulked about the upcoming beating that was pending in the evening.

Alexander took a good look at Ronan’s body and saw the various battlescars and scar tissue that covered his upper torso as he finally realised the severity of the training Ronan had went through.

Although he was extremely toned , there was hardly an inch on his body that did not have a previous wound on there , as while some looked small and some looked deep , his entire body was covered in injuries.

Feelings of anger and regret welled up in his chest as he knew for a fact that it was because of his failure as a father that Ronan had to suffer this much in life .

His voice cracking up a bit he said ” Dress up … there’s something i need to show you “.

Ronan instantly obeyed as he quickly went to change , however all the clothes in his closet were old and not his size and it was a dilemma for him to wear a passable outfit.

When Alexander noticed the issue he said softly ” Get the tailor to do a rush order when you get time today … understand your position as a Draco … dress appropriately”.

There were guests in the palace and Ronan roaming in commoners hoods did not reflect well on the family at all.

However having no choice Ronan had to wear the clothes that the farmer had given him , as he followed his father to the palace armory.

The Avalonian armoury was only accessible to the Draco family and general Sam and there was not a single soul except them that was allowed to even come near the place.

Protected far more heavily than even the treasury , the armoury of Avalon was a place where many mysterious weapons and high value components and techniques were stored.

It was only Ronan’s second time in his life visiting this place , as the first was when he was brought inside to chose a weapon of his choosing.

Ronan was surprised that they visited the armoury so early in the morning but he did not dare question Alexander about why.

The moment they entered the room however , Ronan started to hear weird hushed noises in his head as he suddenly started to feel dizzy and disoriented.

‘ It’s our bloodline …. it’s a Aesir ‘. said voice one

‘ Come Aesir spawn … claim us … claim us and bring us our revenge ‘. said voice two

‘ don’t come near us … Stay away … run , run while you still can ‘. said voice three

‘ SILENCE ‘. said an ancient and powerful voice that made Ronan’s consciousness blank for a moment , as there was pindrop silence after.

Wobbling Ronan swallowed back a mouthful of blood as he tried extra hard to not let his difficulties be seen by Alexander.

The closer the two went to the ring however , the faster did Ronan’s heart beat , as in a room full of extraordinary treasures the ring was the first thing that caught his attention despite being extremely tiny and black.

Ronan felt his golden thunder run rampant in his mana circuit as his body felt a resonance with that ring which started to vibrate in Ronan’s presence as well.

Alexander was shocked to see the ring starting to vibrate and spin about its own place as the closer Ronan went towards the ring the faster it’s rotation became.

‘ Not good ‘. thought Alexander , but ronan already seemed to be in a trance as he inched closed and closer towards the ring with his right arm stretched out towards it.

” Stop right there boy … “. Alexander said as he tried to grab hold of Ronan’s shoulder , but while he was successful in stopping Ronan going towards the ring , he could not stop the ring from coming towards Ronan , as that thing flew off the ground and embedded itself to Ronan’s thumb.


Shining with blinding light , Ronan was covered in the brilliance of golden thunder as Alexander was forced to lose his grip if he did not want his hand to be disintegrated.

The mana in the entire room started to suck towards Ronan’s thumb as every single high grade weapon started to vibrate inside the room.

It was a surreal scene to witness …. as Alexander wondered if he made a mistake by bringing Ronan here.


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