Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 98 The chosen one

Ronan let Leif take over the interrogation with Irene after Percy left as he delegated the duty of deciding the best course of action to the prime minister.

He had already conveyed his thoughts and his preffered course of action to the man , but now he left it to his better judgement to execute the plan to the best of his abilities as although he was the second prince of Avalon , Ronan himself wielded very little actual political authority.

For him to take matters into his own hands was akin to undermining the law and order of Avalon and his father’s authority as the king , and while he did not fear breaking the laws for when the situation called for it , for someone as docile and useless as Irene it was just not worth it.

Hence leaving the matters in the capable hands of Leif , Ronan chose to go to the terrace as he laid down looking at the starry night sky where he drifted asleep.

Ronan had forgotten the meaning of a good night’s sleep and the constant nightmares in the cave of penance subconsciously reduced his body’s dependancy on sleep to its bare minimum as now Ronan could be at his peak performance with only 2 hours of sleep a day.

However having his first good nights sleep where weird voices and inner desires did not gnaw his conscience , Ronan felt odd as he felt as if a silent sleep was a concept he was no longer comfortable with.

In his mind images of Zack the prodigy came as he remembered how that kid learnt every single move Ronan had in his arsenal without even trying as he showed to Ronan what it meant to be a true 9 star prodigy.

Had Ronan been a 7 or even a 8 star prodigy , he would have called it a gap in talent and comprehension and felt depressed over the fact that Zack was that much better than him.

However since he was a 9 star prodigy himself , the inferiority lit a fire inside him as he questioned himself ‘ If He can do it , why can’t I? ‘..

This made Ronan develop a need to subconsciously try and absorb everything he saw in his environment and since sleep wasn’t coming to him , he was reminded of the move his father used today to burn the demon.

It was only an effortless flick of the wrists to produce a hellsfire so strong that it burnt a demon in a matter of seconds , yet Alexander had pulled it off like it was nothing.

Although inside the cave Ronan could never really copy any moves that the other people inside used , as his golden thunder and fire affinity did not sit well while learning , fire , water of air manipulation tactics.

However now that he had the chance to see a new fire technique ,Ronan wanted to test if he could actually pull it off after observing it only one time.

Sitting up , he looked at his wrists as he made up his mind about giving it a shot.

Ronan understood the basics of fire manipulation very well and although the affinity for fire with him was only 2% , he could still mobilize the element a little.

Replaying the chant his father used in his mind , Ronan tried to read his lips as he recalled it’s movements to understand what he murmured in a split second.

A normal person would never be able to do this however Ronan whose mind was trained extensively in the cave of penance was now way beyond the realms of a normal human as his brain now focused in a realm of its own.

The chant was ‘ To dust thou art , to dust thou returnest , may you be burnt to dust by this flame of fine …. bone burner ‘.

Replaying it word for word , Ronan flicked his wrists in a similar fashion as he focused on creating a contained fire in a spot on the terrace ground.

WHABLASH … crackle , crackle

A small ball sized flame mainfested itself as it burnt a hole right through the terrace cieling creating a fist size hole inside it before Ronan dissipated the move to thin air.

Initially Ronan panicked about the hole in the terrace as he forgot about the fact that he had technically succeeded in his first try , until a few moments later when this fact suddenly hit him.

” YES! “. Feeling elated a exclamation of joy escaped Ronan’s lips as he wanted to immediately find a better location and practice the move a million times.

Although it was a much smaller and weaker version of Alexander’s fire it was a peak B ranked move and Ronan had actually picked it up by only glancing at it once.

If there was any person in the world to witness this feat of his here , they would have been driven nuts by the insane talent of this one boy.

What Ronan never found out was that Zack was actually god vishvakarma himself and the talent that he showed was just one of the tricks of vishvakarma to make him lose morale.

Little did even vishvakarma know that his interaction with Ronan would leave such deep impact on the boy as with his little success in making fire magic for the day , Ronan got an unbelievable boost in confidence.

Realising that he had actually not been living upto his true potential uptil this moment , Ronan suddenly realised that he did not know the bounds of his own talent.

All these years he had been dumbly pushing himself to the limits without any proper structure or direction , but he was not utilising his actual potential to the limits.

Solemnly swearing to change this mistake going forward Ronan decided to pick up every single technique he would come across this day forward .

He found the exercise to be stimulating to his brain and there was an exciting element about learning new things .

While most people on the Everlon continent could not even dream of doing what Ronan did , for a 9 star talent like himself , only the sky was the limit .


( Meanwhile Alexander)

Alexander felt complicated as he retired to his quarters at the end of the day.

A small smile crept up on his face as he saw Sierra sleeping calmly with a smile as it was a rare sight to see in the past 3 years since Ronan had gone missing.

Looking at her smile Alexander was reminded of the duty he still had to perform as a father , as he thought about the ring that shakuni had told to be given to Ronan.

Alexander was dubious about Shakuni’s intentions , as the guy was at the very peak of humanity and for him to be interested in his young and talented son , it could be for a myriad of reasons that his mind could not even comprehend.

Even so , the letter that shakuni sent him did say that the ring was the answer to all his questions and troubles about Ronan , hence he needed to give the matter much thought.

He had the ring tested by runesmith , blacksmiths and even metallurgy experts , but even the best in the kingdom could not decipher the origins of the mysterious ring.

It had runes engraved on it and the language was definitely the one used by the ancients , however the runesmith who was proficient in the ancient language could not even understand a single heiroglyphic on the ring , much less the entire engraving.

The blacksmith could see that the ring was a perfectly created piece of jewelry , but he could see no forging marks on the ring nor could he see a single scratch.

The ring showed no signs of being put in a cast or made from a molten metal , neither did it show any signs of being carved from a larger piece of metal as its entire creation was a mystery.

The metallurgy expert claimed to know all the elements in existence but the simple looking black metal was something even he had never seen.

Seemingly indestructible and without any crystal texture it was unlike any other strong metals as it showed no signs of being compacted under pressure or stretched under duress.

The ring was rigid beyond beleif , yet no amount of force could scratch it.

Such a metal was technically impossible to shape into a ring , hence it’s entire existance was a contradiction to everything that the metallurgist knew about metals.

However while the origins of the ring were a mystery , the fact that everyone who touched the ring , through naked skin or via cloth or another object heard weird powerful noises that made their consciousness blur for a moment.

Something ancient was sealed inside that ring …. and it seemed to be looking for a particular owner.

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