Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 74 Resilient Ronan

The start of round 2 , Ronan had one single strategy….

Lay low !

walking out like a crab Ronan’s lowered his height to around three feet as he assumed the most peculiar fighting stance .

” Ehh bug ? want to be crushed like the tiny insect you are ? “. Aaron taunted Rudra as he wiped the sweat off his own fore-head.

Although he did not want to show it to Ronan , round one took a lot out of his tank and while it was a one -sided beatdown , the energy expenditure for Aaron was quite a large amount.

Instantly closing in the distance as the refree signalled the start of the fight , Aaron pummeled Ronan with his fists however they lacked the incredible power behind those weird movements as Aaron quickly realized that hitting so low with the cobra style put a lot of strain on his backbone.


Wether it was his punch or a few kicks that he mixed in them here and there , Ronan was able to block them all as he firmly stood his ground.

Ronan’s new fighting style was super effective in countering the cobra style as Aaron seethed in anger.

” What the … ugh , take this! “. Aaron said as he began madly pummelling Ronan with all his strength , as Ronan felt his blocking arms go numb from the sheer force of impact.

After blocking a few hits Ronan’s hands felt as heavy as lead as his broken wrist now began to send unbelievable amounts of pain signals to his brain who slowed down its functioning speed to cope up with the pain tolerance mechanism .

Even then Ronan was taking more out of Aaron from this exchange as in his anger Aaron forgot to notice the obvious flaw in Ronan’s defences.

Hanging so low , Ronan had compromised his movement ability as only if Aaron maneuvered around his guard , he would be able to land clean hits on Ronan’s head without Ronan being able to do anything about it , yet in his anger he could not see the obvious flaw in Ronan’s technique.

Such awareness was called battle iq and it was what differentiated the truly elite warriors from the mediocre ones , as battle iq was not something that could be imparted through education. It was an natural awareness that was built with years of comprehension.

And no matter how prestigious clan Aaron was from or how high his achievements were , from where the balancers saw the match they would not even spare a second glance at such a warrior because of his low battle iq.

As round two came to an end , Ronan could not even life his arms above his head anymore as he walked back to his corner bleeding and panting heavily.

” WHY? WHY ? WHY ? WHY ? WHY? , WHY CAN I NOT CRUSH THAT BUG? “. Aaron made a mess at his corner as he panted and sweated profusely.

His tank was nearly empty and he had started to feel the pinch of energy in his last few attacks and with the crowd starting to murmur and look at Aaron with judgemental eyes that said ‘ can’t even beat a kid? what a trash! ‘. Aaron was genuinely enraged.

The clan leader who was equally embarassed by the performance of his son then said ” His fighting stance makes it hard for you to use the elasticity of your muscles without hurting your backbone. He picked a good counter , however that lowers his speed , circle around and you will have him “.

Aaron listened calmly as he took a sip of water , internally he swore to end it once and for all once the third round bell rang . He did not want to go to judges scores in this fight as it would be too embarassing for him to win that way .

Ronan on the other hand was happy to hang on , even if he did barely , as Karna healed him from his damages.

” Nice work last round kid , you showed some real spirit! But that move won’t work twice , so don’t try .

He is tired though , you may have one opening to use the Shoryuken , make it count ! “. Karna commended Rudra on his performance , however he was not overly keen on his disciple winning this match .

Ronan could not even smile anymore , but he weakly nodded to acknowledge Karna’s teachings as images of the ongoing fight played out in his mind.

Ronan was trying to see if there was a method to Aaron’s madness and wether or not he had a pattern behind his erratic attacks!

playing images of the fight in his head again and again Ronan finally opened his eyes as he found a flaw in those patterns … a single opening that could be used to sieze victory .. however the plan was too risky!


( Meanwhile in Avalon )

Alexander had left the palace as he had recieved information about some ancient ruins that held a divine artifact that could control the power of the forbidden.

According to the legends it was linked to an ancient prophecy that predicted the ruler that unified the entire continent of Everlon would be the owner of this mysterious ring and only that individual would be acknowledged as it’s master.

However throughout history , while there were a few forbidden element users that put the ring on , none of them were acknowledged as it’s master.

Labelled as a fake and a exaggerated rumor the ring was lost to time , however one day Alexander mysteriously recived a package containing a map to those ruins and a letter that said ” If the ring acknowledges your boy and he is the one then I will help you “.

Usually Alexander would have burnt such nonsense to a crisp in a second , however the name at the bottom sent shivers down his spine as the letter was signed by the name of

– Shakuni

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