Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 73 Broken Wrist , Unbroken Will

Ronan’s wrist was completely shattered after his fight in the semi finals. Karna tried to heal it using his light magic , however while he could numb the pain. Completely mending a shattered bone in a day was not possible with his abilities.

This meant that Ronan had to head into his next fight with a broken wrist and that to from his dominant hand , which meant that his odds of winning had went down significantly.

However despite the pain and the hardships that were ahead , Ronan was calm with a smile on his face as he assured karna that he had got this.

For Ronan the only insurmountable mountain towering above him was Percy and although he could be defeated by others , he did not fear facing them.

Alexander had raised Ronan and Percy fighting the soldiers of Avalon army since they were 5. Hence while everyone else in the world would find the disadvantage of build and insurmountable power gap to be a huge disadvantage , for Ronan it was a familiar feeling.

This was also why Ronan was able to keep his calm in all his fights against stronger opponents as he had overcame his fear of them years ago and all that was left inside him now was a burning desire of beating them .


( Semi Finals – Ronan V Aaron )

Aaron was the favourite to win the tournament this year being from the ruling family of the town Maharashtra , the Mahim clan ..

While he was undoubtedly an extremely formidable warrior at level 84 with an B ranked martial arts under his belt , his path to the semi finals was suspiciously smooth.

Always having the easiest opponents to fight in every round , Aaron was yet to be put under pressure in any fights. With him ending all his fights uptil now in under 1 minute.

As both the warriors took the stage , the support for Aaron was overwhelming as he was the hometown kid and the fan favourite to win this event.

Whereas one only felt pity for Ronan who walked onto the stage with his bandaged right arm and a weak level 50’s power – level.

Aaron’s father the clan chief told Aaron before the fight to take the kid seriously as he had shown admirable resolve and his martial arts was undeniably strong , However Aaron was to conceited to take this advice to heart as seeing the overwhelming level difference between himself and Ronan he was a little overconfident.

Hence before the fight began , and the fighters squared off with a stare , Aaron smiled evily as he had only one word to say to Ronan …. ” Bug”.

Ronan squinted his eyes when he heard this remark as his heart flared in rage but he did not let his anger cloud his judgement as the fight started.


Ronan could only see a blur of a movement as he could barely block the incoming punch that blew his guard apart as he was sent staggering back.

A searing pain emerged in Ronan’s broken wrist as Aaron chuckled to see the struggling Ronan.

” I will crush you …..

you little bug “. Aaron said as he started a barrage of heavy strikes that were hard for Ronan to dodge and defend .

This was the martial arts of the Mahim clan , the cobra style barrage , practicing which made the user develop extremely elastic muscles that allowed the user to produce erratic and unreadable punches that were packed with power.

Ronan could not read the attacks at all as he was pummled from the enemies barrage.

” Hahahahaha this is refreshing “. Aaron laughed as he changed his attack pattern. Now targetting Ronan’s body rather than his vitals as a hard punch landed on Ronan’s gut.


Ronan spat a mouthful of saliva as the wind was knocked out of his body following the punch , however his momentary lapse created an opening for the enemy as a tight punch landed on his chin as his mind rattled for a second.


Ronan’s head collided with the floor beneath , as he started bleeding and his vision became disoriented.

As he barely regained his footing , Ronan could feel the metallic taste in his mouth as he understood that the punch to the gut had caused internal damage.

Not even 30 seconds into the fight and he was already tossed around like a ragdoll without any hopes of countering the enemy , however his will to fight remained unbent and unbroken as he assumed his fighting stance once more.

Aaron chuckled as he asked the referee ” Hey if he dies it’s not my problem right ? “.

The guy was unnecessarily being a prick when he did not need to be one , but regardless of his actions the support from the crowd for him was overwhelming as he was cheered while Ronan was booed and told to quit before he was killed.

Ignoring all the voices outside Ronan only focused on what he had to do next and while he was able to do nothing against the faster and higher levelled Aaron at the moment , Ronan understood the weakness of the snake style .

The snake style was incredibly powerful and gave the user amazing explosive strength however it came at a cost and the cost was that it consumed too much power and that was Ronan’s opening to win this thing , as Ronan had to somehow endure till the enemy ran out of steam.

Hence started what could be considered a one sided merciless beatdown of Ronan Draco as he was knocked down a total of 7 times by the end of round one.


Coming back to his corner , Ronan was bleeding from everywhere. Blood was dripping from the back of his head , the front of his head and even above his eyes.

His broken wrist had swollen so much that it was visible even with the tight bandage wrapped around it as he was continuously swallowing back blood that came into his mouth.

Overall he looked horrible , as even karna had second thoughts about letting Ronan continue his fighting , but while he was under a mountain of pain a satisfied could be seen on Ronan’s face as this was finally a fight that his heart was craving for.

Ronan said while panting ” Hahaha *pant* *pant*, this…. this is fun “.

Karna chuckled as he healed the kid using his light magic as he offered some advice for the first time ” His back , he has not trained his back well enough to support his martial arts as the spine is not as flexible as the muscles in a human body.

Lay low and you can force him to work harder “.

Ronan’s eyes widened in amazement at Karna’s suggestion as he politely accepted it.

‘ That’s right , why did I miss this ? ‘. Ronan thought rejoicing , as he appreciated the outsiders POV.

The fire in his eyes burned brighter as he returned to round 2 . Now with a plan to fight the opponent ahead.

The thing that Ronan was unaware of however was that 3 balancers were calmly watching his performance from the crowd , as the wolves had finally closed in on Ronan Draco.

/// Apologies for the late chapter update. I am currently travelling and writing has been difficult for me.

The schedule will return to normal starting tommorow . ///


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