Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6 Ronan Draco

Ronan was staring right into mother Sierra’s eyes , his dark black eyes had a innocent yet intelligent glint on it. One look into them and you would know that the baby was comprehending his surroundings , intrigued by anything and everything surrounding him.

Ronan was different to other babies as he did not cry much at all , he would cry when he was extremely uncomfortable , but it was a rare thing , when someone picked him up or pampered him , he would not cry at all , instead would look intently at the person.

Grandma Luna and little Percy had already completely fallen for the little angel . Especially Percy , who for months had heard about how he would be a big brother soon , and how he had to take care of him and be responsible , Percy who was one year 7 months old , had only learnt vocabulary a few months ago , and was very very happy to have a brother.

He would constantly beg mother Sierra to put little Ronan in his lap , as she placed it in Grandma Luna’s , however Percy himself was soo small , that he could not possibly have the baby in his laps ..

Percy would intriguingly hold the little baby’s hands , and compare their palm sizes , for the little Percy who had only been holding hands of adults , seeing a hand much smaller than his was a shocking thing . He yelped in joy and kept observing the body of his little brother keenly , while shouting things like ” Mom, mom his hands are soo smallll ….. mom mom his feet are tiny “. Grandpa Augustus had a tear to his eye seeing all this , he had never seen Percy soo happy.

He only jokingly told Percy something , but he would never know , that this single sentence would be the principle ingrained within Percy for lifetime. Grandpa Augustus said ” Since he is soo small , as big brother , you will need to protect him , eh boy “.

It was just a passing comment for Augustus , but for Percy , who silently looked at his little brother , unexplainable emotions rose inside him. He resolved to never letting anyone even scratch his little brother.

He tenderly stroked his little brothers head , as Ronan cooed in joy , while the elders and the maids looked on , butterfly’s rising in their hearts. The duo looked absolutely adorable.

Although tensions of war were high , the atmosphere in Ronan’s nursery was very joyful. Sierra wished Alexander could be here too , if he was it would have been a truly memorable family moment .


Leif explained the contents of the letter to Alexander , although Alexander was a rational man who would never let his anger cloud his sense of judgement . He was by no means someone with a calm nature. His wrath was to be feared and his pride not to be trampled on. Two major clan’s had first- hand experienced this fact.

Alexander burnt the letter of the Church in his hand , as he said in a tone that gave Leif chills ” Hahaha , soo the high priest of the temple has sent me a summon? He thinks he is above me Leif ….. summoning me? Is the throne I sit on fake Leif , is my authority a joke? I don’t want to hear to your useless banter and reasoning . The king of Avalon will not answer summons Leif , the king of Avalon SENDS summons , SEND a summon to the high priest , that if he wants to meet the king , then he must drag his A** to the royal court”.

Leif wanted to say something in retort , but just as he opened his mouth , Alexander coldly said ” Dismissed Leif “.

Leif looked at the light red shade of Alexander’s eyes and knew instantly that this is where his authority as advisor ended , the king had given his judgement and he needed to carry it out.

Swiftly taking his leave , Leif drafted the most diplomatic letter he could write , where without offending the Church as much as possible , he conveyed the words of the ruler with pride.

Although Leif wanted Alexander to have taken a more diplomatic approach , he understood that Alexander was fundamentally not wrong . If he answered to high priests summons and went to the temple to make peace , then it would send a message that he feared the temple and that the authority of the high priest was above the authority of the king. By summoning the high priest to the court however , he made sure that he would have a upper hand in the negotiations , as it would be clear , that he was the dominant party in this exchange.

Sighing , Leif started to draft many more letters , to all known allies , to stay on alert and ready for war.

Just as Leif expected , the high priest and the elders of the temple did not take kindly to Alexander’s reply , they were furious at his insolence and disregard for the great god Agni. A furious debate ensued within the temple , as voices of war became stronger , essentially there were three factions currently , one that wanted the war , this faction was headed by the high priest himself , who felt his authority challenged by king Alexander. The second faction was the one who wanted to at least have a peaceful talk with Alexander once before deciding to go to war , it was headed by first elder of the temple , then there was a small third faction who absolutely did not want a civil war to breakout. They were also in strong support of having peaceful talks with the king first.

Hence after heavy deliberation and a close voting of 22-23 against war , it was decided that a delegation of the first elder and two other elders from each faction would go visit the king at the royal court. High priest would not go himself hence safeguarding the pride of the temple , while not putting the temple at a pedestal lower than the king.

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