Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5 The Temple Reacts

The palace fell into a disarray the following day , what was supposed to be a joyous occasion of the birth of the second prince , had turned into a event where palace security was doubled, as the palace transformed into a base ready to go to war.

The kingdom went into an uproar following the events of the birth of second prince Ronan. The news about him being an never before seen eight and a half star talent with lightning affinity started to circulate in the common masses.

The effects were both good and bad , most of the common masses were extremely happy about the news and rejoiced at the birth of a capable noble who will bring their kingdom to glory. However the news of Augustus renouncing the Phoenix clan brought fear amongst the masses. Tensions were high in the kingdom of Avalon , as everyone understood that a conflict could break out at any point of time between the temple and the king..

While the Phoenix clan was supposedly the biggest and strongest clan in Avalon , there were many other clans in the kingdom of fire. There was the ‘ Chandra ‘ clan , a clan of water and ice element users , The clan where Sierra came from. They were staunch allies of the king Alexander . Then there was the ‘ Dharti ‘ Clan , where earth element users were the common norm , this is where grandma Luna came from , naturally the support for her son Alexander , from this clan was strong.

Aside from these there was the non human race , that resided in Avalon. The Half Elf race ‘ Sindarins ‘ . Sindarins were a race that could not wield mana , but had naturally agile bodies and a long lifespan and were incredibly smart . However they were a doomed race as no matter how talented they were , without the ability to wield mana , they were slowly driven to extinction. They lived like nomads and desperately tried to avoid conflict , that was the norm until they met Alexander.

When Alexander met the almost extinct race , he was impressed by their wits and skills and was quick to evaluate their true worth. Sadly ,the only left ‘ Sindarins ‘ in the world were the 1700 or so living in Avalon now. Although they needed to be protected as a community as a whole , however , They contributed to the society in a different way by being Pioneers in technology and administration , they were the pillar of Alexander’s empire.

The prime minister of Avalon , the Treasurer and the minister of merchants were all Sindarins. They had seeked refuge in Avalon , and Alexander had sworn to protect them.

Except these clans there were many other small and big clans in the kingdom of fire , however compared to the big clans they were not worth mentioning.

Augustus’s decision to denounce the Phoenix clan was fundamentally not a wrong one, however it gave a massive headache to prime minister Leif , up till now the Phoenix clan had been divided in its support between the family of the king and the temple . But now that Augustus denounced the name Phoenix and cut all affiliation from the clan , naturally the outrage was severe, many who initially supported the royal family were now leaning towards the temple.

If a war was to break out now , it was no exaggeration to say that almost all Phoenix clan members would be against Alexander. Although with the support of Chandra and Dharti clan , it was not a situation where Alexander was without enough military might , but the casualties would be heavy on both sides.

Priest Roygar was wrong and he did go overboard with his actions against the royal family and deserved to be punished. Had the situation developed a bit differently Leif could have hung him for treason after trying him in court. However because Grandpa Augustus flared in anger at the heat of the moment , denouncing the temple and the clan and killing the priest , the whole scenario changed.

The members of the Phoenix clan had their pride hurt , when the revered ex – clan chief and the current king of Avalon denounced their ties to the clan. Prided as treasures of Phoenix clan , the clan members took this as a sign of treason and rebellion.

The elders who served Augustus once upon a time started saying things like the royal family had gotten too arrogant and forgotten their roots and where they belong. That Augustus , having received two great grandchildren had started to think of his bloodline as one superior to the Phoenix clan’s and hence decided to find his own family name.

For now Leif decided that the best approach was to wait and see the temple’s approach on the situation , the temple had been oddly silent regarding the issue for the past 24 hours , but Leif predicted that it was only a matter of time before the temple took action.

His speculation was spot on , as the head priest of the temple sent a summon asking to meet the king.

Leif read the letter , and raised an eyebrow , he was silent for a while after reading it. Knowing that the decision was too big for him to decide for Alexander , he decided to consult him about It.

The moment Alexander saw Leif , he nervously asked , ” Soo are we going to war ? “.

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