Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 102 Shakuni is here

The moment that Shakuni got the news that Ronan was back at the Avalonian palace he left his mountain and his sect and started a long and arduous journey towards Avalon.

He was the man who was the closest to sage-hood amongst all humanity , but he did not want to ascend before leaving a capable successor who could fill his shoes first.

For one hundred years he scoured the continent for a capable student for him to take in , however every single one of them dissapointed him to no ends.

His training regime that he wanted to teach was a brutal one , not many could sustain it. Hence even though he did reluctantly take students after five decades of dissapointment , none of the 10 that he took in could last in his training for more than 3 months time.

Finding it extremely painful and dangerous , most of them ran away , while one became mentally unstable as a result.

It was then that shakuni realised that he was a completely different breed of human than the kids growing up these days , as the so called royals and talents of the new Everlon could not even take 3 months of hardship much less the 7 year training course that he had in mind.

The humans today did not realise the threats of the Everlon continent and the world outside of it ,as it was not an easy job to be a protector of the world order

The only reason the other races dared not make a move on humans was because every race feared the might of Shakuni.

With him ascending to sagehood he would need to leave the mortal realms as soon as possible which would create a power vaccum in the world , and he did not trust Medivh and Darren enough to leave the fate of humanity in their hands..

Only shakuni knew the severity of the battles he had fought single-handedly to keep humans safe from countless threats , yet he never publisized his deeds and never sought fame.

The only reason why his name still resounded worldwide was because his actions spoke for themselves. He was the one who both the demon king and the angel king refered to as an equal and he was also the defacto leader of the world order.

The reason why he was interested in Ronan was because of a prophecy he had uncovered long ago about a golden thunder user who would unite Everlon and rule as it’s one true king.

The demons , the angels , the elves . Every kingdom would be a subsidiary of his empire while he would reign supreme.

Ronan was the only golden thunder infant to have survived till age 13 in the last 1000 years , and this meant that either fate or talent was helping that kid to stay alive , as in a dog eat dog world like Everlon where his very existence is foul to the world , the kid managed to carve a place for himself .

This achievement gave shakuni hope that maybe , just maybe that kid might be the child of the prophecy , and if he had a suitable temper , shakuni wanted to be the one to guide him in his rise to the top and become the teacher of the one true emperor.

Although there were a lot of iff’s and but’s in his mind , the possibility was enough for him to personally move .

Heading towards Avalon , he only prayed that Ronan may atleast have a temper that was suitable for him to take as a student , even if he was not the child of prophecy.

Arriving at the palace gate , Shakuni was stopped by the soldiers as general Sam had strictly ordered them to not let any unknown person pass into the palace .

The guards said ” Sorry sir , the palace is currently out of bounds for everyone , it’s under a strict lockdown , I’m afraid you need to visit later “.

Shakuni did not even blink as if he wished to enter the palace then the entire army of Avalon could not stop him much less two guards , however wanting to be civil he resorted to flashing his purple jade to the guards who were too stunned to even mouth a single word as their weapons fell from their hands.

The jade was the proof that he was the protector of the world order … which meant that he was the most important man in all of humanity.

Scrambling to inform their superiors the two guards left their posts unguarded as shakuni casually strolled into the royal palace of Avalon.


( meanwhile Ronan )

Ronan had not even fully tested out his new powers yet , when a soldier rushed in to inform that a protector from the world order was waiting for king Alexander at the royal court.

This news shook the Draco family up , as nobody had a favourable impression of the world order in the room.

Percy’s and Augustus’s eyes instantly turned crimson as Ronan’s expression of joy was instantly replaced by an ice cold one.

If there was one thing that Ronan absolutely hated in the world it was the world order . They were his sworn enemies and when he was strong enough he was going to bring that organization to its knees he had no question about that in his mind.

However as he looked around the room , he could not help but panick a little as the world order coming to the palace meant that Ronan’s presence had put all of his family members in danger.

The penalty for raising a forbidden elemental user by the world order was the extermination of the entire clan . This was the only reason why Ronan did not wish to come back home , as he was a walking tank of disaster and nothing good followed him wherever he went.

For a second , Ronan thought about bolting and running away , however seeing the expressions of grandfather Augustus and his mother Sierra moments ago , he knew that putting them in any more pain would just be plain cruel by him.

Steeling his resolve , Ronan decided to meet the world order protector head on as he did not want to run as a coward anymore.

Worst came to worst he would die fighting like a man , but he was absolutely not going to run away like a kid anymore and let his family die , like he let Karna sensei die.

Balling his fists , he started to walk towards the door , but before he could even take three steps , three sets of hands stopped him in his tracks as percy , Alexander and Augustus blocked his path.

” Stay .. “. Alexander only said one word as he unflurred his aura in full and strode towards the court room.

Alexander was the man of the house , and he was not afraid of facing any protectors . Not in his own house.

He knew that the outcome of a fight would most likely mean certain death for him , but that did not mean that he would cower in fear.

Striding confidently , the three Draco males entered the royal court followed by prime minister Leif , as shakuni looked at the family and chuckled but did not unflur his own aura in response.

Shakuni let the waves of Alexanders aura wash over him as there was not even a slightest change in expression of his face , making Alexander realise how futile it was to even think about harming this man.

As he took the throne , Alexander said ” Welcome to my humble kingdom …. protector shakuni “.

Shakuni gracefully nodded as he said ” Happy to come , king Alexander “.

Shakuni was not annoyed that Alexander did not bow before him , however if it was Darren or Medivh to whom Alexander showed such attitude , a fight would have already broken out.

The protectors were all very egoistic individuals who did not bow before anyone. However shakuni did not care about such things as he expected from others what he expected from himself.

Since he Alexander only greeted him by his title , he did the same.

There was a moment of awkward silence in the room after greetings were exchanged before Percy broke the ice and asked the million dollar question.

” Why are you here … sir ? “.

It was hard for Percy to hide the disgust in his voice however he tried his best regardless . However even still anyone who would hear his voice could discern the animosity hidden beneath it easily.

Shakuni smiled at the young prince as he said ” So much anger … such a pure fire. Truly a phoenix clan descendant and an excellent one at that to have mastered the first form …. too bad the talent is still not enough “.

Percy frowned hearing this , as he felt like a kid who was read like an open book by an elder. It seemed to him like shakuni knew more about his bloodline and his form than he knew about himself.

This made Percy both amazed and annoyed at shakuni as he hated nothing more than a show-off.

Shakuni continued ” As for why I’m here…. it’s for your brother , Ronan Draco the golden thunder user “.


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