Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 101 Controlled powers

” How long was i out for? ” Ronan asked in a muffled voice as he marvelled at how good his body felt at the moment.

” 6 days … “. the head doctor replied , as Ronan was left stunned to hear that answer.

‘ No way …. 6 days? ‘ , he thought as he smiled nervously towards Sierra who was guarding his baby like a fierce lioness.

Apparently the entire palace was in uproar and Sierra and General Sam had not slept for 6 days as they guarded the medical dorm with their life.

Sam felt guilty that Ronan was kidnapped under his watch the last time and hence he was extra serious and attentive in his job this time.

The soldiers were also incredibly attentive as not even birds were allowed to fly nowhere near the Avalonian palace , as they were shot out of the skies when they came in the vicinity.

Guards patrolled the palace halls like hounds and general Sam personally kept a lookout on the rooftop as entry within the palace was restricted for everyone.

Alexander was apparently not allowed near the medical dorm by Sierra as she had made him sleep on the floor the past few days where Ronan was not conscious.

Alexander got a lot of heat from Sierra and Luna , as even Augustus showed his fiery temper to his son after many long years..

They demanded what even was Alexander thinking bringing Ronan to the armoury around such a dangerous ring , as Sierra had given an ultimatum to Alexander that if her son did not wake up within 7 days she would take him and leave the Avalonian palace to go back to her home clan.

The strong warrior king was powerless against the emotions of his wife as he had to suffer in silence as he regretted bringing Ronan to the Armoury so soon after coming back home.

Alexander prayed to the gods that Ronan may wake up before the 7 days time period as if Sierra stormed out of the castle he would be put in a tough spot.

Thankfully Ronan’s body seemed to show signs of self healing as after day 3 of being unconscious , his scars on his upper torso had visibly faded away.

When the doctors concluded that Ronan was being miraculously healed by some unknown force , Sierra became more patient in her waiting as she understood that her son’s life was not in danger.

Percy was also mad at his father as although unlike Sierra he could not express his discontent , he did not leave Ronan at all times and shot his father dirty glances whenever he came to visit.

Percy’s love for his younger brother was boundless and for Ronan he would even fight with Alexander if need be , hence when his father would visit the infirmary he would stand guard between his mother , Ronan and Alexander.

Although Alexander’s eyebrows twitched when he saw the brats behaviour , with Sierra and Luna not even sparing a glance at him he knew that teaching him a lesson would not be for the best as he had to put up with the annoying behaviour.

Alexander felt like a victim in all this as the family seemed to have forgotten that he was a father who cared for his child’s wellbeing too , as nobody would talk to him straight faced as if he was a villain.

The news of Ronan waking up , brought a red eyes general Sam , prime minister Leif , Grandmother Luna and Grandfather Augustus rushing into the room as Alexander made his way a few seconds later.

Augustus just hugged Ronan tightly as he cried on his chest saying ‘ My boy ….. my boy ‘ and Luna hugged Sierra as the two of them wept in silence.

When Ronan threw a side-glance at Percy he was silently wiping his tears too , while Alexander looked at him with soulless eyes that had no energy inside them.

Ronan did not know wether to laugh or cry at this situation as he decided to greet the only two normal looking people in the room first

” Prime minister … general “. Ronan nodded and smiled at them as Leif smiled back , however Sam was just paranoid at this point as he said ” My prince , are you feeling okay? were you attacked? is your attacker in this room? “.

Sam drew his sword as he eyed all the doctors in the room with suspicion as his red eyes made him look like a mentally unstable man high on marijuana.

Alexander tried to reign in his general as he said ” There was no attacker Sam … I was personally escorting my son . How many times have i told you this? “.

Alexander sighed as he tried to knock some sense into Sam , however Sam would simply not heed his words as he said ” I’m sorry my king… but i donot trust your skills as an escort. You are too cold for that role “.

Alexander’s eyebrows twitched again at this answer as his anger flared , however to his absolute annoyance he saw Percy and Augustus nodding to Sam’s words as if they were true.

Alexander felt violated , as he was about to give Sam a good smack on his head to vent when he felt two murderous pairs of eyes staring at him that made his very soul shudder.

It was Luna and Sierra who were looking at him as if they were just waiting for him to make a slightest mistake to make his life hell.

His anger vanishing in an instant , the king of Avalon became as docile as a hamster.

Ronan had to repeatedly assure general Sam that he was not under any sort of danger before the guy finally agreed to let the matter rest , even so he shot every doctor in the room a suspicious glance before retiring and going out.

When the doctors finally medically cleared Ronan to be free of all sorts of threats Ronan finally managed to get up from his bed as he distanced himself from his family and mobilised his elemental affinity as a test .

Shockingly after years of only seeing crackles of golden thunder , Ronan managed to mobilize a normal violet thunder from his palms as he felt no trace of the destructive energy of golden thunder throughout his body.

” IM CURED ! “. Ronan screamed in joy , as he could not beleive his eyes as to what was going on.

To test , he slightly attacked a nearby vase with lightning , and while the vase did crack under the attack the plant inside did not disintegrate and die like it would have had it been golden thunder.

” I AM CURED! “. Ronan exclaimed again as he gave the biggest smile to his family that he had given in years as he jumped and hugged Alexander tightly.

Ronan knew that Alexander must have gone through hell to obtain this ring that had cured him and hence in a rare display of emotion the boy chose to hug his father.

As Alexander stroked Ronan’s head , he silently made eye-contact with everyone else in the room as a big sly smile was plastered all over his face.

His expression made it clear that he was trying to say ‘ That’s right…. in the end Ronan is his father’s boy ‘.

As this made all four of the other Draco members sigh in exasperation as they let Alexander have his one moment of glory.

Alexander himself was shocked that the ring had actually worked and that Ronan was able to mobilize normal thunder.

It seemed as if shakuni was not lying to him afterall and that this ring was indeed some sort of a miracle object.

Percy on the other hand felt his veins pump with adrenaline as after seeing Ronan mobilize normal thunder he finally felt free’ed of a lifelong burden that his brother had became a forbidden elemental user because of him.

Happy , Percy felt like this could be the start of the family becoming whole once again , as with Ronan’s powers returning to normal the rest of the world would never find out about the secret of Ronan’s true elemental affinity.

Society still viewed forbidden elemental affinity users as absolute monsters that must be killed , and if news broke out that Ronan was one such forbidden elemental user he would never be accepted into the social world whatsoever.

This train of thought always made Percy sad , as it seemed like his brother was destined to live his life like an outcast , however with him now healed , there was a hope that everything would go back to normal.

Looking towards the sky , Percy devoted a heartfelt prayer to the god of destruction Shiva as he thanked the all-mighty for listening to his prayers and returning his brother to his family as a normal kid like he once was in his childhood.

Looking at the happiness inside the room , he solemnly swore that he would not let anyone break the family up again ever!

/// Guys within the next 3 days … I will try and see if i can manage a 2 chapter day for you all . The support you have shown to this book has been incredible , and it’s about time that i give a bonus ///


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